"عينه اليمنى" - Traduction Arabe en Anglais

    • his right eye
    • the right eye
    He was hit directly between the eyes causing severe bleeding, impaired vision in his right eye and blindness in his left eye. UN وأصيب الفتى مباشرة بين عينيه مما تسبب بنزيف شديد، وبضعف في البصر في عينه اليمنى وبفقدان البصر في عينه اليسرى.
    He was allegedly subjected to beatings in the police station, said to have injured his right eye and left shoulder. UN وادعي أنه تعرض للضرب في مخفر الشرطة، كما قيل إنه عانى من إصابات في عينه اليمنى وكتفه اليسرى.
    Oh, just say the word. I'll put one through his right eye. Open Subtitles أوه ، فقط أعطني الأمر وسأضع رصاصة في عينه اليمنى مباشرة
    There was hemorrhaging and foreign object splinters imbedded behind his right eye. Open Subtitles كان هناك نزيف و شذرات من أدوات موجودة خلف عينه اليمنى
    While he held that post, he lost the sight in his right eye and suffered a significant impairment in his left eye as a result of a detachment of the retina. UN وإبَّان شغله هذه الوظيفة، فقَدَ البصر في عينه اليمنى وعانى من عجزٍ بالغ في عينه اليسرى نتيجة انفصال الشبكية.
    The examination established that he had a number of head injuries and a bruise around his right eye. UN وأثبت الفحص وجود عدد من الإصابات في الرأس وكدمة حول عينه اليمنى.
    The examination established that he had a number of head injuries and a bruise around his right eye. UN وأثبت الفحص وجود عدد من الإصابات في الرأس وكدمة حول عينه اليمنى.
    It got my thumbnail inside his eye, his right eye... deep. Open Subtitles ؟ لقد وضعت اظفر ابهامي في عينه عينه اليمنى
    It says here you removed a small, conical object from beneath his right eye socket. Open Subtitles يقال هنا أنك أزلت شيئاً صغيراً مخروطي الشكل من أسفل تجويف عينه اليمنى
    The bullet entered the back of his head. It's resting over his right eye. Open Subtitles الرصاصة اخترقت مؤخرة رأسه وتستقر فوق عينه اليمنى
    "May his right arm wither and his right eye lose its sight." Open Subtitles "ربما شلت يده اليمنى و فقدت عينه اليمنى القدره على الأبصار
    "His arm was severed just below the shoulder, presumably by a chain saw, and his right eye was gouged out." Open Subtitles ذراعه قطع من تحت الكتف بمنشار كهربائى و عينه اليمنى إقتلعت للخارج
    Long enough to tell you how he got that little scar above his right eye. Open Subtitles منذ فترة طويلة تكفي لأعرف كيف حصل على تلك الندبة فوق عينه اليمنى
    The tear gas canister hit Mr. Tamimi below his right eye. UN فأصابته القذيفة تحت عينه اليمنى.
    In his report the examiner stated that Mr. Mesli was fully in possession of his mental faculties and that he had an injury to his right eye rendering him unfit to work for two days. UN وبين الطبيب في تقريره أن السيد مسلي كان يتمتع بكامل قواه العقلية وأنه كان يعاني من إصابة في عينه اليمنى تجعله غير لائق للعمل لمدة يومين.
    He was allegedly beaten repeatedly during his transport to a national guard station and at the station was allegedly sprayed with a caustic substance which produced serious burns on various parts of his body, including his right eye. UN وادُعي أنه ضرب مراراً خلال نقله إلى مخفر للحرس الوطني وادُعي أنه رُش في هذا المخفر بمادة كاوية أحدثت حروقاً خطيرة في أجزاء مختلفة من جسمة بما في ذلك عينه اليمنى.
    He reported that even though he had laid down his arms, he was singled out of a line of people and shot with the result that he suffered serious head injuries and the loss of his right eye. UN وأفاد أنه، بالرغم من أنه كان قد ألقى سلاحه، أختير من طابور يضم عدة أشخاص وأطلقت النار عليه، مما أسفر عن إصابته بجروح بالغة في رأسه وفقد عينه اليمنى.
    The officials then allegedly beat him all over the body with sticks, as a result of which he was said to have suffered a broken finger and serious bruising to his right eye, resulting in impaired vision. UN وقيل إن المسؤولين ضربوه بعدئذ بالعصي على كل أجزاء جسده، وكانت حصيلة ذلك معاناته من كسر أحد أصابعه وتورم كدمي خطير في عينه اليمنى نجم عنه ضعف في بصره.
    A forensic medical certificate revealed a large bruise to his right eye, multiple bruises on his back, and lesions on his chest, right elbow, right thigh and left knee. UN وكشفت شهادة طبية صادرة عن طبيب شرعي إصابته بكدمة كبيرة في عينه اليمنى وكدمات متعددة في ظهره وجراح بصدره، وبمرفقه اﻷيمن وفخذه اليمنى وركبته اليسرى.
    There are cuts and bruises under his right eye socket. Open Subtitles يوجد جروح وخدوش تحت محجر عينه اليمنى
    He had high blood pressure, a heart condition, glaucoma in the right eye, diabetes and back pain. UN فلقد كان ضغطه الدموي عاليا وكان يعاني من أمراض القلب، ومن الزرق في عينه اليمنى ومن السكري وأوجاع الظهر.

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