Michael Flatley must be turning over in his grave. | Open Subtitles | من المؤكد ان مايكل فلاتلي يتقلب في قبره. |
Instead, he'll just have to roll over in his grave. | Open Subtitles | ولكن بدلاً من هذا، سيكتفي بالتقلب في قبره فحسب |
W. E. B. Du Bois must be turning in his grave for having thought the problem of the colour line would disappear with the twentieth century. | UN | ولا بد أن يكون و.إ. ب. دي بوا يتقلب في قبره لاعتقاده بأن مشكلة حاجز اللون سوف تتلاشى مع القرن العشرين. |
Maybe I'll tell her when we're both old and gray, and Monroe is cold in his grave. | Open Subtitles | ربما سأخبرها عندما كلانا نكبر ونشيب ومنرو بارد في قبره ، أتعلمين ؟ |
There was only one man in town who could make people afraid of him even from beyond the grave. | Open Subtitles | كان يوجد رجل واحد في البلدة الذي استطاع أن يجعل الناس تخاف منه حتى وهو في قبره |
The only one responsible for putting father in his grave | Open Subtitles | الشخص الوحيد المسؤول عن وضع والدي في قبره |
Who has proclaimed that he will see every man here in his grave? | Open Subtitles | من الذي أدعا بأنه سيرى كل واحد هنا في قبره ؟ |
He would roll over in his grave If he knew what I did with his money. | Open Subtitles | كان ليتلوى في قبره إذا عرف ماذا فعلت بماله |
I found these outside my tent that night..., ...and I found this in his grave, so... | Open Subtitles | لقد وجدت هذه خارج خيمة في تلك الليلة ولقد وجدت هذا في قبره |
Whatever secrets the private dick shared with his clients would, in a few short hours, be tucked away in his grave forever. | Open Subtitles | مهما كانت الأسرار التي حفظها الرئيس مع زبائنه لساعات قليلة أخذها معه في قبره للأبد |
How about a poet strangles his publisher, and everyone else takes him for dead so they put him in his grave alive! | Open Subtitles | ماذا عن شاعر يقوم بشنق ناشر القصائد ويظن الناس أنه ميت فيضعونه في قبره وهو على قيد الحياة |
Hope that sorry son of a bitch is rolling over in his grave right now. | Open Subtitles | اتمنى ان ابن الساقطة يتدحرج في قبره الان |
Cezanne would roll over in his grave, to see such a mockery of his work. | Open Subtitles | سيزان سوف يتعذب في قبره لرؤية مثل هذا استهزاء من عمله |
He's not even in his grave yet, and you're moving in on his girl. | Open Subtitles | حتى إنه لم يدفن في قبره بعد وأنت تتنقل هنا وهناك مع فتاته |
Your father would roll over in his grave if he heard you talking like that. | Open Subtitles | والدك سوف يتدحرج في قبره إذا لم يسمع لك. |
And then Mr Collins will turn us out before he's cold in his grave. | Open Subtitles | وبعد ذلك سوف تتحول السيد كولينز لنا من قبل انه بارد في قبره. |
And when they got there he was in his grave up on the Chama. | Open Subtitles | وحينما وصلوا كان قد وضع في قبره في تشاما |
And poor Edwin barely cold in his grave. | Open Subtitles | نعم يا إيفا والمسكين ادوين يظل هزيلاً بارداً في قبره |
I sweat to pay off my father's debts, and he's in his grave. | Open Subtitles | أنا أعمل لتسديد ديون ابي بينما يرقد هو في قبره |
My father is turning in his grave, I assure you. | Open Subtitles | والدي يتضايق في قبره أؤكد لك ذلك |
The person that you cared about with all your heart not cold in the grave before you left sleepy hollow. | Open Subtitles | الشخص الذى كنت تهتم به من كل قلبك -ولم يكن قد برد في قبره بعد عندما غادرت |