said you might get to dress, though, for the last game. | Open Subtitles | لقد قال انك من الممكن ان تلعب في اخر مباراة |
Well, I tried calling, but your phone must be broken, so I went by your house and Jake said you went out. | Open Subtitles | حسناً, لقد حاولت الاتصال بك ولكن تيلفونك لابد انه لا يعمل لقد ذهبت الى منزلك وجيك قال انك ذهبت للخارج |
He said you got the green light for the Secret Service. | Open Subtitles | هو قال انك لديك الضوء الاخضر من اجل الخدمة السرية |
Okay, and your husband also said that you have a do not resuscitate in place? | Open Subtitles | حسناً زوجك إيضاً قال انك لاتريدين ان ينعشوك في إي مكان؟ |
But he says, you were away between 12:30 and 1:00. | Open Subtitles | لكنه قال انك ذهبت بين الساعة 12: 30و1: 00 |
Don said you had to borrow a pair of pants from the lost and found. | Open Subtitles | دون قال انك اضطررت لاقتراض زوج من البنطال من صندوق الامانات |
He said you were there for like an hour, and that you were really impressive. | Open Subtitles | هو قال انك بقيت معه على ما يقارب الساعة وقد كنت مثيراً للاعجاب حقاً |
Your manager said you called in sick last year on the 15th of August. | Open Subtitles | مديرك قال انك لم تحضر بسبب المرض العام الماضي في 15 اغسطس |
When they said you couldn't have your sperm back, they robbed you of your future. | Open Subtitles | عندما قال انك لا يمكنك إستعادة منيك قد سرقوا منك مستقبلك صحيح؟ |
He said you called him from Heathrow ten days ago when I know for a fact that you were in rehab still in New York. | Open Subtitles | أين كنت في الشهور الستة الماضية قال انك اتصلت به من من هيثرو قبل عشر أيام وأنا أعلم بأنك |
I wasn't the one who said you didn't have talent, Blair. | Open Subtitles | لم يكن انا من قال انك لست موهوبة , بلير |
He said you wouldn't be able to enter this hallowed place. | Open Subtitles | لقد قال انك لن تستطيع دخول هذا المكان المُقدس |
Well, he said you didn't fit in in the Six-Four. | Open Subtitles | حسنا قال انك غير مُناسِب في المجموعه الـ64ـ |
He said you just stood there... Silent, watching them go inside. | Open Subtitles | قال انك وقفت هناك صامتأ و تشاهدهم يدخلون |
'Cause McGee said you were doing something for Gibbs. | Open Subtitles | لأن مكجي قال انك كنت تفعل شيئاً لغيبز |
He said you'd know him from breakfast and the other night. | Open Subtitles | قال انك ستعرفه من الافطار والليلة السابقة |
Well, he said you had made some promises to him, that you two would be together soon. | Open Subtitles | قال انك قدمت له وعودا انكما ستكونان معا قريبا |
He said that you sent him to that bar, which means you knew Claire and Jesse were there. | Open Subtitles | قال انك أرسلته الى البار يعني انك كنت تعرف ان جيسي وكلير هناك |
Now your brother said that you had medical training, correct? | Open Subtitles | و ستكونين بخير ، الآن أخيك قال انك حظيت بتدريب طبي ، صحيح ؟ |
Mr. Dominguez said that you'll be back at Barker sooner than you thought. | Open Subtitles | السيد دومينغيز قال انك سوف تعود للمدرسة بشكل ابكر من مما توقعت |
Cesar, we have a witness who says you killed these people. | Open Subtitles | سيزار ", لدينا شاهد " قال انك قتلت هؤلاء الاشخاص |
Kester says you're thinking about stopping his sessions. | Open Subtitles | كيستر قال انك ستتوقفين عند اخد جلسات عنده |