The first king I will speak of is Nebuchadnezzar, | Open Subtitles | الملك الأول الذي سأتحدث عنه هو "نبوخذ نصر"ا |
King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold 90 feet high. | Open Subtitles | الملك نبوخذ نصر بنى تمثال له من الذهب بارتفاع 90 قدم |
And for a time all was well until Nebuchadnezzar's sleep was troubled yet by another dream. | Open Subtitles | ومنذ ذاك الوقت كانت الأمور على ما يرام حتى استيقظ نبوخذ نصر من نومه فزعاً من حلم آخر |
It seems like Nebuchadnezzar's life was rife with dreams and prophesies much like my own has been. | Open Subtitles | يبدو أن حياة نبوخذ نصر كانت صعبة بالنسبة للأحلام والنبوءات مثلي تماماً |
Listen then, as I tell of the prophetic vision that led to Nebuchadnezzar's madness. | Open Subtitles | إذاً سأخبرك بالنبوءة التي أصابت نبوخذ نصر بالجنون |
Nebuchadnezzar, for your arrogance and your failure to give glory to the Most High, your authority is stripped from you. | Open Subtitles | نبوخذ نصر, لأجل غرورك ولفشلك في تمجيد الجبار سوف يتم تجريدك من سلطتك |
Let it be recorded that I, Nebuchadnezzar, do praise, exalt, and glorify the King of heaven because everything he does is right, and all his ways are just, and those who walk in pride he is able to humble. | Open Subtitles | فليدون ذلك أنا نبوخذ نصر يعبد ويصلي لله العظيم لأن كل ما يفعله صائب |
And so Nebuchadnezzar returned to his throne, but eventually he was gathered to his fathers, and a series of new kings came to the throne, none fasting more than a short time. | Open Subtitles | وهكذا عاد نبوخذ نصر إلى عرشه ولكنه في النهاية اجتمع مع آبائه وأتت سلسلة ملوك جديدة إلى العرش |
Long ago I told your forefather, Nebuchadnezzar, that I would speak to him only the truth and that if he rather not hear it, he should ask me nothing. | Open Subtitles | منذ زمن مضى أخبرت جدك نبوخذ نصر أني لن أخبره سوى الحقيقة وإذا لم يريد سماعها |
Oh king, the Most High God gave your father, Nebuchadnezzar, greatness and glory, but when his heart became arrogant he was deposed from his throne and stripped of his glory until he acknowledged that the Most High is sovereign | Open Subtitles | مولاي الملك ربنا العظيم أعطى أباك نبوخذ نصر العظمة والمجد |
It is true I served Babylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar whom I served truly and well, but her latter kings I did not serve until tonight. | Open Subtitles | في الحقيقة أنا خدمت بابل أيام نبوخذ نصر والذي خدمته بصدق وأمانة ولكني لم أخدم الملوك الذين جاءوا من بعده حتى هذه الليلة |
Cites the example of the three youths from the book of Daniel who were tossed into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar because they refused to worship him. | Open Subtitles | يضرب مثلا عن الشبان الثلاثة من سفر دانيال الذين قُذفوا في الفرن الملتهب على يد الملك نبوخذ نصر لأنهم رفضوا أن يعبدوه |
Kinsey is a deranged Nebuchadnezzar, leading women out into the fields to mingle with cattle. | Open Subtitles | كينزي هو نبوخذ نصر ، مختل يقود النساء إلى الحقول لتختلط مع الماشية |
I am Daniel of the tribe of Benjamin, made captive nearly 70 years ago by Nebuchadnezzar. | Open Subtitles | أنا "دانيال" من قبيلة "بنجامين"ا أسرت لسبعين عامأً مضت على يد "نبوخذ نصر"ا |
Nebuchadnezzar ordered Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to select some of the Israelites from the royal family and nobility, young men without any physical defect and showing aptitude for every kind of learning, one of whom was myself. | Open Subtitles | أمر "نبوخذ نصر" "أشبنزا"ا المسئول الأول لديه ليختار بعض الإسرائليين من العائلة الملكية والنبلاء |
Despite this, our hearts belonged only to God, and at the end of that time my companions and I were presented before Nebuchadnezzar himself. | Open Subtitles | رغم كل هذا، قلوبنا كانت ملك إلهنا فقط وبانقضاء ذلك الوقت أنا وزملائي تم تحضيرنا مسبقأ للقاء الملك "نبوخذ نصر" بنفسه |
were presented before Nebuchadnezzar himself. | Open Subtitles | تم تحضيرنا مسبقأ للقاء الملك "نبوخذ نصر" بنفسه |
You are Nebuchadnezzar, son and heir of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon. | Open Subtitles | أنت "نبوخذ نصر"ا ابن ووريث "نابوبلاسر" ملك بابل |
A Judean once told Nebuchadnezzar, your forefather, of his dreams. | Open Subtitles | رجل من "جودا" أخبر نبوخذ نصر أحد أسلافك عن أحلامه |
The Key of Nebuchadnezzar. | Open Subtitles | مفتاح نبوخذ نصر. |