They were sharing a Kimbap lunch before the game. | Open Subtitles | هم كانوا يشتركون في غداء كيمباب قبل اللعبة. |
He played for the Red Sox. They were great. | Open Subtitles | هم كانوا عظماء أَعني هم كانوا اليانكيين الحقيقيين |
I don't know who They were. They wouldn't tell me. | Open Subtitles | .أنا لا أعرف من هم كانوا .إنهم لم يخبروني |
They were galloping. Black, white, good and bad horses! | Open Subtitles | هم كانوا يجرون الخيول السيئة والجيّدة والبيضاء والسوداء |
I WAS WITH THE PARAMEDICS WHEN They were LOOKING AT HIM. | Open Subtitles | أنا كنت مع موظّفي الإسعاف متى هم كانوا نظر إليه. |
You wonder what They were really out here looking for. | Open Subtitles | تتسائل ما هم كانوا حقا خارج يبحث عن هنا. |
They were calling about some prints I lifted yesterday. | Open Subtitles | هم كانوا يدعون حول بعض الطبعات رفعت أمس. |
Why They were in the arctic in the first place. | Open Subtitles | لماذا هم كانوا فى القطب الشمالى فى المقام الاول |
So maybe They were trying to repopulate the earth | Open Subtitles | لذا ربما هم كانوا يحاولون اعادة اسكانهم الارض |
That's... that's why They were here interviewing everybody, to see if anybody knows, because they can't know, no one can. | Open Subtitles | لذلك هم كانوا هنا يسألوا الجميع ليروا اذا كان أحد يعرف لأنهم اذا لم يعرفوا , فلا أحد يعرف |
They... They were seeing each other almost every week. | Open Subtitles | هم ... هم كانوا يتقابلون كل أسبوع تقريباً |
I found, uh, particulates of lead paint, so maybe They were gnawing on some cabinets, looking for food. | Open Subtitles | لذا ربما هم كانوا يقضمون بعض الخزانات و يبحثون عن الطعام |
Yeah, but They were right that it wasn't fair of us to be on the same team together. | Open Subtitles | اجل لكن هم كانوا على حق ذلك لن يكون عدلاً لنكون بنفس الفريق معا |
I went to Germany to see him, and They were giving him meds for the pain and meds to help him sleep. | Open Subtitles | انا ذهبت لألمانيا لرؤيتة و هم كانوا يعطونة ادوية من الالم و ادوية لتساعدة على النوم |
Not only did they know each other, They were probably having sex. | Open Subtitles | ليس فقط انهم كانوا يعرفون بعضهم, هم كانوا على الارجح يمارسون الجنس |
They were going to that Japanese restaurant you like to celebrate their 10th anniversary. | Open Subtitles | نعم هم كانوا ذاهبين إلى ذلك المطعم الياباني الذي تحبينه للإحتفال بذكراهم العاشرة |
Yeah, well, we've been together for quite some time, and They were at an age where they could still use a mother. | Open Subtitles | نعم , حسنا لقد كنا مع بعضنا البعض لفتره ليست بالقصيره, و هم كانوا بعمر بحاجه فيه لام. |
As innocent victims, They were the deviation. | Open Subtitles | انهم ضحايا بريئين و هم كانوا الإنحراف عن الخطة |
While I was here, They were on my farm. | Open Subtitles | بينما كنت هنا , هم كانوا فى المزرعة |
♪ will have clearly shown, They've been reading him from the start. ♪ | Open Subtitles | ؟ كان سيرى بشكل واضح، هم كانوا يقرئوه منذ البداية. ؟ |
They used to be embalmed with perfume and aromatic plants. | Open Subtitles | هم كانوا يحنطون بالعطر والنباتات العطرية. |
I mean, They would think like, "What's the point?" | Open Subtitles | اقصد هم كانوا يعتقدون هكذا ما الفائدة" ؟" |
they'd been planning that for weeks. | Open Subtitles | لقد كان من غير المحتمل. هم كانوا يخططون لهذا لأسابيع |