And that's why I don't judge people by where they come from, | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا أنا لا أَحْكمُ على الناسَ من منطلق من اين يأتون، |
Maybe, you know, you were thinking about that man, And that's why he went up. | Open Subtitles | لَرُبَّمَا، تَعْرفُ، أنت كُنْتَ تَفكير بذلك الرجلِ، ولِهذا إرتفعَ. |
You know, they go through these rocks And that's why they're so small. | Open Subtitles | تعرف، يمرّون من خلال هذه الصخور ولِهذا هم صغار جداً. |
And that's why we had to cable jay. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا نحن كان لا بُدَّ أنْ نُبرقَ زاغَ. |
And that is why tonight I am going to celebrate it, and I'm going to be willing to defend it. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا اللّيلة أنا ذاهبه للأحتفال به وسَأكُونُ راغبة للدِفَاع عنه |
And that's why it's imperative that we aggressively debrief him on the shooting and everything else. | Open Subtitles | ..ولِهذا السبب إستجوب على إطلاق النار والأمور الأخرى |
See, your first act was-was shit, And that's why you're so desperate for things to be different. | Open Subtitles | يَرى،مهمتكَالأولىكَانتْ التغوّط، ولِهذا أنت لذا مستميتللأشياءِ لِكي يَكُونَ مختلفَ. |
And that's why I was running against you, to hurt you in another way. | Open Subtitles | أَعْني أدبياً. ولِهذا أنا كُنْتُ أَسِيرُ ضدّك لإيذائك بطريقة بأخريِ |
And that's why I'll be at my job until I'm 115 years old. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا أنا سَأكُونُ في شغلِي حتى أَنا بعمر 115 سنةً. |
And that's why you don't pit Gob and me against each other. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا أنت لا تُحرّضُ فَمَّ وأنا كُلّ ضدّ الآخر. |
And that's why you don't use a one-armed person to scare someone. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا أنت لا تَستعملُ a شخص وحيد الذراع لإخافة شخص ما. |
Right, but she forgot the tickets And that's why she went back upstairs. | Open Subtitles | الحقّ، لَكنَّها نَستْ التذاكرَ ولِهذا رَجعتْ طابق علوي. |
He turned this fraternity from a sausage fest into a pussy palace all by himself, And that's why we thought you'd be cool. | Open Subtitles | دارَ هذه الأخوةِ مِنْ مهرجان سجقِ إلى قصر هرةِ لِوحده، ولِهذا إعتقدنَا بأنّك سَتَكُونُ باردَ. |
We understand, Matt, And that's why we've called this meeting to talk through your feelings about everything that's happened. | Open Subtitles | نَفْهمُ، مات، ولِهذا دَعونَا هذا الإجتماع للكَلام خلال مشاعرِكَ حول كُلّ شيءِ الذي حَادِثُ. |
And that's why they won't put him to sleep at the dentist. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا هم لَنْ ضِعْه للنَوْم في طبيبِ الأسنان. |
And that's why I have to let her go. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا أنا يَجِبُ أَنْ أَتْركَها تَذْهبُ. |
But pirates would, And that's why we need to know everything about your ship. | Open Subtitles | لكن القراصنةَ، ولِهذا نحن إحتجْ لمعْرِفة كُلّ شيءِ حول سفينتِكَ. |
And that's why with all of your bullshit about carrying me... you've never been able to leave. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا مَع كُلّ كلامكَ الفارغِ حول حَمْلي... أنت ما سَبَقَ أَنْ كُنْتَ قادر على التَرْك. |
Mm-hmm, yes, and because it's a natural question, And that is why I have to ask you to dinner. | Open Subtitles | نعم، ولأنه سؤال طبيعي ولِهذا سأضطر ان ادعوك لتناول العشاء |
And that is why I'm going to offer you a bid to join the Omega Chis. | Open Subtitles | ولِهذا سَأَعْرضُك عَرضَ للإِنْضِمام إلى الأوميغا تشا |
And I can't sleep in the train, for fear of losing my luggage... And that is why, I pulled off the fast one | Open Subtitles | وأنا لا أَستطيعُ النَوْم في القطارِ خوفا من سرقة امتعتى ولِهذا قطعت تذكرتى على قطار السريع |