"he was said to" - Traduction Anglais en Arabe

    • وقيل إنه
    During his time in detention prior to execution, he was said to have undergone three operations for unknown reasons. UN وقيل إنه خلال الفترة التي قضاها محتجزاً قبل اعدامه أجريت له ثلاث عمليات جراحية ﻷسباب غير معروفة.
    he was said to have been tortured repeatedly during the first months of his detention in Abu Salim prison and was frequently denied food. UN وقيل إنه تعرض للتعذيب المتكرر أثناء الأشهر الأولى من احتجازه في سجن أبو سليم وكان يحرم من الطعام في كثير من الأحيان.
    he was said to have been subjected to further beatings with sticks and an iron when he refused to give another soldier his clothes. UN وقيل إنه تعرض لضربات أخرى بعصا وحديد عندما رفض إعطاء جندي آخر ملابسه.
    he was said to have been transferred to hospital with a fractured skull, a broken rib and facial lacerations; UN وقيل إنه نقل إلى المستشفى بسبب كسر في الجمجمة وفي ضلع من ضلوعه وجروح في الوجه؛
    he was said to be held incommunicado at the BSF camp at Karan Nagar in Srinagar without having been brought before a magistrate. UN وقيل إنه محتجز في الحبس الانفرادي في مخيم قوة أمن الحدود في كاران ناغار في سريناغار دون أن يجري إحضاره أمام القاضي.
    he was said to have sustained a number of fractures and head injuries and to have lapsed into a coma. UN وقيل إنه أصيب بعدد من الكسور وبجروح في الرأس وإنه دخل في غيبوبة عميقة.
    he was said to have admitted having hanged Sergey Bannikov in front of other soldiers, but claimed that it was not his intention to end his life or cause him physical harm. UN وقيل إنه أقر بأنه شنق سيرغيي بانيكوف أمام الجنود اﻵخرين، ولكنه ادعى أنه لم يكن ينوي إنهاء حياته أو إيذاءه بدنيا.
    he was said to have suffered broken ribs as a result of the beatings and was reportedly transferred to a location unknown to his family. UN وقيل إنه أصيب بكسور في أضلعه نتيجة الضرب، وأفيد بأنه نقل إلى مكان تجهله أسرته.
    While injured, he was said to have been strapped into a restraint chair for five hours. UN وقيل إنه قُيد في كرسي تقييد لمدة خمس ساعات وهو جريح.
    he was said to have sustained a serious eye injury as a result. UN وقيل إنه أُصيب اصابة خطيرة في عينه نتيجة لذلك.
    he was said to have been left in an isolation cell for one hour without medical attention despite his request for a catheter to empty his bladder. UN وقيل إنه وضع في زنزانة انفرادية لمدة ساعة بدون رعاية طبية على الرغم من أنه طلب اعطاءه قسطرة ليفرغ مثانته.
    he was said to have been tortured by security forces, as a result of which he confessed to the charge. UN وقيل إنه عُذِّب على يد قوات الأمن مما أدى إلى اعترافه بالتهمة.
    he was said to have been tortured while under interrogation at Baucau police station, as a result of which he suffered a broken arm. UN وقيل إنه تعرﱠض للتعذيب أثناء استجوابه في مخفر الشرطة في بوكاو، وأصيب بكسر في ذراعه نتيجة لذلك.
    he was said to have sustained scars on his neck and on the calves of his legs. UN وقيل إنه اصيب بندبات في رقبته وفي ربلتي رجليه.
    he was said to be running a high fever due to tuberculosis. UN وقيل إنه مصاب بحمى عالية نظرا لاصابته بالدرن.
    he was said to have received medical treatment at a hospital for contusions on his chest, right thigh and right forearm. UN وقيل إنه تلقى علاجا طبيا في مستشفى لسحجات في صدره وفخذه اﻷيمن ومقدمة ذراعه اﻷيمن. الهنــد
    Limping at the press conference, he was said to have alleged that the authorities had threatened to kill his family and expressed fears that they would do so. UN وقيل إنه ادﱡعي وهو يعرج في المؤتمر الصحفي أن السلطات هددت بقتل أسرته، وعبر عن مخاوفه من أن تفعل ذلك.
    he was said to suffer from a heart condition which necessitated regular medication. UN وقيل إنه يعاني من حالة قلبية تحتاج إلى علاج طبي منتظم.
    he was said to suffer from hearing problems and abdominal pain as a result of the beatings. UN وقيل إنه يعاني من مشاكل في السمع ومن آلام في البطن كنتيجة لضربه المتكرر.
    During that time he was said to have been tortured and made to sign a police statement under duress and without knowing its contents. UN وقيل إنه خلال ذلك الوقت كان يعذﱠب وأنه حُمل على توقيع بيان في الشرطة تحت الاكراه ودون معرفة لمحتوياته.

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