"his clothes" - Traduction Anglais en Arabe

    • ملابسه
    • ثيابه
    • ملابسة
    • بملابسه
    • ملابسَه
    • ملابسِه
    • وملابسه
    • وترتب على ذلك أن
    • لملابسه
    Get his clothes off, Tatsi, please get some water, Open Subtitles إخلعي ملابسه تاتسي, رجاءً أحضري بعض من الماء
    his clothes were dirty, there was water in his eyes... Open Subtitles كانت ملابسه قذرة كانت عيناه ممتلئتين بالدموع إنه منكسر
    Check his clothes and the pickup for explosive residue. Open Subtitles تحقّق من ملابسه وحاجياته بحثا عن بقايا متفجرات
    his clothes were removed and he had cold water thrown on him. UN ويدعي أنه كان يُجرّد من ثيابه لسكب الماء البارد على جسده.
    The man you and your friends killed- he had DNA from a white thated monkey on his clothes. Open Subtitles الرجل الذي قمتَ أنتَ و صديقيك بقتله كان يحمل الحمض النووي للقرد الأبيض الحنجرة على ملابسه
    I like his taste. I even borrow his clothes. Open Subtitles يعجبنى ذوقه ، حتى أننى أحياناً أقترض ملابسه
    "A man can not be judged by the color of his skin, by his clothes, his jewels, or his triumphs. Open Subtitles لا يمكن أن نحكم على الرجل من لون جلده أو من ملابسه أو من جواهره أو من اٍنتصاراته
    Only this. I went through his clothes while he was showering. Open Subtitles لا أعلم هذا فقط لقد فتشت ملابسه بينما كان يستحم
    Phoebe, you threw his clothes all over the house. Open Subtitles فيبي، لقد ألقيت ملابسه في كل أنحاء المنزل
    He didn't have anything apart from his clothes... nothing to identify him. Open Subtitles ..لم يكن لديه أي شيء غير ملابسه لا شيء للتعرف عليه
    Yeah. All of his clothes were found nearby, his skivvies included. Open Subtitles لقد وجدنا جميع ملابسه بالقرب بما في ذلك ملابسة الداخليه
    When the complainant reached the opposite bank, he threw off his clothes. UN وعندما بلغ الضفة المقابلة، خلع ملابسه ورماها.
    The Subcommittee noticed the coordinator's smart appearance, and the quality of his clothes, in contrast with that of other prisoners. UN ولاحظت اللجنة الفرعية المظهر الأنيق لهذا المنسق ونوعية ملابسه على نقيض ما هو عليه حال السجناء الآخرين.
    Later, in the corridor he was stripped of his clothes, beaten, stabbed and hit with a metal detector. UN وبعد ذلك جردوه من ملابسه في الممر وضربوه وطعنوه وضربوه بمكشاف معدني.
    The items the author had in his cell were destroyed and his clothes and sleeping mat were drenched with water. UN وحطمت اﻷدوات التي كانت في زنزانة الشاكي وبللت ملابسه وحصيرة نومه بالماء.
    He was said to have been subjected to further beatings with sticks and an iron when he refused to give another soldier his clothes. UN وقيل إنه تعرض لضربات أخرى بعصا وحديد عندما رفض إعطاء جندي آخر ملابسه.
    When he refused to leave the station, an officer allegedly insulted him, slapped him on the face and pulled his clothes. UN وعندما رفض مغادرة المركز، وجه إليه أحد الضباط الشتائم وصفعه على وجهه ومزق ملابسه.
    his clothes were removed and he had cold water thrown on him. UN ويدعي أنه كان يُجرّد من ثيابه لسكب الماء البارد على جسده.
    There was plenty of effluent in his clothes, but they're all post-decomposition. Open Subtitles كان هناك كمية من السوائل على ثيابه ولكنها لم تكن متحللة
    No, I have to take his clothes to the cleaners later. Open Subtitles كلا ، علي أن آخذ بملابسه إلى مغسلة الملابس اليوم
    I want his clothes to be given to him right now! Open Subtitles أُريدُ ملابسَه يَجب اعطاءه إليها فى الحال!
    I want to go through through his clothes and stuff, see if I can find anything from the army. Open Subtitles يجب ارى ملابسِه واغراضه، قد يساعد الجيشِ.
    You still have his voice on the answering machine, his clothes in the closet. Open Subtitles ما زال لديك صوته على الهاتف وملابسه في الدولاب
    his clothes were torn and he was left with abrasions on his lower body. UN وترتب على ذلك أن تمزقت ثيابه وأصيب بسحجات في الجزء الأسفل من جسده.
    By symbolically dressing Mr. Sullivan in his clothes, he's equalizing their status. Open Subtitles عن طريق إرتداء السيد سوليفان رمزيا لملابسه فهو يساوي بين مرتبتيهما

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