"his problems" - Traduction Anglais en Arabe

    • مشاكله
    • بمشاكله
    I must go home at once and discuss his problems in depth. Open Subtitles يجب أن أذهب إلى المنزل حالاً و أتناقش عن مشاكله بعمق
    The Act provides for the establishment of social relationships with the juvenile on probation and his family and for assistance in resolving his problems or those of his family. UN ونص القانون على إنشاء علاقات اجتماعية مع الحدث المراقب وأسرته ومعاونته في حل مشاكله أو مشاكل الأسرة.
    According to the complainant, his problems with the police arose from the fact that he transmitted messages sent between his brother and other people from a neighbour village. UN ويبين المدعي أن مشاكله مع الشرطة نجمت عن قيامه بتسليم رسائل كان يتبادلها شقيقه مع جماعة من الناس في قرية مجاورة.
    If he could find a girl with a good job, all his problems would be over. Open Subtitles إذا استطاع إيجاد فتاة لديها وظيفة جيدة ستنتهي كل مشاكله
    We started wondering, maybe these two murders weren't the only times he solved his problems this way, so we looked for other suspicious incidents in his past. Open Subtitles ليستا المرة الوحيدة التي حل فيها مشاكله بهذه الطريقة لذا بحثنا عن حوادث مُشابهة في ماضيه
    And all that kid did was blame other people for his problems, whining about his mom and his dad. Open Subtitles وكل ما فعله ذلك الطفل هو لوم الآخرين على مشاكله ينتحب بسبب أمه وابوه
    Where every surfer goes when he wants to escape his problems. Open Subtitles إلى مكان ذهاب جميع راكبي الأمواج عندما يريد الهرب من مشاكله
    Dad doesn't think Mitch applies himself and says he looks to blame other people for his problems. Open Subtitles ابي هل تعتقد ان ميتشل يورط نفسه ثم يبدو انه يلوم الآخرين على مشاكله
    If his problems or lack of clarity are causing him to stand in your way, then your truth and clarity will blow right through him. Open Subtitles اذا كانت مشاكله او قصوره بالشفافية تسبب له الوقوف في طريقك عندها صدقك ووضوحك سوف يؤدون مفعولهم
    You know, my brother still blames you for all his problems. Me? Open Subtitles أتعلم بأن أخي لا يزال يلومك على كل مشاكله
    And he's become distant. He doesn't share his problems with me like he used to. Open Subtitles وأصبح متبلد إتجاهي إنه لا يشارك مشاكله معي كما كان يفعل بالسابق
    Friggin'waiting for the cops to resolve his problems for him since he won't do it himself? Open Subtitles ينتظر الشرطة لتحل مشاكله له وهو لن يحلها بنفسه؟
    In fact, he is nothing but a hypocrite running away from his problems." Open Subtitles لا شيء مجرد منافق يحاول الهرب بعيداًعن مشاكله
    He thinks he can use us, and then discard us when we're done solving his problems for him. Open Subtitles وهو يعتقد انه يمكن استخدام لنا، ثم تجاهل لنا عندما نحن القيام به حل مشاكله بالنسبة له.
    My father laid down on a couch like this and told the psychiatrist all his problems in 1955. Open Subtitles ابي يتمدد على الأريكة هكذا وأخبر الطبيب النفسي كل مشاكله في عام 1955م
    Israel needs to sort out his problems with his father before he becomes one himself. Open Subtitles إسرائيل يحتاج أن يحل مشاكله مع أبيه أولا قبل أن يصبح أب بنفسه
    Okay, now commonly, that means that he wouldn't want to talk about his problems with any woman, even his wife. Open Subtitles حسناً، ذلك يعني عادة أنّه لا يُريد التحدّث حول مشاكله مع أيّ امرأة، حتى زوجته.
    But I think most of his problems stem from excessive masturbation. Open Subtitles ولكن أعتقد أن معظم مشاكله تنبع من ممارسه العاده السريه بشكل مُفرط
    I don't remember, but his problems are way more serious than that right now. Open Subtitles لا أتذكر ، لكن مشاكله جدية أكثر من المرة السابقة
    One who is running away instead of facing his problems. Open Subtitles واحد الذي يعمل بعيدا بدلا من مواجهة مشاكله.
    Don't tell him I said it. With his problems... Open Subtitles لا تخبره اني قلت هذا لانه بمشاكله

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