His first prime said his master barely escaped alive. | Open Subtitles | مساعده الأول قال أن سيده بالكاد هرب حياً |
He said his mother school is Talent International School | Open Subtitles | قال أن مدرسة أمّه هي مدرسة الموهوبين الدولية |
He said his business trip got moved up to today. | Open Subtitles | قال أن رحله العمل الخاصه به تم تقديمها لليوم |
After lunch. He said his dog was still lost. | Open Subtitles | بعد الغداء.لقد قال ان كلبته ما زالت ضائعة |
He said his brother died the other night and now he's here. | Open Subtitles | انه قال ان شقيقه مات فى هذه الليلة ولذلك هو هنا |
Lastly, he said his delegation believed that the draft resolution should not prejudice the outcome of the final status negotiations. | UN | وأخيرا، قال إن وفده يعتقد أن مشروع القرار يجب ألا يمثل حكما مسبقا على نتيجة مفاوضات الوضع النهائي. |
Yeah, she said his hands have a kind of tenderness, uh, some kind of magic. | Open Subtitles | نعم, لقد قالت أن يديه فيها شكل من أشكال التخدير، شكل من أشكال السحر. |
Tell him they said his embassy will deal with it. | Open Subtitles | اخبره انهم قالوا ان سفارته ستهتم به |
He said his two friends wanted to meet today. | Open Subtitles | قال أن صدقاه أرادا اللقاء اليوم. أو بالأحرى كان لزامًا عليهما اللقاء اليوم. |
Well, he said his dad's talking to him more, and he told him that he went out with the father of one of the secretaries in his office. | Open Subtitles | قال أن أباه كان يتحدث إليه بشكل أكبر, وأخبره أنه ذهب مع والد أحد الأمناء في مكتبه. |
- Well, Deshawn said his boys got 5 for jumping him. | Open Subtitles | حسناً , ديشون قال أن رجاله أخذو 500 من أجل ضربه |
Coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. | Open Subtitles | الطبيب الشرعي قال أن قلبه قد لُفظ من جسده |
He said his poor state hasn't heard the truth in 30 years. | Open Subtitles | قال أن ولايته المسكينة، لم تسمع الحقيقة منذ ثلاثون عاماً. |
He said his wife was at some stupid board meeting. | Open Subtitles | قال أن زوجته كانت بإجتماع غبي لمجلس الإدارة. |
He said his contact was down at the docks, right? | Open Subtitles | قال ان الاتصال إلى أسفل في الاحواض، أليس كذلك؟ |
- But detective Peralta, I thought mark said his character never wears gloves on the show. | Open Subtitles | لكن محقق برالتا اعتقد ان مارك قال ان شخصيته لاترتدي قفازات |
Otto showed me a Mexican stamp which he said his father had given him. | Open Subtitles | أظهر لي أوتو طابع المكسيكي الذي قال ان والده أعطاه. |
Concerning reciprocity in inheritance procedures, he said his country's practices had a basis in its history. | UN | وبخصوص المعاملة بالمثل في إجراءات الارث، قال إن لممارسات بلاده في هذا الشأن جذوراً تاريخية. |
The representative of China also supported the first option but said his delegation would also be able to consider the other two options. | UN | وأيد ممثل الصين الخيار اﻷول أيضاً ولكنه قال إن وفده سيكون بوسعه أيضاً النظر في الخيارين اﻵخرين. |
Lucille said his name is Welles, doesn't have a first name. | Open Subtitles | (لوسيل) قالت أن اسمه (ويليس) وأن ليس لديه اسم أول |
Agent Dunham said his name is Bishop, like yours. | Open Subtitles | - العميلة "دونام" قالت أن إسمة بيشوب" مثل إسمك" |
He worked as an E.M.T., but his coworkers said his name was Truelove. | Open Subtitles | عمل كتقني بقسم الطوارئ, لكن زملاؤه بالعمل, قالوا ان اسمه هو ترولاف (بالانجليزية=الحب الحقيقي) |
He said his doctors back home have thrown in the towel on this one. | Open Subtitles | قال إنّ الأطباء في دياره فقدوا الأمل |
He said his first word! You guys hear that? | Open Subtitles | لقد قال كلمته الاولى, هل سمعتموها؟ |
She said his book was about his time in naval intelligence. | Open Subtitles | قالت إن كتابه يتحدث عن وقته بالمخابرات البحرية |