That's what was on my mind, along with all usual things. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان يدور في رأسي مع بقية الأشياء المعتادة |
Come to think of it, if you saw that, That's what was going on. | Open Subtitles | تعال إلى التفكير في الأمر, إذا رأيت أن, هذا ما كان يحدث. |
Human fat. That's what was in these bags. Most likely vacuumed during liposuction. | Open Subtitles | دهن إنساني ، هذا ما كان في هذه الحقائب على الأرجح تم شفطه خلال عميلة شفط دهون |
BECAUSE That's what was ON TV WHEN I WAS CONCEIVED. | Open Subtitles | لأنه ذلك ما كان على التليفزيون عندما حملت بي |
- That's what was on the tape! | Open Subtitles | ذلك الذي كَانَ على الشريطِ |
That's what was wrong with my mother's face. | Open Subtitles | ذلك هو ما كان الخطأ في وجه والدتي |
That's what was waiting for you on the other side of that door-- a bullet. | Open Subtitles | وهذا هو ما كان انتظاركم على الجانب الآخر من هذا door- - رصاصة. |
That's what was in the briefcase. | Open Subtitles | ... إذاً , أهذا ما كان موجوداً بداخل الحقيبة |
That's what was inside the scar tissue in Abby's shoulder. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان موجود في نسيج الندبة على كتف آبي |
And I honestly thought That's what was happening to you now. | Open Subtitles | انا فكرت بصدق هذا ما كان يحدث لك الآن. |
That's what was so fun about the pool. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان ممتعاً حقاً بشأن المسبح |
That's what was taken from the cows. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان يتم أخذه من الأبقار |
That's what was in the missing file. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان موجود بالملف المفقود. |
It didn't seem like That's what was going on. | Open Subtitles | لم يبدو لي أن هذا ما كان يحدث |
But maybe That's what was keeping him alive. | Open Subtitles | ربما هذا ما كان يبقيه على قيد الحياة |
- Anyway, that's, uh... That's what was underneath my behavior that night at Dexter's. | Open Subtitles | هذا ما كان تحت سلوكي "في تلك الليلة في "دكستر |
You think That's what was on Ted's whiteboard? | Open Subtitles | هل تظن ان ذلك ما كان على لوحة تيد ؟ |
I was thinking Bruno Mars, because That's what was on the radio on our first date... | Open Subtitles | كنتُ أفكر بـ(برونو مارس) لأن ذلك ما كان على الراديو في أول موعد لنا .. |
That's what was in Turner's stomach. It was a list of the sleeper agents. | Open Subtitles | ذلك ما كان في معدة (تيرنر) ،فقد كانت قائمة بأسماء العملاء الخاملين |
That's what was missing. | Open Subtitles | ذلك الذي كَانَ مفقودَ. |
Yeah, That's what was hard to believe. | Open Subtitles | أجل، ذلك هو ما كان صعب التصديق |
That's what was under the victim's nails. | Open Subtitles | وهذا هو ما كان تحت المسامير الضحية. |
That's what was in the box? | Open Subtitles | أهذا ما كان في الصندوق؟ |
They had some understanding of the anatomy of the eye and that the lens was behind the pupil and That's what was causing the visual loss. | Open Subtitles | كان يفهمون تشريح العين وأن العدسة وراء البؤبؤ وهذا ما كان يسبّب فقد الرّؤية |