If I displeased the king, it was in a good cause. | Open Subtitles | إذَا كُنت قَد جَعلَت المَلِك يَيأسْ، فَسَيكُون ذَلِك لِسَبب وَجِيه |
Someone we can't control or who would seek to control the king. | Open Subtitles | شَيء مَا، لانَستطِيع السَيطَره عَليه أو الذِين يَسعَون لِلِسيطَره عَلى المَلِك |
May I ask your opinion of the king's new marriage? | Open Subtitles | هَل لي أن أسَال عَن رأيِك بِزواج المَلِك الجَديد؟ |
Madam, I am surprised to hear you question the king's policy, which your father and brother whole-heartedly support. | Open Subtitles | سَيِدتي، أنَا منَدهش مِن سمَاع أنَك تشَكِين في سِياسة المَلِك التِي يَأيدَها شَقيقُك ووالِدك تَأيد حَاراً |
No one leaves here but by the king's consent. | Open Subtitles | لا أحد يستطيع الخروج مِن هنا بدون إذن المَلِك |
Well, the first is from the king himself urging the curia to make a final and favourable decision on his annulment for the sake of peace in England. | Open Subtitles | الرِسَاله الأولى مِن المَلِك يَكتُب بِوديه لإصدَار قرَار نهَائي ومنَاسِب علَى إسمِه ولأجَل السَلام في إنجِلترا |
By default, they voted to make the king head of the Church but only as far as the law of Christ allows. | Open Subtitles | صوتِو بَاللإفَتراض علَى جعِل المَلِك رئِيس الكَنيَسه ولكِن مَايسمَح اِلمسَيح بهَ فحَسب |
We were discussing, before you arrived the progress of the convocation of bishops which was called to decide upon the king's supremacy. | Open Subtitles | كَنا نتنَاقش قَبل وصِولَك التَقدِم لتَجمع الأسَاقِفه الذِي يدعِو لإتخَاذ قرَار عَن سِيادَة المَلِك |
I thank God that his conscience has finally driven him to condemn the king's nullity suit. | Open Subtitles | أشكَر الله لأن ضمِيره أخَيراً دفعَه لِلإدانَه المَلِك لاءم فحَسب |
I can now tell you that the king has decreed that you will not be burned but suffer a quicker death by decapitation. | Open Subtitles | سَيِدتِي، يمَكِنني أن أقِولَ لكَ بِأن المَلِك قَرر بِأنَك لَن تمِوتِي بِالحَرق ولَكِن ستعَانِين مِن موَت سرَيِع عَن طَريَق قَطِع الرَأس |
On the grounds of your close and forbidden degree of affinity to another woman known carnally by the king. | Open Subtitles | علَى أساَس تكَتمِك المحَرم علَى معرفة إنجِذاب المَلِك بعَلاقَه جِنسَيه لإمَراه أخَرى |
We are ordered to remove the child so that she can be kept out of sight of the king. | Open Subtitles | أيتَها الفَتَاه أمِرنَا بِإزالَة الطِفلَه حتىَ تَبقَى بعِيَداً عَن أنظَار المَلِك |
Yes, out of the money the king pays for her household. | Open Subtitles | نعم، مِن أمَوال المَلِك ألتيَ دَفعهَا لمنَزلهَا |
the king asks that you take this purse. | Open Subtitles | المَلِك يطَلب مِنك أن تَأخِذي هَذا المَال |
And if, in my life, I ever did offend the king's grace then surely with my death, I do now atone. | Open Subtitles | وإذَا أسِئت لِسمَاحتِه المَلِك في حَياتِي فمِن المَؤكد مَع مَوتِي أكَفر ذلِك |
I pray and beseech you all, to pray for the life of the king. | Open Subtitles | أدَعِوكم ً وأتَوسل إليَكم جمِيعا لِلصَلاه مِن أجِل حَياة المَلِك |
This is the king this the queen and this is myself with my head cut off. | Open Subtitles | هَذَا المَلِك وَهذِه المَلِكَه وهَذِه أنَا ورَأسِي مَقطُوع |
Believe me in time, even the king himself will thank you. | Open Subtitles | صَدقنيِ في وَقت حَتى المَلِك نَفسه سَيقُوم بِشُكرك |
the king told me it was a sign I was pregnant but I said it was nothing of the sort. | Open Subtitles | المَلِك قَال لي بِأنهَا إشَارَه بِكونِي حَامِل، لكِن قُلت لَه إنهَا لاشَيء مِن هَذا القبِيل |
"the king will now enjoy plenary, whole and entire power pre-eminence, authority, prerogative and jurisdiction." | Open Subtitles | حَيث أنَ المَلِك سَعِيداً الآن بالجَلسَه العَامَه، والسُطَه بِكامِلها وصلَاحِيَات السُلطَه القَضائِي |