
    "او ربما" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • Or maybe
    • Or perhaps
    • Or possibly
    • and maybe
    • may or
    • Or it could
    Or maybe you wanted to put Dr. Chilton at risk? Open Subtitles او ربما انت اردت وضع دكتور شيلتون تحت الخطر؟
    Or maybe you're referring to the never-ending interference of that twit federal agent and how she has crippled everything Open Subtitles او ربما تشير إلى التدخل الذى لا ينتهى من العملاء الفيدرالين الغاضبين وكيف أنها شلت كل شيء
    You know, maybe Dad just doesn't want you back, Or maybe he just doesn't have the strength to fight. Open Subtitles اتعلمين ، ربما ابي فقط لا يريد ان يعود لكي او ربما لا يملك القوة الكافية ليقاتل
    Possibly, Or maybe that's what they want us to think. Kusanagi? Open Subtitles احتمال او ربما ذلك الذي يريدوننا ان نعتقده يا كوساناجي
    I would have liked to play the clavier Or perhaps compose. Open Subtitles كنت لأود العزف على البيانو القيثاري او ربما أؤلف الموسيقا
    Or maybe you screwed up and I'm not military after all. Open Subtitles او ربما قد أخفقت وانا لست تابع للجيش على الإطلاق.
    Or maybe he's building an arsenal and he's meeting with former IRA terrorists who are a security threat to the U.S. Open Subtitles او ربما هو سوف يبني ترسانة اسلحة وسوف يقابل ارهابي الجيش الايرلندي السابقين الذين هم تهديد لإمن الولايات المتحدة
    Thanks for the drink, Or maybe I should thank the Danes. Open Subtitles شكراً من اجل الشراب او ربما يجب ان اشكر الدنماركيين
    Or maybe stop watching my life flash before my eyes. Open Subtitles ولأتوقف عن رؤيت حياتي تمر امام عيني او ربما
    So I thought maybe you've been reincarnated Or maybe I had a premonition when I was a kid that we'd meet someday. Open Subtitles لذا أعتقد أنكَ قد خلقتُ من جديد او ربما كان لدي وسواس في صغري بأننا سنتجمع معًا في وقتًا ما
    Or maybe he's just freaked out to realize he's actually got one. Open Subtitles او ربما يكون متخوفاً ان يُدرك انه في الحقيقة لديه واحداً
    Well, maybe she had an emergency, Or maybe she's sitting in a car over there reading a book. Open Subtitles حسناً، ربما كان لديها حالة طارئة او ربما انها هناك في سيارة تقرأ كتاب
    You know, I'm gonna tweet again, Or maybe an Instagram. Open Subtitles أتعلمين , سأغرد مرة اخرى , او ربما رسالة انستقرام
    Or maybe you can spend some time on some of the other people's cases around here. Open Subtitles او ربما يمكنك قضاء بعض الوقت على بعض من قضايا الآخرين هنا
    Or maybe there this beef with the guy who owned the shop. Open Subtitles او ربما هناك مشكلة مع الرجل الذي يملك المحل
    That could be the end of the punch-card relationship, Or maybe our whole relationship. Open Subtitles التي من الممكن ان تنهي علاقة البطاقات المثقبة او ربما علاقتنا كلها
    Or maybe you should leave the intercom open for more important announcements. Open Subtitles او ربما يجب عليك ان تترك الاتصال الداخلي مفتوحا لاعلانات اكثر اهمية.
    Not even maybe just to wave to at school Or maybe just a smile? Open Subtitles ربما فقط عند المدرسة بالصدفة ؟ . او ربما ابتسامة ؟
    She could have been a victim of street crime, Or maybe, uh, an angry client killed Drea and is trying to frame me for it. Open Subtitles ربما كانت ضحية لجريمة الشارع او ربما عميل غاضب قتل دريا
    Or perhaps you could try taking a firmer hand. Open Subtitles او ربما بامكانك ان تأخذي موقفا حاسما أكثر
    Or possibly with a view to preserving calm and averting a riot? Open Subtitles او ربما للحفاظ على الهدوء وتجنب إثارة الشغب
    I could do something for myself this time, and maybe have a shot at making a change. Open Subtitles استطيع ان افعل شيئا لى هذه المره او ربما تتاح لى الفرصه لكى افعل شيئا
    He was arrested, but an unknown accomplice left fingerprints at the scene, which may or may not match yours. Open Subtitles هو أعتقـل لكن شريك غير معروف تركهن في مكان الحادث والتي ربما او ربما لا تطابق خاصتك
    Or it could be that all the guys that were out there when I was a kid are too busy running companies to have time for hams. Open Subtitles او ربما كل الاشخاص الذين كانوا في الخارج عندما كنت طفلا مشغولون جدا بأدارة شركات على ان يجدون وقتا للمذياع

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