
    "بأنّه كَانَ" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • that it was
    • that he was
    • you think it was
    • it was my
    • he was the
    • it's been
    • he was just
    • he was right
    • he was going
    • thought it was
    I just didn't know that it was gonna be this hard. Open Subtitles أنا فقط لَمْ أَعْرفْ بأنّه كَانَ هذا الصعبِ. نعم.
    And I knew that it was gonna be fine because this guy would be here to catch me if I faltered. Open Subtitles وأنا عَرفتُ بأنّه كَانَ سَيصْبَحُ غرّمْ لأن هذا الرجلِ سَيَكُونُ هنا لمَسْكي إذا تَعثّرتُ.
    James told me to stay away from you today, that it was dangerous. Open Subtitles جيمس أخبرَني ان ابَقا بعيده عنك اليوم بأنّه كَانَ خطر
    Pippin Fitzgerald, I didn't even know that he was coming. Open Subtitles التفاح فيزجيرالد، أنا لَمْ أَعْرفْ حتى بأنّه كَانَ يَجيءُ.
    Well, that doesn't actually mean that he was working the entire time. Open Subtitles حَسناً، الذي لا يَعْني في الحقيقة بأنّه كَانَ يَعْملُ كامل الوقتِ.
    A few years ago, the FBI worked a theory that he was an exterminator. Open Subtitles قبل سَنَوات قَليلة مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي عَمل نظرية بأنّه كَانَ مبيداً للحشرات
    Did you think it was easy for me to come here? Open Subtitles إعتقدتَ بأنّه كَانَ سهلَ لي للمَجيء هنا؟
    This time I was sure... that it was there, that it was happening. Open Subtitles هذه المرة كُنْتُ متأكّدَة بأنّه كَانَ هناك بأنّه كَانَ يَحْدثُ
    'er, we discovered that it was something new, something dif Open Subtitles على أية حال، إكتشفنَا بأنّه كَانَ شيءاً جديداً، شيء مختلف.
    He said that it was our secret term of endearment. Open Subtitles قالَ بأنّه كَانَ سِرَّنا تعبير التحبّبِ.
    Powder burns around the wound suggest that it was at close range. Open Subtitles إحتراقات بارودية حول الجرح يَقترحُ بأنّه كَانَ على مقربة.
    I couldn't find my dorm key, and then I realized that it was in my room, which was locked. Open Subtitles لم أَستطيعُ أَنْ أَجِدَ مفتاحَ مسكني، وبعد ذلك أدركتُ بأنّه كَانَ في غرفتِي، التي قُفِلتَ.
    He said that it wasn't his fault that he looked the way that he did, that it was just his lot. Open Subtitles قالَ بأنّه ما كَانَ عيبَه الذي شاهدَ الطريقَ بإِنَّهُ عَمِلَ، بأنّه كَانَ فقط قطعته.
    But it doesn't take away the fact that he was hiding it for a reason. Open Subtitles لَكنَّه لايتماشى مع الحقيقةَ بأنّه كَانَ يَخفيه لسبب.
    Either she knew that the student was a spy and lied when she denied it, or she didn't know that he was a spy, but lied about knowing the details of the military rescue. Open Subtitles إما قد عَرفتْ أن الطالب كَانَ جاسوسا وكانت كاذبة عندما أنكرتْ ذلك، أَو هي لَمْ تَعْرفْ بأنّه كَانَ جاسوسا،
    You know, I thought it was some sort of a Japanese thing that he was saying. Open Subtitles تَعْرفُ، إعتقدتُ بأنّه كَانَ شيئا يابانيا كان يقال.
    You said that he was crouched down over Victor. Open Subtitles قُلتَ بأنّه كَانَ جَثمَ أسفل على فيكتور.
    Indicates that he was standing when he was hit. Open Subtitles يُشيرُ بأنّه كَانَ المقام متى هو ضُرِبَ.
    I wonder when Kiki knew that he was the right one. Open Subtitles أَتسائلُ متى كيكي عَلمت بأنّه كَانَ الشخص المناسب.
    How did you think it was going to end, huh? Open Subtitles هكذا إعتقدتَ بأنّه كَانَ يجب الإِنتِهاء ؟
    - You didn't even know it was my work. - You publish under a nom de plume now? Open Subtitles أنت لَمْ تَعْرفْ حتى بأنّه كَانَ عملَي أنت تنشر بحثاً تحت إسم مستعار , الآن؟
    They said he was the hottest act on the strip. Open Subtitles قالوا بأنّه كَانَ الفعل الأحرّ على الشريطِ.
    It's just that it's been so long since I've done that. Open Subtitles هو فقط بأنّه كَانَ طويل جداً منذ أن عَملتُ ذلك.
    He said he was just pounding his club against the ground. Open Subtitles قالَ بأنّه كَانَ فقط يَقْصفُ ناديه ضدّ الأرضِ.
    I'm realizing that had Cappie been allowed to extend his rare moment of lucidity, you would have realized that he was right. Open Subtitles أُدركُت بأن كابي سُمِحَ لتَمديد لحظته النادرة مِن الوضوحِ، لكُنتَ سَتُدركُ بأنّه كَانَ محق
    I thought he was going to class, but he was out smoking weed, playing video games with his buddies. Open Subtitles إعتقدتُ بأنّه كَانَ ذاهِباً إلى صنفِ، لَكنَّه كَانَ خارج يُدخّنُ عشب ضارَ، تَشْغيل فيديو الألعابِ مَع رفاقِه.
    Let's just say I thought it was your time. Open Subtitles دعنا فقط نَقُولُ بأنّني إعتقدتُ بأنّه كَانَ وقتَكَ.

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