
    "قلته له" - ترجمة من عربي إلى انجليزي

    • I told him
    • I said to him
    • you said to him
    • did you say to him
    • you told him
    • tell him
    This is not a proper date. We are going as friends. That is what I told him. Open Subtitles ليس هذا موعداً غرامياً سنذهب كصديقين، ذلك ما قلته له
    That's what I said, but I told him I'd check in the car. Open Subtitles هـذا مــا قلته له , لكن أخــبرته بـأنني سـأتفقد سيــارتي
    And that's what I told him. Open Subtitles لأنهم سيؤثرون عليه تأثيراً جيداً و هذا ما قلته له
    The second he was too far away, I realized the last thing I said to him was, Open Subtitles ولدى ابتعاده جدًا بالسيارة أدركت أن آخر شيء قلته له كان:
    I keep trying to think of the last thing I said to him, and I can't remember. Open Subtitles أظل أحاول التفكير في آخر ما قلته له ولا تسعفني ذاكرتي
    So I think... whatever you said to him, whatever you regret, it didn't take away from the love he had for you. Open Subtitles .. لذلك اعتقد مهما يكن ما قلته له مهما يكن ما انت نادم بشأنه
    What exactly did you say to him before you brought him here? Open Subtitles مالذى قلته له بالتحديد قبل أن تأتى به إلى هنا ؟
    Then his wife will call you twice a day to make sure she understands what he told her you told him, which she won't because he didn't. Open Subtitles ثم ستتصل عليك زوجته مرتين في اليوم لتتأكد بأنها تفهم ماقاله لها بأنك قلته له والتي لن تقوم به لإنه لم يفعل ذلك
    At least that's what I told him before I paid him a third of their real value. Open Subtitles على الأقل ذلك ما قلته له قبل أن أدفع له ثلث قيمتها الحقيقية.
    Good,'cause that's what I told him when he dropped off the flowers. Open Subtitles جيد ، لأن هذا ما قلته له عندما أحضر الزهور
    That's exactly what I told him,Esposito. Open Subtitles هذا بالضبط ما قلته له ، اسبوزيتو
    I understand, that`s exactly what I told him. Open Subtitles انا اتفهم, وهذا بالضبط ما قلته له
    And I'll tell you the same thing I told him. Open Subtitles وسأقول لك نفس الشيء الذي قلته له.
    Good, because then I'll tell you what I told him. Open Subtitles جيدّ، لأنّني سأقول لكِ ما قلته له
    I need a really good bottle of Tequila that can make a guy blind drunk and forget everything I said to him last night. Open Subtitles من شأنها أن تُسكر رجلًا وينسى كل ما قلته له الليلة الماضية ماذا حصل؟
    All I said to him was that I was impressed by you, that you were a well-appointed officer and a fine actor. Open Subtitles كل ما قلته له هو أنني أُعجبتُ بك أنكَ ضابط مُجهّز جيدًا و ممثل جيد
    - Let me instead tell you what I said to him. Open Subtitles - دعيني أخبركِ بما قلته له عوضاً عن ذلك -
    I don't know what you said to him, but he's trying to turn his life around, and digging up the past is not gonna help him. Open Subtitles أنا لا أعرف ما قلته له لكنه يحاول تغيير حياته كلها الغوص في الماضي لن يساعده
    I saw what you said to him in there! It's the same thing you said to me! Open Subtitles سمعت ما قلته له في الداخل كان الكلام نفسه الذي قلته لي
    You should feel good about what you said to him. Open Subtitles يجب عليك ان تشعر بالرضى عن ما قلته له
    So, what did you say to him up there? Open Subtitles إذاً, ما الذي قلته له في الأعلى ؟
    What did you say to him? Open Subtitles ما الذي قلته له ؟
    It was so nice what you told him in there. Open Subtitles .ما قلته له هناك كان لطفاً كبيراً منك
    What did you tell him about where you've been the past six months? Open Subtitles . ما الذي قلته له , بشأن غيابك ؟ . طيلة الستة أشهر السابقة ؟

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