
    "around his neck" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

    • حول عنقه
    • حول رقبته
    • على رقبته
    • حول رقبتة
    • حول رقبتِه
    • به حول عُنُقِه
    Not with the belt they found around his neck. Open Subtitles ليس باستعمال الحزام الذي وجدوه ملتفا حول عنقه
    I noose him -- put the rope around his neck. Open Subtitles أنا أقوم بتغطيه وجهه سأقوم بوضع الحبل حول عنقه
    Liv Peng Harn was found dead in his cell with his legs shackled, his hands cuffed and his trousers around his neck. UN وكان قد عثر على ليف بانغ هارن متوفيا في زنزانته، مقيد الساقين ومغلول اليدين وسرواله حول عنقه.
    The police allegedly placed him in a shakanja with a rope around his neck and beat and kicked him. UN ويدعي أن الشرطة وضعته في جهاز الشاكانغا وأنها وضعت حبلاً حول رقبته وتعدت عليه بالضرب باليدين والقدمين.
    Therefore, any movement he made to free his hands or feet from their bindings caused that rope to tighten around his neck. Open Subtitles ولذلك , أي حركه يقوم بها لتحرير يديه أو قدمه من الربطات يسبب لهذا الحبل أن يضيق الخناق حول رقبته
    Later in the police car he allegedly received karate chops to his neck and was choked with a chain he wore around his neck. UN وادﱡعي أنه تلقى بعد ذلك في سيارة الشرطة ضربات كراتيه في عنقه وانه خنق بسلسلة كان يحملها حول عنقه.
    We found fibers in his throat, and there are these bruises around his neck. Open Subtitles لقد وجدنا ألياف في حنجرته، وهناك هذه الكدمات حول عنقه
    If it was up to me, he'd have a Medal of Honor hanging around his neck. Open Subtitles لو كان الأمر عائداً لي، لحصل على ميدالية شرف معلقة حول عنقه
    And he had this tattoo wrapped around his neck that I told you about. Open Subtitles وكان لديه هذا الوشم ملفوفة حول عنقه التي قلت لك عنها.
    I'd like to meet this fucker and wrap his tongue around his neck until it kills him. Open Subtitles أريد أن اقابل هذا اللعين و الف لسانه حول عنقه , حتى تقتله
    Whoever reads this and tells me what it means shall be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck and be made third highest ruler in the kingdom. Open Subtitles من يستطيع قراءة هذا وإخباري معناه سوف يرتدي البنفسحي وقلادة من الذهب حول عنقه
    Let this man be clothed in purple, a chain of gold placed around his neck, for I am not dead yet. Open Subtitles اجعلوا هذا الرجل يرتدي البنفسجي وقلادة من الذهب حول عنقه بالنسبة لي فلم أمت حتى الآن
    The very lifeline between you and your child constricting like a noose around his neck as he struggled to get out. Open Subtitles خط الحياة نفسه بينك و بين ابنك ينكمش مثل الانشوطة حول عنقه بينما كان يصارع للخروج
    Like a cowboy's lasso, the umbilical chord wrapped around his neck first, and then his legs. Open Subtitles ‎مثل حبل راعي البقر، الحبل السري ‎ألتف حول عنقه أولاً، ثم حول ساقيه
    I could have just as easily put my hands around his neck and choked the life out of him at that moment. Open Subtitles .. كان من السهولة أن أضع يدي حول عنقه ثم أقتله خنقا في تلك اللحظة
    There were also abrasions around his neck like something was ripped off. Open Subtitles و قد كانت هناك جروح حول رقبته و كأنّ شيئاً ما
    It has been reported that Messamo was brought to the hospital with 27 stitches on his abdomen and 14 stitches around his neck. UN وذكر أن ميسامو أدُخل المستشفى وبه 27 غرزة على بطنه و14 غرزة حول رقبته.
    A rope was allegedly put around his neck, then pulled so that he could hardly breathe. UN ويقال إنهم لفوا حبلاً حول رقبته وشدوا الحبل بحيث تعذر عليه التنفس.
    The police then handcuffed him behind his back and an officer allegedly pressed tightly around his neck, causing him to fight for breath. UN ثم قيدت الشرطة يديه خلف ظهره وادﱡعي أن أحد رجلي الشرطة ضغط بشدة حول رقبته حتى كادت تزهق أنفاسه.
    When that horrible little man came at you with his knife, and you wrapped that chain around his neck, Open Subtitles عندما ذلك الرجل الصغير هاجمك بسكين ولففت تلك السلسلة على رقبته
    Apology accepted, Reynolds... if you could tell me about the drive my nephew Victor wore around his neck. Open Subtitles اعتذارك مقبول رينولذ اذا استطعت ان تخبرنى عن الفلاش ديسك ابن اخى كان يلبسة حول رقبتة
    Wring the Zardozi Saree around his neck and hang him in the city centre. Open Subtitles إعصرْ ساري الـ "زاردوزي" حول رقبتِه واشْنقُه في مركز المدينة.
    Stack wears his around his neck. Open Subtitles "ستاك" يرتدي مفتاحه الخاص به حول عُنُقِه

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