You've remained by his side through everything he's been accused of, and I've continued to ask myself why. | Open Subtitles | لا طالما بقيت بجانبه خلال كل شئ أتهم به و لا طالما سألت نفسي عن السبب |
It's not about who can sit by his side the longest. | Open Subtitles | أن الأمر ليس عن مَن يستطيع الجلوس بجانبه للفترة الأطول |
We'll get more out of him without that bloody lawyer by his side. | Open Subtitles | سنحصل على المزيد منه بدون تواجد ذلك المحامي اللعين بجانبه |
If we secretly divorced, he would be able to find a woman who'd stay by his side and produce heirs. | Open Subtitles | اعتقدت أننا لو انفصلنا في سرية سيكون بإمكانه إيجاد إمرأة يمكنها أن تقف إلى جانبه وتأتي له بورثة |
And I'm thinking a great man can use a beautiful woman by his side. | Open Subtitles | وأعتقد أن رجلا عظيماً يمكنه الإستفادة من إمرأة جميلة بجواره. |
Master Joo doesn't let just anyone stay by his side. | Open Subtitles | السيد جو لا يترك اي شخص يبقى الى جانبه |
If you're by his side, then it really makes the tape meaningless to them. | Open Subtitles | وإذا صرتِ بجانبه عندها سيصبح الشريط بلا فائدة لهم |
It will mean so much to have his oldest friend by his side in this exciting new business opportunity. | Open Subtitles | أنه سيعني الكثير ليكون صديقه القديم بجانبه في هذه الفرصة التجارية الجديدة المثيرة. |
If someone isn't by his side to take care of him he can't survive on his own. | Open Subtitles | إذا لم يكُن هناكَ شخصٌ بجانبه للإعتناء به، فلنْ يستطيع النجاة بمفرده. |
Come to find out, you were right by his side, getting him anything he needed, keeping him comfortable. | Open Subtitles | لقد اكتشفت أنّك كنت بجانبه تماماً تعطيه ما يريده تماماً وتبقبه مرتاحاً |
Also, if the talisman who blocks evil continues to stay by his side, it may have the opposite effect. | Open Subtitles | وأيضًا، إن واصلت التعويذة التي تطرد الشر بالبقاء بجانبه قد يكون هناك أثر عكسي |
His Majesty, who has never looked any girl straight in the eye, would never keep her so easily by his side. | Open Subtitles | جلالته، الذي لم ينظر لأي امرأة بعينيها لن يدع أي أحد يبقى بجانبه بسهولة |
All the hideously long days and nights you're about to spend hosting ridiculous galas and balls, standing by his side, your teeth smeared with Vaseline so your smile stays wide and bright like you're some kind of wax figure. | Open Subtitles | كل الأيام والليالي المخيفة الطويلة أنتي على وشك استضافة حفلات راقصة ومهرجانات سخيفة الوقوف بجانبه |
She will always be by his side as his queen and rule their new empire together. | Open Subtitles | قالت انها سوف تكون دائما بجانبه كما ملكته وحكم الإمبراطورية الجديدة معا. |
When the gunslinger's been shot, the drunken sidekick stays by his side in case the bad guys return. | Open Subtitles | عندما يصاب راعي البقر فإن صديقه يظلّ بجانبه تحسّباً لعودة الرجل السئ |
But still, I see his face everyday and am by his side all the time. | Open Subtitles | أنا أرى وجهه كل يوم وأبقى بجانبه طوال الوقت |
I've been sitting by his side all night with no sign of you. | Open Subtitles | أنا جلست بجانبه طوال الليل بدون أشارة منك |
Now, you do what you gotta do, but I'm gonna be right here by his side. | Open Subtitles | انتما افعلا ما يجب عليكما فعله ولكنني سأبقى هنا بجانبه |
He needs you by his side. He needs you strong. | Open Subtitles | إنّه بحاجة إليك إلى جانبه يحتاجك أن تكوني قويّة |
Said the man in the hat never goes anywhere without you by his side. | Open Subtitles | قالت أن الرجل صاحب القبعة لا يذهب إلى أى مكان بدون وجودك إلى جانبه |
And I'm thinking a great man can use a beautiful woman by his side. | Open Subtitles | وأعتقد أن رجلا عظيماً يمكنه الإستفادة من إمرأة جميلة بجواره. |