Sets him up with papers so he wouldn't see it coming. | Open Subtitles | تُلهيه بالأوراق حتى لا يقدر على رؤيتها و هي تهاجمه |
The one they stole on a ship, then cut his foot off so he wouldn't run off. | Open Subtitles | الشخص الذي سرقوه من على متن السفينة، ثم قطعوا أرجله حتى لا يهرب. |
Please tell me your mother didn't break his legs so he wouldn't run away from her. | Open Subtitles | رجاء أخبري أمكش لا تكسر ساقيه حتى لا يهرب منها |
He did a lot of drugs, so I'd stay away from him... so he wouldn't hit me. | Open Subtitles | كان يتعاطى الكثير من المخدرات وكنت أبقى بعيداً عنه لكي لا يضربني |
I thought he was having a seizure, so I went down and tried to help, but, took my wallet and put it in your mouth so he wouldn't bite his tongue and he just.. | Open Subtitles | ظننت أنه تعرض للهجوم لذلك ذهبت إلى الأسفل لأحاول المساعدة أمسكت محفظتي ووضعتها في فمه لكي لا يعض على لسانه |
So much, so he wrapped the only dairy product with ductape so he wouldn't accidentally eat it. | Open Subtitles | جدا, لذا قام بتغليف منتج الحليب الوحيد بالشريط اللاصق كي لا يأكله عن غير قصد |
(girls): so he wouldn't have killed me. | Open Subtitles | لما كان قد إضطر لقتلي أنا. |
Every time we nailed ourselves to a cross, it was so he wouldn't bleed. | Open Subtitles | في كل مرة قمنا بثبيت أنفسنا على الصليب كان ذلك حتى لا ينزف |
so he wouldn't get a DUI and lose his job. | Open Subtitles | حتى لا يقُبض عليه يقود تحت تأثير الكحول و يفقد عمله |
He played you so he wouldn't get in trouble for ditching that... | Open Subtitles | كان يتلاعب بك حتى لا يقع في مشكلة بسبب الكذب |
I shut down his e-mail account so he wouldn't send you any more harassing messages. | Open Subtitles | لقد أغلقت حسابه الإلكتروني حتى لا يستطيع إرسال المزيد من رسائل التحرش إليك. |
He's always wanted me to fail so he wouldn't be the loser. | Open Subtitles | ,إنه يريد ان أفشل دائماً حتى لا يكون هو الخاسر |
When he fucked me, he would put one of those big hands over my face and turn it away, so he wouldn't have to look into my eyes. | Open Subtitles | عندما يعاشرني كان يضع إحدى هاتين اليدين الكبيرتين على وجهي ثم يديرها حتى لا يضطر للنظر إلى عيوني |
I even had them living in a hotel so he wouldn't have them. | Open Subtitles | إلى درجة أني جعلتهم يسكنوا في فندق لكي لا يسيطر عليهم |
And that is why you wanted us to cure him so fast... so he wouldn't take it out on you. | Open Subtitles | ولهذا أردتنا أن نعالجه بسرعة لكي لا يفرغ غضبه عليك |
The gold belt was just so he wouldn't feel ridiculous. | Open Subtitles | الحزام الذهبي فقط لكي لا يجعله يبدو سخيفا |
He'd go to motels ahead of time, replace the sheets with leak-proof medical grade linen, so he wouldn't leave any blood evidence. | Open Subtitles | يذهب إلى النزل مبكراً، يغير الملاءات بكتان طبي غير مسرب، لكي لا يترك أي دليل دموي. |
He tossed the murder weapon so he wouldn't be caught with it. | Open Subtitles | قام بقذف سلاح الجريمه كي لا يتم القبض عليه وهو يحمله. |
Perhaps so he wouldn't feel on the spot. But, look, I wouldn't worry about this just yet. | Open Subtitles | ربما كي لا يشعر بأنه مراقب، اسمع, ما كنت لأقلق منذ الآن |
He probably faked it so he wouldn't have to get locked up. | Open Subtitles | زيّفَه من المحتمل لذا هو لا يَجِبُ أنْ يُصبحَ مُغلَق. |
Yeah, so he wouldn't be tortured by his past when he was born in the future. | Open Subtitles | نعم، لذا هو لن يعاني من ماضيه حينما ولد في المستقبل. |
He told me he killed those girls so he wouldn't have to kill me. | Open Subtitles | أخبرني أنه قتل تلك الفتيات لكيلا .يضطر إلى قتلي |