
    "what they did to" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

    • ما فعلوه
    • ماذا فعلوا
    • ما الذي فعلوه
    • ما فعلوا
    • لما فعلوه
    • بما فعلوه
    • مافعلوه
    • بما فعلوا
    • ما فعلوة
    • عما فعلوه
    • وما فعلوه
    • ما فعلاه
    • ماذا فعلو
    • مالذي فعلوه
    • بالذي فعلوه
    what they did to you, turning you into the Barn's controller... Open Subtitles ما فعلوه بك , تحويلك الى وحدة تحكم في الحظيرة
    He shouldn't be here, not after what they did to him. Open Subtitles لا ينبغي أن يكون هنا ليس بعد ما فعلوه به
    You saw what they did to those sleep pods. Open Subtitles لقد رأيت ما فعلوه لحاضنات النوم بتلك السفينة
    We can't be 100% certain what they did to me. Open Subtitles نحنُ لا نَعرف مائة بالمائة ماذا فعلوا بى ؟
    what they did to Katie took a long time. Open Subtitles ما الذي فعلوه بـ كايتي استغرق وقتا طويلا
    I know how you feel about them, and I know what they did to you, but your life... your life was saved for a reason, and this isn't it. Open Subtitles أعرف كيف تشعر حيالهم وأعرف ما فعلوه بك ولكن حياتك تم إنقاذها
    Can you honestly defend them? After what they did to me? Open Subtitles أيمكنك حقًّا الدفاع عنهم بعد ما فعلوه بي؟
    Let's just say what they did to get in here was ghastly. Open Subtitles دعنا نقول فقط ما فعلوه للحصول على هنا كان مروعا.
    what they did to those protesters was horrible. Open Subtitles ما فعلوه بهؤلاء المتظاهرين كان شيئاً فظيعاً
    I'll never forget what they did to you, what they did to me, all of us. Open Subtitles لن أنسى قط مافعلوه بك ما فعلوه بي جميعنا
    If you understood what they did to me, what they did inside of me, you'd know why I was taking her back. Open Subtitles إن كنت تفهم ما فعلوه بي ما فعلوه بداخلي ستعرف لماذا أعيدها
    Those gangsters got what they deserved for what they did to you. Open Subtitles رجال العصابة لقوا ما استحقوه جزاء ما فعلوه بك
    Should see what they did to this guy's brother. Open Subtitles ينبغي أن نرى ما فعلوه لهذا الأخ الرجل.
    It's cruel what they did to her, taking away her hearing. Open Subtitles إنه أمر وحشي ما فعلوه بها يأخذون منها سمعها
    How about you just listen to what they did to your boyfriend? Open Subtitles مارأيك أن تستمعي لنا كي نقول لكِ ماذا فعلوا بصديقك ؟
    We know what they did to your husband, what you've gone through. Open Subtitles , نحن نعرف ماذا فعلوا لزوجك .ما مررتِ به
    Have you seen what they did to the NCIS gym? Open Subtitles هل رأيت ماذا فعلوا للنادى الرياضى ? ncisالخاص ب
    There's gotta be some kinda serial killer university... - they're not telling us about. - And what they did to that store owner... Open Subtitles يبدو انه قاتل محترف القاتل يصك من جديد و ما الذي فعلوه للمتجر؟
    And they have planned for you what they did to us all those years ago when your father inadvertently helped down Flight 197. Open Subtitles ولقد خططوا لك مثل ما فعلوا لنا كل تلك السنوات الماضية عندما ساعدهم والدك في اسقاط رحلة 197 عن غير قصد
    I'm gonna make them pay for what they did to everyone in my life. Open Subtitles سأجعلهم يدفعون الثمن لما فعلوه لكُل شخص بحياتي
    The gold they stole from Spain is nothing compared to what they did to us. Open Subtitles الذهب الذي سرقوه .لا يساوي شيئاً مقارنة بما فعلوه بنا
    Please don't tell my dad what they did to me. Open Subtitles أرجوك لا تخبري والدي بما فعلوا بي
    When you found out what they did to your sister, you arranged to get them on the show. Open Subtitles عندما اكتشفتى ما فعلوة لأختك قمتى بالترتيب لأدخالهم فى العرض
    They set up Lee Harvey Oswald, worked with the CIA to kill Castro, forget about what they did to Marilyn Monroe! Open Subtitles لقد أوقعوا لي هافي أوزوالد الذي يعمل لدى المخابرات المركزية لقتل كاسترو ناهيك عما فعلوه لمارلين مونرو
    The thing is, I've just spent the past few days with you learning about how much you hate vampires and what they did to your town. Open Subtitles المغزى أنّي أمضيت الأيام القليلة الفائتة معك أستبين كم تمقت مصّاصي الدماء وما فعلوه ببلدتك.
    Nigger and his bitch are going to pay for what they did to my boy. Open Subtitles الزنجي وسافلته سيدفعان ثمن ما فعلاه بإبني
    You don't know what they did to her in that hospital before, Tim. Open Subtitles انت لا تعلم ماذا فعلو لها ال هذه المستشفى من قبل تيم
    Would you like me to describe to you exactly what they did to that poor woman? Open Subtitles هل تُريدين مني أن أصف لكِ مالذي فعلوه حقًا للمرأة المسكينة؟
    And now I know now what they did to you and your company. Open Subtitles والآن قد عرفت بالذي فعلوه بك وبشركتك

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