OHCHR was informed by family members that the victim was arrested by the unit without a warrant, allegedly in relation to a dispute with his uncle. | UN | وأبلغ أعضاء أسرة الضحية المفوضية بأن الوحدة ألقت القبض عليه دون أمر قضائي، بدعوى أن لذلك علاقة بخلاف مع عمه. |
My family used to live in this part of the world and Bill would come to stay with his uncle at Knatton Hall. | Open Subtitles | عائلتى اعتادت على العيش فى هذا الجزء من العالم وكان بيل سيأتى للأقامة مع عمه فى كناتون هول |
The only time I've ever seen him in an argument was with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | المرة الوحيدة التي أراه فيها يتجادل كانت مع عمه |
George Michael was off from school for two weeks... and was enjoying spending time with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | وكان مستمتعاً بقضاء وقته مع عمّه ..قواي الذهنية |
3. The complainant claims that his deportation from Sweden to Azerbaijan would constitute a violation of article 3 of the Convention against Torture, as he fears that he will be arrested and exposed to torture as a result of his own political activities, past torture and relationship with his uncle, the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs. State party's observations on the admissibility and merits | UN | 3- يدعي صاحب الشكوى أن ترحيله من السويد إلى أذربيجان سيشكل انتهاكاً للمادة 3 من اتفاقية مناهضة التعذيب لأنه يخشى القبض عليه وتعرضه للتعذيب نتيجة لأنشطته السياسية وبالنظر إلى ما تعرض له من تعذيب في السابق وعلاقته بعمه الذي كان فيما مضى وزيراً للداخلية. |
But I hadn't seen him since he was shipped off to live with his uncle in 10th grade. | Open Subtitles | لكني لم أره منذ أن أنتقل للعيش مع عمه وهو في الصف العاشر. |
Yeah, I am sure J.J. Is fine if he's with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | نعم ، أنا متأكد من ج.ج على ما يرام إذا كان مع عمه |
But Eli used to come here as a kid, work with his uncle in the wood shop. | Open Subtitles | لكن إيلي كان يأتي هنا عندما كان صغيرا يعمل مع عمه في محل الاخشاب |
He wants to go up in Knoxville, start an auto body shop with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | يُريدُ الذهاب الى نوكسفيل والبدأ فى ورشة سيارات مع عمه |
Then he had to go live with his uncle, in a tiny room in the back of his bar. | Open Subtitles | ثم كان عليه العيش مع عمه فى غرفة صغيرة خلف حانته |
I did time with his uncle in Pelican Bay. | Open Subtitles | قضيتُ وقتاً مع عمه قي خليج البلقان |
I was afraid ofthe trouble he might cause with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | كنت خائفا من المشكلة التي ستحدث مع عمه |
- with his uncle, at his father's suggestion. - King me. | Open Subtitles | مع عمه, بناءً على أقتراح والده |
Hey, sure he is! He's back with his uncle Tito. | Open Subtitles | أكيد أنه بخير أنه راجع مع عمه تيتو |
Jerry Tidwell was released, went to go live in Aruba with his uncle who has a fishing charter business. | Open Subtitles | ذهب للعيش في "أروبا" مع عمه الذي لديه قارب صيد السمك. |
HE HOOKED ME UP with his uncle'S OLD ROACH COACH. | Open Subtitles | سعادة مدمن مخدرات لي حتى مع عمه ROACH OLD المدرب. |
George Michael was off from school for two weeks... and was enjoying spending time with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | وكذلك قد بدأت إجازة (جورج مايكل) وستستمر لمدة أسبوعين وكان مستمتعاً بقضاء وقته مع عمّه |
He's going to the city with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | إنه ذاهب إلى المدينة مع عمّه |
3. The complainant claims that his deportation from Sweden to Azerbaijan would constitute a violation of article 3 of the Convention against Torture, as he fears that he will be arrested and exposed to torture as a result of his own political activities, past torture and relationship with his uncle, the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs. State party's observations on the admissibility and merits | UN | 3- يدعي صاحب الشكوى أن ترحيله من السويد إلى أذربيجان سيشكل انتهاكاً للمادة 3 من اتفاقية مناهضة التعذيب لأنه يخشى القبض عليه وتعرضه للتعذيب نتيجة لأنشطته السياسية وبالنظر إلى ما تعرض له من تعذيب في السابق وعلاقته بعمه الذي كان فيما مضى وزيراً للداخلية. |
Well, he wouldn't want me sleeping with his uncle. | Open Subtitles | حسناً,ماكان ليريدني أن أشارك خاله الفراش |