"اصبحنا" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • become
    • became
    • getting
    • we got
    • we were
    • becoming
    • we've got
    • that we're
    See that's how upside down and sideways our world has become. Open Subtitles هذا كيف انقلبنا راس على عقب وكيف اصبحنا عالمنا ؟
    I was able to reflect on what we've become over a millennium. Open Subtitles وكنت قادرا على التفكير على ما اصبحنا أكثر من ألف عام.
    We became doctors simultaneously. Two women in the same month. Open Subtitles اصبحنا اطباء فى نفس الوقت امرأتين فى نفس الشهر
    Well, well, we became friendlier as time went on in the following months. Open Subtitles حسنا ، سأخبرك ، لقد اصبحنا صديقين في ذلك الوقت بعد اشهر من تقابلنا.
    Certainly getting a contact high. Open Subtitles لكل تأكيد لقد اصبحنا منتشين بتواصلنا معك
    [ Exhales ] Whatever we've become, it's what the sovereign made us. Open Subtitles مهما كان ما اصبحنا عليه فإن السيد هو ما جعلنا عليه
    I must say, Wade Kinsella, we've become quite the team. Open Subtitles يجب ان اقول, وايد كونسيلا لقد اصبحنا فريق رائع
    But we have become soldiers in a revolution in which we have no stake. Open Subtitles ولكننا اصبحنا جنود فى الثوره ولا نأخذ اى حصه
    Ever since we lost the cup in'50 we've become ashamed. Open Subtitles منذ ان خسرنا الكأس في الخمسينات اصبحنا نشعر بالخذلان
    As humans become more and more accustomed to these aliens in our schools and in our streets, we become complacent. Open Subtitles وكما هم البشريين أصبحو اكثر تآلفاً مع هؤلاء الفضائيين في مدارسنا في شوارعنا اصبحنا راضين عن انفسنا
    We've become cruel, to ourselves as well, but mainly to the occupied population, Open Subtitles اصبحنا قساة إلى أنفسنا كذلك ولكن أساساً للسكان المُحتلون
    The day you and I became twin siblings. Open Subtitles اليوم الذي انت وانا .اصبحنا به تؤام أشقاء
    We became close friends, and I sang this song to explain to her all the wonderful things that she was missing by shutting herself off from society. Open Subtitles موهوبة مليئة بالحياة اصبحنا مقربون وغنيت اغنية ان هنالك اشياء رائعة
    As we became more and more successful, everything became a bigger look for us. Open Subtitles بعدما اصبحنا ناجحين اكثر واكثر كل شي اصبح ينظر من منظور كبير ،حفلاتنا، اسلوب عيشنا
    That trip is when Marshall and I became best friends. Open Subtitles في تلك الرحلة اصبحنا انا ومارشال نعم الاصدقاء
    And before I knew it, even though we were separated by entire worlds, we became great friends. Open Subtitles وحتى قبل ان اعرف ذلك رغم بعد المسافة بيننا اصبحنا اصدقاء رائعين
    That explains the whistling noise when we were getting frisky the other night. Open Subtitles هذا يفسر صوت الصفير عندما اصبحنا لعوبين تلك الليلة.
    Well, boys, looks like we got ourselves a Mexican standoff. Open Subtitles حسنا يا اولاد يبدو اننا اصبحنا وحدنا فى المواجهة المكسيكية
    With an angry ex-wife on our team, we were unstoppable. Open Subtitles مع غضب زوجه سابقه في فريقنا اصبحنا لا نردع
    Actually, oh, I think we're finally becoming friends. Open Subtitles في الحقيقة اعتقد اننا اصبحنا اصدقاء اخيراً
    I change my underwear Now that we're men we've got a manly flair Open Subtitles والآن اصبحنا رجال * * اصبح لدينا ميول وتفكير الرجال
    Now that we're all safe, can you tell me what happened to all that gold? Open Subtitles الان وقد اصبحنا جميعا آمنين هل يمكنكِ ان تخبريني , مالذي حدث لكل ذلك الذهب؟

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