Well, if they don't like it, they can take their money somewhere else. | Open Subtitles | حسنٌ إن لم يعجبهم فبإمكانهم اخذ اموالهم إلى مكانٍ آخر |
But no one your age is throwing their money away on a new bed. | Open Subtitles | ولكن لا احد في عمرك يرمون اموالهم بعيدا عن فراش جديد |
Dwight Eleazar is tricking people and he's stealing their money in the name of God. | Open Subtitles | دويت ايلعازر يخدع الناس ويسرق اموالهم باسم الدين |
Students should know that if they deposit their funds at the Continental Bank ... that their money into financing the war. | Open Subtitles | الطلاب يجب ان يعرفوا انهم حينما يضعون اموالهم في البنك أموالهم لن تدعم الحرب |
The last person holding their cash was Eliot. | Open Subtitles | اخذنا المال من عصابة التراياد وآخر شخص كان يحمل اموالهم كان غبياً |
But you gave it out that her parents had lost all their money. | Open Subtitles | وقد نشرت للناس ان والديها قد فقدا اموالهم |
They're hiding their money in this foundation in case there's an investigation and their assets are frozen. | Open Subtitles | انهم يخفون اموالهم في هذه المؤسسة في حالة وجود تحقيق وتم تجميد ممتلكاتهم |
Oh, she's giving those boys a run for their money, huh? | Open Subtitles | انها تعطى اولئك الاولاد ركضاً من اجل اموالهم ؟ |
You don't have to screw'em, just steal their money while they're taking a shower. | Open Subtitles | ليس عليك ان تنامي معهم فقط قومي بسرقة اموالهم اثناء استحمامهم |
Yeah, nothing like a come-to-Jesus moment to get people to trust you with their money. | Open Subtitles | ليس هنالك كلحضة الايمان لكي تجعل الناس ياتمنوك على اموالهم |
What, you think the Cartel's gonna let him live just'cause he was a boy when you stole their money? | Open Subtitles | ماذا هل تعتقد ان المنظمه ستدعه يعيش فقط لانه كان طفل عندما سرقتم اموالهم |
The losers, I'd deposit their money before the race ran. | Open Subtitles | الخاسرين كنت لاودع اموالهم قبل بدء السباق |
So you think the Tobins are using this Tessa marchetti to move their money out of Antigua. | Open Subtitles | اذن تعتقدين أنّ عائلة توبن يستخدمون تيسا ماركيتي لنقل اموالهم خارج انتيغوا |
Fine, let him do it; that's his job, but if he locks them up now, the victims are not going to get their money back. | Open Subtitles | لا مشكلة ، دعهم يفعلون ذلك فهذه وظيفتهم .. ولكن اذا أغلقوا ابواب السجن عليهم الآن فلن يمكن للضحايا ان يسترجعون اموالهم |
It's about the clients who put their money with us. | Open Subtitles | انه بخصوص العملاء الذين يضعون اموالهم عندنا |
He started acting nice and sweet, next thing we know he walks away with the house and most of their money. | Open Subtitles | ابتدا يعاملها بلطف وحسن والشئ الثاني الذي علمناه انه اخذ المنزل ومعظم اموالهم |
You took their money. You want to go to jail? | Open Subtitles | انت اخذت اموالهم هل تريد ان تذهب الى السجن ؟ |
Do you think you could help us find the names on this list and help them get their, uh, their money back? | Open Subtitles | هل تعتقدين أنه بإمكانك مساعدتنا لإيجاد الأسماء في هذه القائمة ؟ ومساعدتهم لإستعادة اموالهم ؟ |
They want their money back. They're gonna keep coming till they get it. | Open Subtitles | إنهم يريدون إستعادة اموالهم سيستمرون بالقدوم حتى يحصلوا عليها |
Tell them I don't like them or their cash. Although I do like their cash. | Open Subtitles | انا لا احبهم ولا احب نقدهم ولاكني تحب اموالهم |
No, they also "lost the money! | Open Subtitles | أو أي شيء آخر ؟ لا لا يا ذكي فهم أيضاً خسروا اموالهم |