"انفه" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his nose
    • snout
    • nose in
    He thinks he's from the future, that little mechanical creatures crawl up his nose, that his own father shot him. Open Subtitles إنه يعتقد بأنه من المستقبل, يذكربأن أحد من الحشرات الميكانيكيةقد دخل في انفه, وأن والده أطلق النار عليه.
    Threw him across the Red Lion and broke his nose! Open Subtitles ألقى به في انحاء الأسد الأحمر و كسر انفه!
    Air building up in his skull, which means this is not mucous coming out of his nose. Open Subtitles مجرى الهواء في مقدمة جمجمته مما يعني ان الذي يخرج من انفه ليس مخاط
    Make sure he doesn't have a razor up his sleeve, or drugs up his nose, or a piece up his butt. Open Subtitles تأكد من عدم امتلاكه لموس الحلاقة في جعبته او اية مخدرات في انفه
    He was screaming for mercy, as they cut away his nose with a chisel and forced a barbed hook all the way up into his skull. Open Subtitles كان يصرخ من اجل الرحمة ثم قطعوا انفه بأزميل وأدخلو خطاف مسنن من انفه حتى جمجمته
    I'll let the dude explain them right before I put his nose through his eyes. Open Subtitles سادع الرجل يشرحها قبل ان ادخل انفه من خلال عينيه
    Got his nose so high in the air he should take care no one cuts it off. Open Subtitles رفع انفه عاليا في الجو كان عليه ان يتأكد انه لا احد سوف يقطعه
    Okay, so anyway, I went back later, and it turns out he wasn't crying, he was plucking his nose hairs. Open Subtitles واتضح انه لم يكن يبكي كان ينتفُ شعر انفه
    his nose is blood, his lips was cut, his head was swollen and he spent one month in the hospital. Open Subtitles انفه مدمى,شفتاه مقطوعه رأسه سمى وقضى شهر في المشفى هل سمعتم جميعكم؟
    If he gets his nose any further up her keister, we're gonna have to tie a rope to his feet. Open Subtitles اذا جعل انفه قريب للمؤخرتها سوف نضظر لربط قدميه
    If he pooped on the living room carpet, I stuck his nose in it. Open Subtitles عندما يتغوط على سجاده غرفه المعيشه احشر انفه فيه
    The guy in the movie in the loin cloth with a bone through his nose. Open Subtitles كالرجل بالفيلم الذي يرتدي قطعه قماش وعظمه مركبه على انفه
    One day we were laughing about how much snot he could blow out his nose, then he wasn't there anymore. Open Subtitles وفي احد الايام كنا نستمتع ونتحدى من يقدر ان يخرج اكبر كميه هواء من انفه ولم يكن بعدها معنا مضحك
    Yes, if by tea you mean salted tap water, and by drank you mean poured up his nose. Open Subtitles نعم ان كنت بكلمة شاي تعنين ماء الصنبور المملح و بكلمة شرب تقصدين ان يقوم بسكبه في انفه
    And if I find a hole in the cartilage of his nose, right about here, then it means I'm right. Open Subtitles و ان وجدت فتحة في مجرى انفه تقريبا هنا فهذا يعني انني محق
    If he keeps making noises, we can always pinch his nose and cover his mouth. Open Subtitles ان استمر في السكوت نستطيع دائما ان نكتم انفه ونغطي فمه
    Numb its pain with drugs, coat shine on his nose to make it all shiny. Open Subtitles خدرت الامه بالمخدرات وضعت لمعة على انفه لتجعله يبرق
    But then the part that was supposed to grow did not and instead his nose did. Open Subtitles ولكن حينها الجزء المفترض ان ينمو لم ينمو ولكن الاثر ظهر على انفه
    If only his nose grew bigger, that'd have been fine. Open Subtitles لو ان انفه فقط نمت واصبحت اكبر لكان امرا مقبولا
    Some guy who whistles through his nose. Open Subtitles أحضري شخص يعزف على الهرمونيكا أو رجل يصدر صوت من انفه
    He's surfacing. There's his snout. Open Subtitles انه يظهر على السطح هناك انفه
    I'd recommend losing the boy with the bloody nose in his future and having dinner with someone that can make you laugh, for real. Open Subtitles انصح بترك الصبي لان انفه سينزف الدماء بالمستقبل وبتناول وجبة العشاء مع شخص اخر يمكنه ان يجعلها تضحك

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