"جثّته" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • his body
    • his corpse
    • the body
    • his dead body
    This key is the only thing I could recover from his body. Open Subtitles و عندما قتل كان المفتاح الشيء الوحيد الذي استعدته من جثّته
    I was the one who found his body. There were no chemicals. Open Subtitles أنا كنتُ من وجد جثّته لم تكن هناك أي مواد كيميائية
    He was killed outside. his body was moved inside after the fact. Open Subtitles قُتل في الخارج ونُقلت جثّته إلى الداخل عقب الواقعة.
    I buried his body at your campsite. I doubt he gets many visitors there. Open Subtitles دفنت جثّته في موقع تخييمكما أشكّ أنّه استقبل زوّاراً كثيرين هناك
    his corpse is being sent here by shuttle so that I can conduct an autopsy. Open Subtitles أُرسلتْ جثّته إلى هنا في مركبة لأقومَ بتشريحها.
    Strange they'd kill him when he still owed them so much money and then leave his body in their own territory. Open Subtitles لمن الغريب أن يقتلوه وعليه ديْن كبير لهم ثمّ يتركون جثّته في منطقتهم.
    Do a DNA test on his body and compare it to the samples already on file. Open Subtitles اجروا فحص الحمض النووي على جثّته و قارنوها بالعينة التي في ملفّه
    So, they meet here, something goes wrong, hit man kills him, puts his body on the train. Open Subtitles إذاً، التقيا هنا ، حدث خطبٌ ما ، فقتله القاتل المأجور . ووضع جثّته على القطار
    And they found his body in the wreckage of our cart at the bottom of a ravine. Open Subtitles ثمّ وجدوا جثّته في حطام عربتنا في قعر الوادي
    When I found his body, I tried to feed him more, and... nothing. Open Subtitles ولمّا وجدت جثّته حاولت إطعامه المزيد لكن سدى.
    Find an open grave to place his body in, And then to... Cover it up with a foot of dirt. Open Subtitles وإيجاد قبر مفتوح لوضع جثّته فيه ومن ثمّ بطمره بقدم من التراب
    I'll dump his body in the same lake as your lousy lawyer. Open Subtitles سوف ألقي جثّته في نفس البحيرة التي ألقيت فيها جثّة محاميك الحقير
    All I did was leave his body unclaimed at the morgue so the checks would keep coming. Open Subtitles لذا فإنّي تركتُ جثّته غير مُطلوبة بالمشرحة حتى تستمرّ الشيكات بالقدوم.
    I'm gonna pick her up for questioning. I'm gonna run a tox screen on his body. Open Subtitles ولكنّي سأعتقلها للاستجواب وسأجري فحص سموم على جثّته
    It's in case his head gets blown off, so they can identify his body. Open Subtitles هذا في حال ما نُسفت رأسه، حتى يتسنى لي التعرّف على جثّته.
    Because he pursued that belief until it got him killed... and because you were kind enough to bring his body back here in a nice wooden box. Open Subtitles ولأنّه سعى وراء ذلك المعتقد حتّى أودى إلى مقتله ولأنّكَ كنتَ لطيفاً بما يكفي لتعيد جثّته إلى هنا في صندوق خشبيّ جميل
    From the BMX guys riding over his body. Open Subtitles من رجال الدرّاجات الناريّة حيثُ صعدا فوق جثّته
    Looks like he was killed by the stab wound. He wasn't drowned. his body was put in the water postmortem. Open Subtitles يبدو أنّ جرح الطعن هذا قتله، لم يُغرق، وضعَت جثّته في البحر بعد موته
    Apparently, his corpse shows some anomalous characteristics. Open Subtitles على ما يبدو، معارض جثّته بعض الخصائص الشاذة.
    his corpse was masticated by one or more humans. Open Subtitles جثّته مُضِغتْ بواحد أَو بشرِ أكثرِ.
    Someone tortured and killed a local, left the body right out in the open. Open Subtitles ثمّة أحد قتل وعذّب ساكنًا محلّيًا وترك جثّته على مرمى العيان.
    Well, in this case, his dead body, which was found right next to that of his smoking hot beaner girlfriend. Open Subtitles حسناً , في هذه الحالة , على جثّته التي تم العثور عليها بجانب تلك الحبيبة الفاتنة المكسيكية

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