Ten songs about Bunny, not one song about his wife. | Open Subtitles | عشْرة أغاني حول الأرنبِ، لَيسَ أغنيةً واحدة حول زوجتِه. |
Even though you know what he did, you let him go and he killed his wife. | Open Subtitles | ومع ذلك، أنت تعرِف ما الذي فعله وتركته يذهب، وقام هو بِقتلِ زوجتِه |
Thank God his wife's surgery went so well? | Open Subtitles | الحمد لله أن عملية زوجتِه قد نجحت, اليس كذلك ؟ |
I'm sure that's a sentiment that'll be shared by his wife. | Open Subtitles | أَنا متأكّد بأن a شعور تلك سَتَكُونُ مشتركة مع زوجتِه. |
He forced his wife to have surgery, repeatedly. | Open Subtitles | لقد أجبر زوجتِه على القِيام بالجِراحة، مراراً وتِكراراً |
He told me he was into bikes, so we talked about my new Harley, then he started dumping about his wife, said that she didn't have a problem spending his money, but, uh, hadn't gone down on him since the honeymoon. | Open Subtitles | ، أخبرنيّ أنّه يحبُّ الدرّاجات الناريّة ، لذا تحدّثنا عن درّاجتيّ الجديدة ، ثمّ بدأَ بالتذمّر بشأن زوجتِه |
It's fairly risky business what President Clinton did, to put his wife in charge of some big policy program. | Open Subtitles | هو عملُ خطرُ جداً الذي الرّئيس كلنتن عَمِلَ، لوَضْع زوجتِه مسؤولة عن بَعْض برنامجِ السياسةِ الكبيرِ. |
He was faced with a choice of either keep attacking me or pay for his wife's health. | Open Subtitles | هوووجهَمَعإختيارمنكِلاالعيشِ مُهَاجَمَتي أَو أَدْفعُ ثمن صحةَ زوجتِه. |
That means he was telling the truth about his wife getting ice-picked. | Open Subtitles | ذلك يَعْني بأنّه كَانَ يُخبرُ الحقيقةَ حول زوجتِه |
The knee pads were used to hold him down while he was choking on his wife's remains. | Open Subtitles | وسادات الركبةَ إستعملتْ لسَيْطَرَة عليه بينما هو كَانَ يَخْنقُ على بقايا زوجتِه. |
Well, that may be what got his wife killed. | Open Subtitles | حَسناً، ذلك قَدْ يَكُون الذي حَصلَ على زوجتِه قَتلَ. |
He's out there mumbling something about his wife and car bomb. | Open Subtitles | هو هناك غَمْغَمَة الشيء حول زوجتِه وسيارته المفخَّخةِ. |
The mayor was at home Monday night with his wife all night from 8:00 on. | Open Subtitles | رئيس البلدية كَانَ في البيت ليلة الإثنين مَع زوجتِه طوال اللّيل مِنْ 8: 00 على. |
The chain was dull from cutting up his wife's things. | Open Subtitles | السلسلة كَانتْ مملّةَ مِنْ القطع فوق أشياءِ زوجتِه. |
He's basically the only one who can give us any details on his wife's life. | Open Subtitles | هو أساساً الوحيدُ مَنْ يَسْتَطيع إعْطائنا أيّ تفاصيل على حياةِ زوجتِه. |
He was eager to both see his daughter and prove to his wife that he had what it took to be an actor. | Open Subtitles | هو كَانَ متلهّفَ لكلاهما يَرى بنتَه ويُثبتُ إلى زوجتِه بأنّه كَانَ عِنْدَهُ ما أَخذَ إلى أَنْ يَكُونَ ممثلَ. |
He stops in to drop off his wife's blouse and two pairs of pants. | Open Subtitles | يَتوقّفُ في لتَسليم زوجتِه البلوزة واللباسين الداخليين. |
What if she threatened to tell his wife they were having an affair? | Open Subtitles | الذي إذا هدّدتْ بإخْبار زوجتِه هم هَلْ كُنْتُ المُعَاشَرَة؟ |
And how about the cock of that man who was smearing his wife's arse with cream? | Open Subtitles | وماذا عَنْ زبر ذلك الرجلِ الذي كَانَ يَلْطيخ طيز زوجتِه بالكريم؟ |
So he's two for two on lies to his wife. | Open Subtitles | لذا هو إثنان لإثنان على الأكاذيبِ إلى زوجتِه. |
You told this guy who was going through the same thing that he should keep pictures of his wife around to help with the transition. | Open Subtitles | أخبرتَ هذا الرجلِ الذي كَانَ يَذْهبُ خلال نفس الشيءِ بأنّه يَجِبُ أَنْ يَبقي صورَ زوجتِه حول للمُسَاعَدَة بالإنتقالِ. |