"سيقتله" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • gonna kill him
    • 'll kill him
    • will kill him
    • would kill him
    • going to kill him
    • kills him
    • him killed
    • killed him
    • 's gonna kill
    Fucking right. They're gonna kill him in there, you know that. Open Subtitles نعم , أنت محقة . سيقتله و أنتِ تعرفين هذا
    Either the poison's gonna kill him, or his pals are gonna execute him for helping us. Open Subtitles إما السم سيقتله أو سيعدمه زملاؤه لمساعدتنا
    I'm not pumping up his heart rate. It'll kill him. Open Subtitles أنا لا أضخ شيء يرفع معدل ضربات قلبه ,سيقتله
    It will kill him, but this ritual could help. Open Subtitles سيقتله لكن هذه الطريقة قد تساعده اذا كتب له العيش
    You had no idea that your bean bag gun would kill him. Open Subtitles لم يكْن لديكِ أيّ فكرة بأنّ مسدس حبة الفول خاصتك سيقتله
    He finds out that the son of his daughter is in fact going to kill him, and he sort of freaks out and decides that he needs to prevent her from ever having a child to begin with. Open Subtitles اكتشف أن حفيده سيقتله وارتعب نوعاً ما وكبداية قرّر أن يمنعها من الإنجاب
    Tomorrow, or the poison kills him anyway. Open Subtitles غداً، وإلا فإن السم سيقتله في كل الأحوال.
    He's gonna kill him and who's to say he's wrong? This is all about money to Pistor... and I'm not gonna let him get away with killing Talan's father or Gavin. Open Subtitles سيقتله و من سيقول انه خاطي الموضوع يتعلق بالاموال لبيستور
    That means you knew someone was gonna kill him. Open Subtitles . هذا يدل على أنك كنت على علم بمن كان سيقتله
    It's gonna kill him much faster than any spinal fracture ever could. Open Subtitles سيقتله أسرع بكثير من أي كسر في العمود الفقري
    I would rather take the risk than just wait for what we know is gonna kill him. Open Subtitles أفضّل المخاطرة على الانتظار لما نعلم أنه سيقتله.
    I don't think we can kill it or it'll kill him. Open Subtitles لا أعتقد أن بإمكاننا قتله ولا فإنه سيقتله
    My father will kill him. If he even thinks that I tried to help him, he'll kill him. You know that. Open Subtitles سيقتله أبي، إن ظن فقط أنني أحاول مساعدته فسيقتله، أنت تعرف ذلك
    I know. If you try to revive Jack without the Asgard, it'll kill him. Open Subtitles إذا كنت محاولة لانعاش جاك بدون الأسغارد , سيقتله هذا
    I'm sure that Alisa will kill him if she even begins to suspect that he's not legit. Open Subtitles أنا واثق من أن أليسا سيقتله حتى لو أنها تبدأ للشك أنه لا شرعي.
    My husband is suffering from an incurable disease that eventually will kill him. Open Subtitles زوجي مصاب بمرض لا علاج له سيقتله بالنهايه
    I mean, we're taking it real slow because we can't have sex,'cause it would kill him if we did. Open Subtitles اقصد اننا في طور بداية علاقة لأننا لا نستطيع مُمارسة الجنس, لأن ذلك سيقتله.
    Five other "yeslno" questions, and maybe we'd know what treatment to give, and what treatment would kill him. Open Subtitles خمسُ أسئلةٍ ثنائيّة الإجابة كانت كفيلةً ربّما بإرشادنا إلى العلاج الذي سيلزمه والعلاج الذي سيقتله
    He wasn't going to kill him, just nick him a little. Open Subtitles لم يكن سيقتله , فقط يهزه قليلا
    Whoever kills him will come to terrible harm. Possibly death. Open Subtitles أياً كان من سيقتله سيتأذى بشكلٍ فظيع وعلى الأرجح الموت
    Who's gonna have him killed if he doesn't pay Open Subtitles -يدع "الـقرد " والذي سيقتله إن لم يدفع له أدركت هذا الجزء
    And he had to make sure I was the one who killed him. Open Subtitles وكان عليه أن يعلم أنني من سيقتله.

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