"عشت مع" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • I lived with
    • live with
    • I have lived with
    • 've lived with
    • living with
    • lived with my
    • I stayed with
    • lived with your
    • have lived among
    • lived with a
    • lived with the
    • lived among the
    I lived with thoughts of taking my revenge... on the person that made my brother that way. Open Subtitles ..عشت مع فكرة الانتقام من الشخص الذي جعل أخي بهذا الوضع
    I lived with the pain every day of my life, Dawson, and I blame you. Open Subtitles عشت مع الألم كل يوم من حياتي، داوسون، وأنا ألومك.
    You used to live with the Indians for years when you escaped bondage. Open Subtitles أنت عشت مع الهنود لسنوات عندما تحررت من العبودية
    Well, whatever you can live with, Joanna, but I'm telling you this thing with Julian doesn't have legs. Open Subtitles مهما عشت مع أي شخص جوانا لكني أؤكد لك هذه العلاقة مع جوليان لا تنفع
    I have lived with the guilt that I left our unborn child for dead in those woods, never to take his first breath, never to see his first sunrise, to hear his mother's heart beat, to look into his father's eyes. Open Subtitles عشت مع الذنب بتركي لابني الذي لم يولد مع الموتى فى هذه الغابة لم يتسنى له اخذ اول انفاسه
    I've lived with someone's blood on my hands for a long time. Open Subtitles لقد عشت مع الدم لشخص ما على يدي لفترة طويلة.
    I lived with these maniacs in the loony bin. Open Subtitles لقد عشت مع اؤلئك المعتوهين بمستشفة المجانين
    All my life, I lived with the idea that one day someone would tell me, Open Subtitles طوال حياتي عشت مع فكرة أنّ في يومٍ ما سيقول لي شخص ما
    I lived with some crazy-ass foster parents but it's better than being in a group home. Open Subtitles عشت مع مجانين بالتبني ولكنه أفضل من أن أترعرع في مجموعه
    My mom and dad split when I was three. I lived with my grandfather till he died, and then I went to school. Open Subtitles أمي وأبي أنفصلا عندما كنت ذي ثلاثة سنوات، عشت مع جدي حتى مات،
    I was crazy when I lived with a guy who followed me like a dog. Open Subtitles كنت مجنونة عندما عشت مع رجل كان يتبعني مثل الكلب
    You have everything here. I live with your family, but they're not my family. Open Subtitles لقد عشت مع عائلتك و مع انهم ليسوا عائلتي
    Any parent who's honest will tell you that you live with that ambivalence. Open Subtitles كل الأباء الشرفاء سوف يخبرونك. وأنك عشت مع هذا التناقض.
    I didn't live with my mom, I lived with Heylia. Open Subtitles لم اعش مع امى انا عشت مع هيليا
    All my life, I have lived with the fear and terror of that abandonment. Open Subtitles طوال حياتي عشت مع الخوف و الرعب من ذلك التخلي
    All of these years, he believed that his daughter hated him, and I've lived with that guilt every single day. Open Subtitles طوال تلك السنوات صدق بأن إينته تكرهه وقد عشت مع هذا الذنب كل يوم
    In March, I will have been living with Schmidt for ten years. Open Subtitles في شهر مارس سوف اكون عشت مع شميدت لمدة عشر سنوات
    When I stayed with Mom Open Subtitles عندما عشت مع أمى
    So you sent your daughter away, but lived with your son and wife in the Cortez, back in L.A., where you were still being hunted. Open Subtitles اذن أنت أرسلت ابنتك بعيداً, لكنك عشت مع ابنك و زوجتك في الكورتيز في لوس أنجلوس حيث كنت ما زلتَ مطارداً.
    I loved this young. I have lived among them for several months. Open Subtitles أنا أحببت تلك المرأة .. عشت مع هؤلاء الناس لأشهر
    Wait a minute, you lived with a guy, then you left him for his brother? Open Subtitles إنتظري لحظة، عشت مع رجل ثم تركتيه من أجل أخيه؟
    When you lived among the criminals, did you start to pity them? Open Subtitles عندما عشت مع المجرمين, هل أشفقت عليهم؟

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