I told you he's just a reputational rhino, didn't I? | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه مجرد وحيد القرن سمعة، أليس كذلك؟ |
Oh, you think Jimmy was here recently even though I told you he hadn't been here in a month. | Open Subtitles | أنت تعتقد ان جيمي كان هنا مؤخرا لقد قلت لك انه لم يأتي الى البيت منذ شـهر |
I told you he's still in town and I'm gonna find him. | Open Subtitles | لقد قلت لك انه لا يزال في البلدة و سوف أعثُّر عليه |
I told you it was because you were newly sober and you needed to figure out who you are, and that was part of it, but... | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه كان بسبب انك كنتي للتو في فترة نقاهتك وانك كنت بحاجة لاكتشاف من أنت |
I told you he was wandering about, dazed and confused. | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه كان يتجول , وهو في حالة ذهول وارتباك. |
What if I told you that you could have that feeling any time, any place? | Open Subtitles | ماذا لو قلت لك انه من الممكن ان تشعر بهذا الشعور فى كل وقت و فى اى مكان؟ |
- Yeah, I had sex with him the other night and then I told you that he was small. | Open Subtitles | - نعم، كان لي ممارسة الجنس معه الليل وغيرها ثم قلت لك انه كان صغيرا. |
I told you he overruled me, and then you blabbed to the chief, and now Flanigan blames me. | Open Subtitles | لقد قلت لك انه تعدي تعليماتي ثم,ثرثرت للرئيس والآن فلانيجان يلومني |
I told you he wouldn't come with us. He hates us. | Open Subtitles | . لقد قلت لك , انه لن يأتي معنا . انه يكرهنا |
- I told you he wouldn't take this seriously. | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه لن يأخذ الأمر على محمل الجد |
I told you he's not mine any longer, are you deaf? | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه لا ينتمي إلى شعبي، هل أصم؟ |
But I told you he's gone for the day. | Open Subtitles | لكنني قلت لك انه لن يأتي اليوم |
I told you it was nothing. Just a bit shaken up. That's a relief. | Open Subtitles | انا بخير قلت لك انه لاشيء جرح بسيط هذا كل شيء |
Yes, I told you it was very, very bad for us. | Open Subtitles | -تنفجر؟ -نعم ، قلت لك انه سيء للغاية بالنسبة لنا. |
I told you it wasn't long, but there's an amazing connection between us. | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه لم يمض وقت طويل، ولكن هناك اتصال مذهلة بيننا. |
I told you he was going to be a problem. | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه قد يسبب المشاكل |
What if I told you that you could reunite romeo and juliet? | Open Subtitles | ماذا لو قلت لك انه يمكنك ان تعيد جمع روميو بجولييت ؟ |
I told you that he was out there. | Open Subtitles | قلت لك انه كان هناك. |
I told you we should've had this place closed and locked down. | Open Subtitles | لقد قلت لك انه يجب ان نغلق هذا المكان ومخلى من الزوار |
- told you he'd do that. - Yeah, you did. | Open Subtitles | لقد قلت لك انه سيفعل ذلك نعم لقد قلت |