"من كانوا" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • Who were they
    • who they were
    • those who were
    • who was
    • - Who were
    • Who are they
    • initiators of
    • those who have been
    • Who were the
    • of those who
    • ones who
    • the people who
    • people who were
    • who had been
    • those who had
    So, Who were they... the people shooting at us? Uh... You promised to tell me the truth. Open Subtitles إذاً ، من كانوا الناس الذين كانوا يطلقوا الرصاص علينا؟ لقد وعدتني أن تخبرني الحقيقة
    Who were they, vandals? Open Subtitles من كانوا هؤلاء المخربين؟
    I thought they died in an accident but I don't know who they were or even their names. Open Subtitles اعتقدت بأنهم ماتوا في حادث سيارة لكنني لا أتذكر من كانوا أو حتى ما هي أسمائهم
    I don't know who they were, but they were asking about you. Open Subtitles لا أعلم من كانوا ، لكنهم كانوا يسألون عنك
    A nationwide investigation had been conducted, and all those who were alive had been returned to Japan, along with their children. UN وقد أُجري تحقيق على مستوى البلد وأعيد جميع من كانوا على قيد الحياة إلى اليابان مع أطفالهم.
    Well, brought back everyone who was here that day. Open Subtitles حسنًا،لقد أحضرت جميع من كانوا هنا في ذلك اليوم
    Who were they playing? Open Subtitles ضد من كانوا يلعبون؟
    Who were they? Open Subtitles من كانوا هؤلاء؟
    So Who were they? Open Subtitles لذا من كانوا هم؟
    The mothers. Who were they? Open Subtitles الأمهات ، من كانوا ؟
    He rounded up a bunch of cab drivers. I don't know who they were. Open Subtitles لقد قام بتجميع مجموعة من سائقي سيّارات الأجرة أنا لا أعرِفُ من كانوا
    Yeah, well, that would have been a little easier had we known who they were after. Open Subtitles كان سيكون ذلك أسهل لو عرفنا وراء من كانوا يسعون
    And if these other kids were poisoned, we need to figure out who they were with and where they were drinking. Open Subtitles , وإذا هؤلاء الأطفال الأخرين قد سمموا نحتاج أن نكتشف مع من كانوا وأين كانوا يشربون
    We praise the Almighty God, who blinded the eyes and minds of those who were responsible for the illicit trafficking and extermination of our African heritage. UN ونحمد الله القدير الذي أعمى عيون وعقول من كانوا مسؤولين عن الاتجار غير المشروع بإرثنا اﻷفريقي وتدميره.
    Quiet, my pretties. Soon we'll have revenge on those who mocked me. Also on those who were kind to me. Open Subtitles انتظروا يا أحبائي ، حالاً سننتقم ممن سخروا مني وأيضاً من كانوا طيبين معي
    Everyone who was there when you were there, they're that pile of bones in the corner. Open Subtitles جميع من كانوا بالقناة عندما كنت تعمل هناك الان أصبحوا كومة عظام في حفرة
    Devil take'em! - Who were these pirates? Open Subtitles فليأخذهم الشيطان من كانوا هؤلاء القراصنة؟
    Who are they talking to? Open Subtitles ــ إلى من كانوا يتحدثّون ؟
    Even the initiators of the " resolution " acknowledged this wrongdoing. UN وقد اعترف من كانوا وراء " القرار " بسوء تصرفهم.
    Lastly greater coordination between those stakeholders who could provide practical and emergency assistance to those who have been the targets of reprisals would enable a more holistic response. UN وفي الختام، من شأن تعزيز التنسيق بين أصحاب المصلحة الذين يمكنهم تقديم المساعدة العملية والطارئة إلى من كانوا مستهدفين بالأعمال الانتقامية أن يسمح بالمزيد من الرد الشامل.
    Who were the people at the hospital that day? No. Open Subtitles من كانوا الناس بالمستشفى ذلك اليوم؟
    You may say that it is resurrection that has raised from the Earth the heads of those who rotted in December and January, the dead of yesterday. UN قل إنه البعث الذي أخرج من الأرض رؤوس من تعفنوا في ديسمبر ويناير، من كانوا موتى بالأمس.
    Norman, I've already proved to you that Mary and Lila Loomis were the ones who were calling you. Open Subtitles نورمان أذا أثبت لك بأن مارى وليلا لوميس هم من كانوا يتصلون بك هاتفياً
    It was also expected that increases in interest rates could change the minds of the people who had been moving their funds out of baht. UN وكان من المتوقع أيضا أن تغير الزيادات في أسعار الفائدة تفكير من كانوا يحولون أموالهم من الباهت.
    The early mortality rates for the people who were within 1.5 k to 2 k of the hypocentre were 14 per cent for people with a shield and 83 per cent for the people without a shield. UN وكانت معدلات الوفيات بين الناس الذين كانوا موجودين في نطاق ١,٥ إلى ٢ كيلومتر من مركز الانفجار ١٤ في المائة بين مـن كانوا مستورين و ٨٣ فـي المائة بين من كانوا بلا ستر.
    Today we have to deal with those who had previously been overlooked. UN واليوم، علينا أن نراعي من كانوا عرضة للإهمال في السابق.

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    Arabic-English: 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k, 60k, 70k, 80k, 90k, 100k, more | English-Arabic: 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k, 60k, 70k, 80k, 90k, 100k, more