"وثقت به" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • trusted him
    • I trusted
    • you trust him
    • trust in
    • you trusted
    On the other hand, here was this kid who had reached out to Adrian in confidence and trusted him. Open Subtitles من ناحية أخرى، كان هنا هذا الطفل الذي كان قد وصل إلى ادريان في الثقة وثقت به.
    Your father promised he would make good the debts there in time. And I trusted him. Open Subtitles وتعهد والدك أنه سيسدد الديون بوقتها، وقد وثقت به.
    Where she clearly trusted him and had every reason to believe that he would make a fantastic emperor. Open Subtitles حيث وثقت به بشكل واضح و كانت على يقين تام من أنه سيصير إمبراطورا رائعا
    And you, good father, the confessor whom I trusted, you shall one day climb very high, only to fall. Open Subtitles وأنت أيها الأب العزيز كاهن الإعتراف الذي وثقت به في يوم ما ستتسلق عالياً لكي تسقط فقط
    "Why did you trust him?" Open Subtitles " لماذا وثقت به ؟ "
    I know he went and left you, but you must have trusted him once. Open Subtitles أنا أعلم أنه ذهب وتركك ولكن قد وثقت به مرة واحدة
    I believe that he wears a uniform. Most of the victims trusted him initially. Open Subtitles اعتقد انه يرتدي الزي العسكري معظم الضحايا وثقت به في البداية
    He owed me his life, which is why I trusted him when he said he had changed his ways. Open Subtitles والمستحقة لي حياته، والذي هو السبب في أنني وثقت به عندما قال انه قد تغيرت طرقه.
    And a whole lot of other people in this city, they are dead because we trusted him. Open Subtitles والكثير كاملة من أشخاص آخرين في هذه المدينة، كانوا أمواتا لأننا وثقت به.
    I trusted him. He could've told me about Emily, about Tony, about how he really felt about me. Open Subtitles لقد وثقت به كان عليه أن يخبرني عن إيميلي وتوني
    I've trusted him with a great deal in the past, and he's never let me down. Open Subtitles لقد وثقت به بقدر كبير في الماضي وهو لن يخذلني أبدًا
    I don't know why, but I trusted him right away. Open Subtitles "لم أدرِ ما السبب، ولكني وثقت به على الفور"
    I trusted him, and then he used that trust Open Subtitles وثقت به , ومن ثم استغل تلك الثقة
    I've trusted him once in the arena and this was the result... Open Subtitles وثقت به مرة في الحلبة وهذه كانت النتيجة..
    My daughter trusted him with information that he now uses against us. Open Subtitles ابنتي وثقت به بمعلومات يستعملها ضدنا الان
    But now, if he be a traitor, then I am sorry that I ever loved him or trusted him, and I am very glad that his treason is discovered in time. Open Subtitles لكن الآن ، بعدما بات خائنا فأنا آسف لانني أحببته أو وثقت به وأنا ممتن كثيرا
    And it was more than just doctors skills, compassion she trusted him right to the end Open Subtitles ولم يكن مجرد مهارات دكتور, انها كانت الشفقه هي وثقت به الى النهايه
    I'm angry that the lawyer I trusted just got disqualified. Open Subtitles أنا غاضب من أن المحامي الذي وثقت به ليس مؤهل فقط
    I saw the man who I trusted, who I believed in more than anyone, who read me bedtime stories and taught me how to tie my shoes with bunny ears... Open Subtitles رأيت الرجل الذي وثقت به الذي آمنت به أكثر من أي شخص الذي كان يقرأ لي قصص ما قبل النوم
    "Why did you trust him?" Open Subtitles " لماذا وثقت به ؟"
    If you put your trust in him and obey his rules, you see the world in a new way, it's wonderful. Open Subtitles إن وثقت به وأطعت أوامره، ترى العالم من منظور آخر, إنه رائع،
    You mean like the loyalty of someone you trusted? Open Subtitles أنت تعني مثل الأخلاص لشخص ما أنت وثقت به ؟

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