"his kidneys" - Translation from English to Arabic

    • كليتيه
    • كليتاه
    • كليته
    • الكليتين
    • بكليته
    He told his father that his kidneys were very sore, he was urinating blood, had headaches and was unable to stand on his heels. UN وقد أبلغ أباه بأن كليتيه تؤلمانه ألماً شديداً، وأنه يتبول دماً، ويعاني من أوجاع في الرأس ولا يقدر على الوقوف على كعبيه.
    A medical examination ordered by the Chief Magistrate's Court is said to have revealed that he had sustained injuries to his kidneys. UN وقيل إن فحصاً طبياً أمرت به محكمة الصلح الرئيسية قد كشف عن أنه يعاني من إصابات في كليتيه.
    The author was kicked in the face, hit with truncheons on his kidneys and back, and hit on the thorax. UN وقد رُكل صاحب البلاغ في وجهه، وضُرب بهِراوات على كليتيه وظهره وصدره.
    Unless, it's not his liver that's elevating his albumin, it's his kidneys. Open Subtitles ما لم يكن الكبد هو ما يرفع الألبومين لديه بل كليتاه
    Both his kidneys have failed due to too much drinking Open Subtitles سيد ظفار. الخمر أفسدت كليته ويحتاج إلى زراعة كلية
    his kidneys are damaged and his muscles are also injured from having been over-stretched. UN وقد أصيب بتلف الكليتين واصابات في عضلاته نتيجة تعذيبه بشدّها بإفراط.
    Before being taken to solitary confinement, he complained of pain in his kidneys. UN وقبل اقتياده إلى الحبس الانفرادي، اشتكى من ألم في كليتيه.
    He had sustained injuries to his eyes, ear, hip, back, soles of his feet and around his kidneys. UN وقد عانى من إصابات في عينيه وأذنيه ووركه وظهره وفي أخمص قدميه وحول كليتيه.
    He was in sound physical health and a hospital check-up revealed that his kidneys and heart were healthy. UN وكان في حالة صحية جيدة وثبت من الفحص الطبي العام أن كليتيه وقلبه سليمة.
    The author was kicked in the face, hit with truncheons on his kidneys and back, and hit on the thorax. UN وقد رُكل صاحب البلاغ في وجهه، وضُرب بهِراوات على كليتيه وظهره وصدره.
    He was severely tortured so that he would confess the murder and, as a result of that torture, his ribs were broken and one of his kidneys was damaged. UN وقد تعرض للتعذيب المبرح من أجل أن يعترف بارتكاب جريمة القتل، وكسرت أضلاعه وتضررت إحدى كليتيه نتيجة لهذا التعذيب.
    Prison gave me some bullshit story about kidney failure, but Joey never had any problem with his kidneys. Open Subtitles قدم لي السجن قصة خرافية عن مرض الفشل الكلوى و لكن جوي لم يكن لديه أي مشكلة مع كليتيه
    Did you also know that your brother gave you one of his kidneys when you were kids? Open Subtitles ..هل تعلم أيضا أن أخاك أعطاك إحدى كليتيه عندما كنت طفلاَ ؟
    Which he could have handled easily If his kidneys were healthy. Open Subtitles و الذي كان ليعالجه بسهولة لو كانت كليتيه سليمتين
    He has something that has a long incubation period, something that should've wrecked his kidneys, something that explains breathing problems, heart problems, jumpy nerves and weak blood. Open Subtitles إنّه مُصاب بشيء له فترة حضانة طويلة شيء كان ينبغي به أن يتلف كليتيه شيء يُفسّر مشاكل التنفّس مشاكل القلب، الأعصاب المرتعشة، ودمه الواهن
    Except now we have to stay and test his kidneys. Open Subtitles باستثناء أنّ علينا الآن البقاء لفحص كليتيه
    He glared at us like we'd asked for both his kidneys Open Subtitles نظر إلينا كما لو أننا طلبنا منه كلتا كليتيه
    He was forced to lick the dirty floor and to stand still for hours, and he was beaten cruelly and repeatedly so that his kidneys were affected. UN وأجبروه على لعق اﻷرض المتسخة وعلى الوقوف ثابتا لساعات طويلة وضرب بقسوة مرارا الى أن تضررت كليتاه.
    He had this disease where his kidneys couldn't process sodium. Open Subtitles لقد كان لديه ذلك المرض حيث كليتاه لم تستطع إفراز الصوديوم.
    Turns out his kidneys aren't the only thing failing. Open Subtitles اتضح أنّ كليتاه ليست الشيء الوحيد الذي يصاب بالفشل
    He sold one of his kidneys because he didn't have money. Open Subtitles باع له أحد كليته ، فقط لأنه لا يملك مالاً
    Which could have migrated up to his kidneys. Open Subtitles وقد تكون اتخذت الطريق الصاعد إلى الكليتين
    You want it to be his kidneys, because if it's his kidneys, then maybe we can treat it, fix it. Open Subtitles تريد أن يكون العيب بكليته لأنه إن كان كذلك فيمكننا معالجتها، إصلاحها

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