"of his people" - Translation from English to Arabic

    • شعبه
    • لشعبه
    • من جماعته
    • بشعبه
    • قومه
    His Majesty himself has applied his philosophy in practice, initiating numerous royal projects for the betterment of his people and country. UN ولقد طبق جلالته بنفسه فلسفته بشكل عملي حيث دشن العديد من المشاريع الملكية من أجل تحسين أحوال شعبه وبلده.
    Enhancing his compatriots' well-being upholding the dignity of his people were the guiding principles of his political activities. UN وقد كان تعزيز رفاه مواطني بلده ودعم كرامة شعبه من المبادئ التي اهتدى بها في أنشطته السياسية.
    He has no need to be frightened of his people. Open Subtitles وليس لديه الحاجة إلى أن تكون خائفا من شعبه.
    Which is why, in the ancient oral tradition of his people, he's told 20 other men the information on those files. Open Subtitles وهذا هو السبب ، في القديم التقليد الشفوي لشعبه ، وقال 20 رجلا أخرى المعلومات الواردة في تلك الملفات.
    A king... must rule the hearts and hopes of his people. Open Subtitles الملك يجب أن يكون على قدر مسؤولية تطلعات وأمال شعبه
    But he never lost faith in the ability of his people to overcome those challenges, challenges that were largely driven by external forces. UN لكنه لم يفقد الثقة بقدرة شعبه على التغلب على هذه التحديات، التحديات التي كانت تحركها إلى حد كبير القوى الخارجية.
    Our view is that any leader who sanctions such use of force on his people forfeits the legitimate right to be recognized as representing the interests of his people. UN ونرى أن أي زعيم يطبق مثل هذا الاستخدام للقوة ضد شعبه يفقد حقه المشروع في ضرورة الاعتراف بأنه يمثل مصالح شعبه.
    In other words, those who carried out the coup have acted because the President of all Hondurans has sought the opinion of his people on the possibility of holding a referendum. UN وبعبارة أخرى، فإن من نفذوا الانقلاب فعلوا ذلك لأن رئيس جميع أبناء هندوراس التمس رأي شعبه بشأن احتمال إجراء استفتاء.
    The self-identification of his people as an indigenous people and not a minority could be traced from then. UN ويعود تحديد شعبه لنفسه بصفته شعباً أصلياً وليس أقلية إلى ذلك الحين.
    We hope that his soul will rest in peace, especially since he dedicated his life on Earth to the service of his people and his country. UN فطوبى لروحه الطاهرة بعد الحياة الحافلة التي أفناها في العمل الجاد والنضال والتفاني في خدمة شعبه وأمته.
    This earned him the trust of his people, who with conviction and renewed faith chose him as their leader and the symbol of their struggle. UN وقد جعله ذلك موضع ثقة شعبه. فاختاره عن قناعة وإيمان متجدد قائدا له ورمزا لنضاله.
    They note with appreciation the determined efforts of the Government of President Chissano in alleviating the suffering of his people. UN وهم يحيطون علما مع التقدير بالجهود الجبارة التي تبذلها حكومة الرئيس شيسانو للتخفيف من معاناة شعبه.
    He was a far-sighted politician and an outstanding statesman who shouldered responsibility for the destiny of his people and of other peoples of the region. UN وكان سياسيا بعيد النظر ورجل دولة تولى المسؤولية عن مصير شعبه وعن الشعوب اﻷخرى في المنطقة.
    His life was devoted to improving the lives of his people and to the development of his country. UN لقد كانت حياته مكرسة لخدمة شعبه وتنمية بلده.
    President Mobutu, on the other hand, knows the history of his people better than his cabinet ministers do. UN بيد أن الرئيس موبوتو يعرف تاريخ شعبه أحسن من وزرائه.
    He identified the root cause as the continuing dispossession of his people. UN وحدد السبب الجذري بأنه تجريد شعبه باستمرار من الملكية.
    They note with appreciation the determined efforts of the Government of President Chissano in alleviating the suffering of his people. UN وهم يحيطون علما مع التقدير بالجهود الجبارة التي تبذلها حكومة الرئيس شيسانو للتخفيف من معاناة شعبه.
    He combined the qualities of a visionary, a peacemaker, a responsible leader of his people and a human being of great compassion and common sense. UN فقد جمع بين خصــال الشخــص البعيــد النظر وصانع السلام، وكان قائدا مسؤولا لشعبه وإنسانا يتسم بعاطفة كبيرة وحِس سليم.
    Morocco's prolonged intransigence and oppression of his people did not build confidence nor contribute to the conditions needed for a peaceful solution. UN وأضاف أن عناد المغرب المستمر وقمعها لشعبه لا يساعد على بناء الثقة ولا يسهم في تهيئة الظروف اللازمة لإيجاد حل سلمي.
    We ask God to be merciful to him and to reward him for his great work on behalf of his people and humankind as a whole. UN وندعو الله له بالمغفرة والرحمة، وأن يجزيه خير الجزاء على ما قدمه لشعبه وللإنسانية جمعاء.
    Miles here and three of his people came to the island about a week ago. Open Subtitles مايلز هنا وثلاثة من جماعته أتو الى الجزيرة قبل أسبوع تقريبا
    History will attest to his achievements as President and to the contribution he made to the advancement of his people. UN وسوف يشهد التاريخ على إنجازاته بصفته رئيسا للدولة، وعلى إسهامه في الارتقاء بشعبه.
    He said that the dream of his people was not to be equal but to be respected as different. UN وقال إن حلم قومه ليس أن يكونوا متساوين مع غيرهم وإنما أن يُحترموا بوصفهم مختلفين.

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