"seek clarify" - English Arabic dictionary

    "seek clarify" - Translation from English to Arabic


    The Government highlighted that the measures taken to clarify cases of enforced disappearances are not isolated measures, but instead part of a comprehensive policy to recover historical memory, seek the truth and obtain justice, which is being implemented by the legislative, judicial and executive branches of Government. UN The Government highlighted that the measures taken to clarify cases of enforced disappearances are not isolated measures, but instead part of a comprehensive policy to recover historical memory, seek the truth and obtain justice, which is being implemented by the legislative, judicial and executive branches of Government.
    The respective land boards of each tribal area should seek to further clarify and make publicly available, including through the utilization of community education programmes, the process for submitting an application for a lease, including the basis upon which a land board will or will not issue such a lease. UN The respective land boards of each tribal area should seek to further clarify and make publicly available, including through the utilization of community education programmes, the process for submitting an application for a lease, including the basis upon which a land board will or will not issue such a lease.
    56. To rectify this situation, it has been decided that, with input from several specialized agencies and international organizations, the Child Protection Support Unit should make an inventory of all organizations working with child protection and seek to clarify the role and responsibilities of each in order to improve coordination and increase accountability. UN 56. To rectify this situation, it has been decided that, with input from several specialized agencies and international organizations, the Child Protection Support Unit should make an inventory of all organizations working with child protection and seek to clarify the role and responsibilities of each in order to improve coordination and increase accountability.
    UNFCCC COP decision 11/CP.17, paragraph 1(c), requests the GEF, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention, to clarify the concept of additional costs as applied to different types of adaptation projects under the LDCF and the SCCF which seek to respond to climate change risks. UN UNFCCC COP decision 11/CP.17, paragraph 1(c), requests the GEF, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention, to clarify the concept of additional costs as applied to different types of adaptation projects under the LDCF and the SCCF which seek to respond to climate change risks.
    In the initial phase of the negotiations, participants will indicate the provisions, including disciplines on trade distorting practices, that they seek to clarify and improve in the subsequent phase. UN In the initial phase of the negotiations, participants will indicate the provisions, including disciplines on trade distorting practices, that they seek to clarify and improve in the subsequent phase.
    Whereas this decision did not seek to clarify the legal status of the Treaty within the overall constitutional framework of the nation, the Court of Appeal and the Crown have determined the general Treaty principles, which are referred to in recent legislation. UN Whereas this decision did not seek to clarify the legal status of the Treaty within the overall constitutional framework of the nation, the Court of Appeal and the Crown have determined the general Treaty principles, which are referred to in recent legislation.
    6.2 Human rights impact assessments seek to clarify the nature of such choices, and to ensure that they are made on the basis of the best information available. UN 6.2 Human rights impact assessments seek to clarify the nature of such choices, and to ensure that they are made on the basis of the best information available.
    When considering this note, the SBI may wish to examine in particular the issues identified in section III. It may seek to clarify the information it needs on these issues and request the SBSTA to prepare additional guidelines for consideration at the third session of that body. UN ٦- قد ترغب الهيئة الفرعية للتنفيذ، عند النظر في هذه المذكرة، أن تبحث بصورة خاصة القضايا المحددة في الفرع " ثالثا " . وقد تسعى إلى توضيح المعلومات التي تحتاج اليها بشأن هذه القضايا وتطلب إلى الهيئة الفرعية للمشورة العلمية والتكنولوجية إعداد مبادئ توجيهية إضافية من أجل النظر فيها في الدورة الثالثة لتلك الهيئة.
    In particular, Bhutan should clarify the eligibility of non-Buddhist and non-Hindu groups to obtain registration under the Religious Organizations Act of Bhutan, and should seek to expedite the registration of all peaceful religious groups in the country which sought this status, providing adequate support to any groups seeking assistance in the process of registration. UN وبصفة خاصة، ينبغي لبوتان أن توضح أهلية الجماعات غير البوذية وغير الهندوسية للحصول على موافقة التسجيل بموجب قانون المنظمات الدينية في بوتان، وأن تسعى إلى التعجيل بتسجيل جميع الجماعات الدينية السلمية التي ترغب في الحصول على هذا المركز في البلاد، وأن تقدم الدعم الكافي لأي جماعات تلتمس المساعدة في عملية التسجيل(27).
    There is no prima facie reason not to consider such “counter-proposals” as veritable interpretative declarations, at least when they seek to clarify the meaning and scope of the treaty in the eyes of the declarant; however, they are by definition formulated after the time at which formulation of a reservation is possible. UN وليس ثمة في الظاهر أي سبب يحول دون اعتبار هذه " المقترحات المضادة " إعلانات تفسيرية حقيقية أو على اﻷقل عندما ترمي إلى ايضاح معنى ونطاق المعاهدة في نظر صاحب اﻹعلان؛ والحال أنها بالضرورة إعلانات تقدم في وقت لاحق، للوقت الذي يجوز فيه تقديم التحفظات.
    " decided that it should support steps taken in common with other human rights treaty bodies to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice that would clarify the issue of reservations to the human rights treaties and thereby assist States parties in their ratification and implementation of those international instruments. UN " ]و[ قررت أن تدعم اتخاذ تدابير مشتركة مع سائر الهيئات المنشأة بموجب الصكوك الدولية المتعلقة بحقوق اﻹنسان بغية استصدار فتوى من محكمة العدل الدولية توضح مسألة التحفظات على معاهدات حقوق اﻹنسان، ومن ثم تساعد الدول اﻷطراف على التصديق على هذه الصكوك الدولية وتنفيذها.
    63. Given the opposing views which have emerged, the Special Rapporteur considers that the Commission might usefully seek to clarify the terms of the problem as it arises with respect to general public international law and adopt a resolution on the question which could be brought to the attention of States and human rights bodies by the General Assembly. UN ٣٦ - ونظرا لوجود تضارب في وجهات النظر المعرب عنها، يرى المقرر الخاص أنه قد يكون من المفيد أن تعمل اللجنة على توضيح مقومات المشكلة في منظور القواعد العامة للقانون الدولي العام وعلى اتخاذ قرار بشأن هذه المسألة يمكن أن توجه إليه الجمعية العامة انتباه الدول وهيئات حقوق اﻹنسان.
    There is no prima facie reason not to consider such “counter—proposals” as veritable interpretative declarations, at least when they seek to clarify the meaning and scope of the treaty in the eyes of the declarant; however, they are by definition formulated after the time at which the formulation of a reservation is possible. UN وليس ثمة في الظاهر أي سبب يحول دون اعتبار هذه " المقترحات المضادة " إعلانات تفسيرية حقيقية أو على الأقل عندما ترمي إلى ايضاح معنى ونطاق المعاهدة في نظر صاحب الإعلان؛ والحال أنها بالضرورة إعلانات تقدم في وقت لاحق، للوقت الذي يجوز فيه تقديم التحفظات.
    mon with other human rights treaty bodies to seek an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice that would clarify the issue of reservations to the human rights treaties and thereby assist States parties in their ratification and implementation of those international instruments. UN ٥ - وبناء على ذلك، قررت اللجنة أن تدعم اتخاذ تدابير مشتركة مع سائر الهيئات التعاهدية لحقوق الانسان بغية استصدار فتوى من محكمة العدل الدولية توضح مسألة التحفظات على معاهدات حقوق الانسان، ومن ثم تساعد الدول اﻷطراف على التصديق على هذه الصكوك الدولية وتنفيذها.
    13. Mr. Fuchs (Czech Republic) said that in the next report, his Government would seek to clarify any outstanding ambiguities on the penalties for rape and incest. UN 13 - السيد فوخس (الجمهورية التشيكية): قال إن حكومته ستسعى في التقرير التالي إلى توضيح أي نواح لا تزال غامضة بشأن العقوبات المفروضة على مرتكبي الاغتصاب والسِّفاح.
    Sanctions committees should seek to clarify all cases of alleged violations. UN وتسعى لجان الجزاءات إلى توضيح جميع حالات الانتهاكات المزعومة
    Sanctions committees should seek to clarify all cases of alleged violations. UN وتسعى لجان الجزاءات إلى توضيح جميع حالات الانتهاكات المزعومة.
    Regarding institutions and organizations, it will seek to clarify roles and responsibilities and compensate for the failings that impair the realization of children's rights. UN وعلى مستوى المؤسسات والمنظمات، سيتركز العمل على توضيح الأدوار والمسؤوليات وتقويم العيوب التي تعتري إعمال حقوق الطفل.
    Another Party raised the possibility of dialogue between the GEF and the Convention, whereby the GEF could seek to clarify priorities based on each subsequent round of guidance received. UN وأثار طرف آخر إمكانية الحوار بين المرفق والاتفاقية بحيث يمكن للمرفق أن يحاول توضيح الأولويات بالاستناد إلى كل جولة من الجولات اللاحقة للإرشادات التي ترد إليه.
    First, it should seek to clarify the meaning and function of the existing legal principles in their interpretation and application de lege lata. UN إذ ستسعى، أولا، في تفسيرها وتطبيقها للقانون الموجود، إلى توضيح معنى ووظيفة المبادئ القانونية القائمة.

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