"uric" - English Arabic dictionary

    "uric" - Translation from English to Arabic


    I found traces of uric acid on the victim's clothing. Open Subtitles لقد وجدت آثار لحمض اليوريك على ملابس الضحيّة
    The uric acid on the victim's clothing, it's feline, but it's not tiger pee. Open Subtitles حمض اليوريك على ملابس الضحيّة، إنّه هرّيّ، ولكنّه ليس بول نمر
    For the first time, we're seeing uric acid elevated, so you're giving yourself hyperuricemia, and the danger of hyperuricemia is gout, kidney stones. Open Subtitles نسبة حمض اليوريا مرتفع, لأن الغذاء به هايبريونسيميا وخطورتها أنها تسبب حصوة الكلى
    They indicate increased concentrations of uric acid and plasma cholesterol levels and decreased lipid concentration in plasma in the hypodynamic quail. UN وتشير هذه النتائج إلى ظهور زيادة مستويات تركّز حمض البول وكولوستيرول البلازما ونقص تركُّّز الشحم في البلازما لدى طيور السماني في ظروف تقييد الحركة.
    But I have to be careful with the uric acid. Open Subtitles ولكن يجب علي مراقبة حمض اليوريك
    - I need a tox screen, a uric acid test, Cbc, and a comprehensive metabolic panel. Open Subtitles - احتاج الى فحص السموم , وفحص حمض اليوريك, وفحض نبضات القلب, وفحص الغذائي الشامل.
    His uric acid's slightly elevated. Open Subtitles نسبة حمض البوليك مرتفعة قليلاً
    We've been stuffing him with meat and his kidneys are shot. Of course his uric acid— Open Subtitles لقد ملأناه باللحم و كليتيه متوقفتين ...بالتأكيد نسبة حمض البوليك
    Phosphorus and uric acid are off the charts. Open Subtitles الفوسفور والحمض البولي مرتفعان جداً
    "The test sample contained a strong concentration of acetone, uric acid, and ammonia." Open Subtitles "احتوت عينة الاختبار على تركيز قوي من الأسيتون, حمض بولي, ونشادر."
    - Well, certain foods are rich in uric acid. Open Subtitles بعـض الأطعمـة غنيـة بحمـض اليوريـك
    For allopurinal, which will help block uric acid. Open Subtitles الألوربينـول" الـذي سيساعـد علـى" منـع حمـض اليوريـك
    He was not permitted necessary access to the toilet, and since he had prostate problems his uric acid level built up, leading to more kidney problems. UN He was not permitted necessary access to the toilet, and since he had prostate problems his uric acid level built up, leading to more kidney problems.
    Your uric acid will skyrocket. Open Subtitles أو حمض اليوريك بشكل سريع.
    uric acid crystals in the joints? Open Subtitles التهاب المفاصل؟
    Additional tests carried out while he was in prison include haemoglobin, creatine, AC uric, leukogram, TGP, Chest X-ray, EKG, abdominal ultrasounds, BAAR sputum, erythro, haematocrit, TGO, Phosphate ALC, cholesterol, triglyceride, P urine and other tests. UN Additional tests carried out while he was in prison include haemoglobin, creatine, AC uric, leukogram, TGP, Chest X-ray, EKG, abdominal ultrasounds, BAAR sputum, erythro, haematocrit, TGO, Phosphate ALC, cholesterol, triglyceride, P urine and other tests.
    uric acid... urea... good. Open Subtitles مستوى اﻷسيد في البول... جيد
    On further analysis of Strahm's fingerprints, it was found that the uric acid levels in the eccrine gland residue were inconsistent for an individual with an active epidermal metabolism. Open Subtitles بعد إجراء المزيد من التحاليل ...(لبصمات (ستراهم ...وجدنا أن مستويات حمض اليوريك لا تتفق للفرد مع وأيض نشطة فوق الجافية
    I need a uric acid... Open Subtitles - و أريد نسبة حمض اليوريك ... .

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