- I had some free time while you were drinking coffee downstairs, so I checked: | Open Subtitles | بينما كنت تشرب القهوة في الطابق السفلي ذهبت للتحقق من الأمر |
We were spinning cards while you were drinking milk from your mother's heroin tainted titty. | Open Subtitles | لقد كنا بالأوراق عندما كنت تشرب الحليب من ثدي أمك |
I've just been drinking water, while you were drinking the wine. | Open Subtitles | كنت أشرب الماء بينما كنت تشرب أنت النبيذ |
We were drinking, and I was feeling really lonely... [...] I think he may have said my shirts made his pants feel tight. | Open Subtitles | لقد كنا نشرب و قد كنت أشعر ساعتها بوحدة شديدة و أعتقد أنه قال أن يحس بالضيق الشديد بجلوسه مرتدياً بنطاله |
Bartender confirms that both pilots and all six flight attendants were drinking. | Open Subtitles | تؤكد ساقية الحانة أن الطيّارين كلاهما والمضيفات الستة كانوا يشربون الخمر |
Mm-hmm. I saw how much you were drinking that night. I saw it! | Open Subtitles | لقد رأيت كم كنت تشرب تلك الليلة , لقد رأيت ذلك |
I understand that last night at the bar you were drinking water? | Open Subtitles | أفهم أنك كنت تشرب الماء في الملهى الليلة الماضية؟ |
So your friend says you were drinking. You can't remember. | Open Subtitles | صديقك يقول أنّك كنت تشرب ولا يمكنك التذكر |
Every night you were drinking yourself unconscious like you were the only one who lost him. | Open Subtitles | كل ليلة كنت تشرب حتى تغيب عن الوعي وكأنك الشخص الوحيد الذي فقده |
Such an asshole, man. Who was stroking your hair last night when you were drinking blood? | Open Subtitles | من الذي كان يداعب شعرك الليلة الماضية حينما كنت تشرب الدماء؟ |
You were drinking vermouth the whole night, it's disgusting. | Open Subtitles | أنت كنت تشرب الخمر طوال الليل ذلك الشراب المقرف |
Seems like just yesterday we were drinking King Arthur. | Open Subtitles | يبدو وكأنه بالأمس كنا نشرب دماء الملك آرثر. |
When I was a boy, I always assumed we were drinking to his birth. | Open Subtitles | عندما كنت فتى , دائما أفترضت بأننا كنا نشرب لميلاده |
Yeah, you know, we were drinking and then this guy came along and tried to... | Open Subtitles | أجل كنا نشرب و بعد ذلك ذلك الرجل جاء و حاول |
And if these other kids were poisoned, we need to figure out who they were with and where they were drinking. | Open Subtitles | , وإذا هؤلاء الأطفال الأخرين قد سمموا نحتاج أن نكتشف مع من كانوا وأين كانوا يشربون |
They were drinking a little too much. | Open Subtitles | لقد كانوا يشربون كثيرا، لم يكن أمرا مهما |
I called the place where they were drinking, and they said they left a long time ago. | Open Subtitles | لقد اتصلت بالمكان الذي كانوا يشربون به وقالوا بانهم رحلوا منذو مده طويله |
You don't have to say that you were drinking. | Open Subtitles | لا داعي للقول أنك كنت تثمل |
I know you were drinking this morning. I saw you. | Open Subtitles | أعلم بأنك كنت تشربين الكحول في الصباح لقد رأيتك |
- the way you were drinking. | Open Subtitles | - بالطريقة الّتي كنتِ تشربين بها ? |
I'm sorry, I didn't know we were drinking before this meeting. | Open Subtitles | المعذره لم أعلم أننا كنا نحتسي الشراب قبل إجتماعنا هذا |
You know, Kimberly Sullivan said she and her brother were drinking wine the night he died. | Open Subtitles | تعرف,كيمبرلي سوليفان قالت انها و شقيقها كانا يحتسيان النبيذ في ليلة وفاته |
We were in the car, and we were, we were listening to music, and we were drinking and she was kissing me, and then, before you know it, she pulled out a bag of coke. | Open Subtitles | كنا في السيارة نستمع الى الاغاني وكنا نشرب الخمر ، وكانت تقبلني ثم ، وقبل ان اشعر بذلك أخرجت كيساً من الكوكايين |