And it turns out they have a lot more in common with Harvard that we thought, because none of them wants to do anything to do with us because our leadership sucks. | Open Subtitles | و اتضح ان لديهم كثير مشترك مع هارفارد اكثر مما ظننا لأنه لا يوجد ايا منهم يريد فعل اي شيء معنا |
God's tongue, it turns out, is an experimental, high-end hallucinogen this guys brews in his basement. | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان ذلك يعني عقار تجريبي مسبب للهلوسة يصنعه ذلك الرجل في قبو منزله. |
See it turns out, our friends at Homeland Security were curious about what was inside. | Open Subtitles | انظري اتضح ان أصدقائنا في الأمن الداخلي كانوا فضوليين عن ما بداخله |
So, uh... turns out that your golden egg theory was a little off. | Open Subtitles | اذا اتضح ان نظرية البيضة الذهبية خاصتك ليست صحيحة بعض الشئ |
turns out that it's some girl you dated on the east side, | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان هناك فتاة واعدتها في الجانب الشرقي |
I beat up a guy pretty bad and it turns out his brother was a cop. | Open Subtitles | لقد ضربت رجل بشكل سىء و اتضح ان اخاه شرطيا |
But it turns out the same error was made on properties going back seven years. | Open Subtitles | لكن اتضح ان هذا الخطأ ظهر ايضا على عقارات تعود الى سبع سنوات مضت |
it turns out my parents are visiting for the weekend. | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان والدي في زيارة لعطلة نهاية الأسبوع |
So Doctor, as it turns out, neither one of them was a placebo. Oops. | Open Subtitles | اذا ايها الطبيب اتضح ان لا واحدة منهم قطعة سكر خالص |
And it turns out those guys at the medical lab were right about those side effects. | Open Subtitles | و اتضح ان هؤلاء الشباب في المختبر الطبي كانوا محقين حول الأثار الجانبية. |
Well, it turns out having a felon in the family has finally caught up with me. | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان وجود مجرم في العائلة اخيراً اثر على مستقبلي |
it turns out that picturing me as a loser musician with a Vicodin addiction and a beat-up van | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان تخيلها لي وكأني موسيقي فاشل مدمن على الفايكودين و لدي عربة مهترئة |
Well, I would, um, but as it turns out, Lily Anne hates my guts. | Open Subtitles | حسنا , هذا ممكن لكن بما انه اتضح ان ليلي آن تكرهني من اعماقها |
it turns out, hypericin is the active ingredient in an organic supplement called Saint-John's-wort. | Open Subtitles | فقد اتضح ان الهيبرسين هو العنصر الفعال للامداد العضوي لنبتة تدعي جون روت |
Yeah, yeah, and how the woman I marry turns out that her sister is a real hooker. | Open Subtitles | نعم، نعم و المرأة التي تزوجتها اتضح ان اختها هي عاهرة حقيقية |
turns out that my old assistant wasn't filing the paperwork the right way. | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان مساعدى لم يملأ ورقة العمل بالطريقة الصحيحة أيؤدى ذلك الى مشكلة؟ |
And then I-I thought I saw you in the woods, but it turned out to be three evil versions of you. | Open Subtitles | و اعتقد اننى رأيتك فى الغابة و لكن اتضح ان هنالك ثلاث نسخ شريرة منك |
Yeah, Turns out the guy who built this place knew exactly what he was doing, and the pool was right where it needed to be the whole time. | Open Subtitles | أجل, اتضح ان الشخص الذى بنى هذا المكان كان يعرف ما يفعله والمسبح كان فى المكان الصحيح طوال الوقت |
Turns out your father got himself involved in a shady real estate deal several years ago. | Open Subtitles | اتضح ان والدك ورّط نفسه في صفقة عقارات مشبوهة منذ عدة سنوات |
And that didn't turn out to be such a great call. Well, speaking of calls. | Open Subtitles | و اتضح ان ذلك لم يكن قرارا رائعا |