Although Muhammad was initially reluctant to tell others about his experience a new revelation commanded him to make his message public. | Open Subtitles | وقد أمر محمد بأن يخبر الاّخرين عن تجربته فقد نزل الوحى اليه مجددا ليخبره بأمر ربه ليبوح علنا برسالته |
The divine revelation that Muhammad was preaching would later become known as Islam, which literally means "surrender". | Open Subtitles | الوحى القدسي الذى كان يوصي محمد أصبح معروفاً لاحقاً بـالاسلام والذي يعني بشكل حرفي الاستسلام |
I would know of what he spoke, towards revelation of where he secrets himself. | Open Subtitles | إننى أعلم ما قد قال بخصوص الوحى السرى الخاص به |
The months to come would bring more revelations... powerful words of a lyrical quality, more beautiful than the most exquisite Arabic poetry. | Open Subtitles | وبمرور الوقت كان الوحى يتنزل تباعا كلمات جبارة ذات جودة غير معهودة أكثر إشراقا وجمالا من كل الشعر العربى إجمالا |
She must have been astonishing in that she was the first person to accept the revelations. | Open Subtitles | لابد وأنها كانت مدهشة لأنها كانت الأولى فى قبول الوحى |
I'm going to turn my desert into glass, and glass is a commodity that you all need, for your elfin oracle mirrors, for your crystal palace, for the colorful glass beads that you keep buying for some reason. | Open Subtitles | سأحول صحرائي إلى زجاج و الزجاج سلعة تحتاجونها جميعا من أجل مرايا الوحى العفريتي خاصتك |
And it's quite clear that revelation - some of the prophets of Israel had this experience, too - is devastating. | Open Subtitles | ومن الواضح جداً ان الوحى لبعض أنبياء بنى إسرائيل كان تجربة مدمره أيضا |
And today, for the one and a half billion people all around the world who follow him, completely accepting his revelation defines what it means to be a Muslim. | Open Subtitles | واليوم بالنسبه لواحد ونصف مليار شخص حول العالم يتبعونه يقبلون بشكل كامل الوحى كشرط أساسى لتكون مسلم |
And yet, at the time of the first revelation at the Cave of Hira, | Open Subtitles | ورغم ذلك في هذا الوقت لأول الوحى بغار حراء |
Muhammad's first blinding revelation was followed by a long silence that threw him into complete crisis. | Open Subtitles | الوحى الأول والمبهر لمحمد تلاه صمت طويل ألقى به في أزمة كاملة |
She had been the first to recognise him as the Prophet of God and had been the first person he had turned to when confronted by the terrifying and bewildering experience of revelation. | Open Subtitles | كانت اول من اعترف به كرسول من الله وكانت الشخص الأول الذى إتجه إليه وقت ما واجه الفزع والحيرة فى تجربة الوحى |
The revelation that Muhammad received on the Mountain of Light was only the first of many that he would continue to receive for the rest of his life. | Open Subtitles | الوحى الذى نزل على محمد فوق جبل النور كان مرة واحدة من مرات عديدة من الوحى استمرت حتى نهاية حياته |
He used to say that I never once experienced a revelation without feeling that my soul had been torn from my body. | Open Subtitles | كان يقول دائما اننى لم اخض تجربة نزول الوحى إلا وأحسست وكأن روحى على وشك ان تخرج من جسدى |
After Muhammad received each revelation he would recite it to the people who were with him and they would pass it on to the community. | Open Subtitles | فى كل مرة كان ينزل الوحى على محمد كان عليه ان يقرأه لمن حوله من الناس وكانت مهمتهم ان يقوموا بنقلها الى المجتمع |
Muhammad received a clear new revelation that marked a dramatic departure from the past. | Open Subtitles | تلقى محمد الوحى مجددا بشىء دراماتيكى غير ما كان سابقا |
Then a revelation comes that says those who have been removed unjustly from their homes, and have been fought because of their religious beliefs are sanctioned to fight to defend themselves. | Open Subtitles | ونزل الوحى ليقول الذين أخرجوا من بيوتهم ظلما وعدوانا وتعرضوا للإعتداء بسبب معتقداتهم |
Later revelations would give women legal rights in marriage allow them to divorce, and protect their inheritance rights. | Open Subtitles | وبعد نزول الوحى لاحقا كانت المرأة قد حقوقها القانونية فى الزواج وسمح لهن بالطلاق وايضا حماية حقوقها فى الميراث |
Prophet Muhammad was a man, he was flesh and blood who brought one of the most eloquent revelations to mankind. | Open Subtitles | الرسول محمد كان نبيا من لحم ودم لقد كان الشخص الذى جلب الوحى للعالم |
The Book of revelations will be argued until the Apocalypse. | Open Subtitles | كتاب الوحى سيظل محل نقاش حتى سفر الرؤيا |
I mean, I like a speaking oracle as much as the next guy, but... I don't know, | Open Subtitles | ما أقصده أنا أحب أن يتحدث الوحى كما يحب من هم بجواري |
I come before the Oracles for guidance and direction. | Open Subtitles | لقد سألت الدخول ل لوسطاء الوحى العارفون |