Yeah, I understand that, Marvin, but I need you to understand that nobody in the media is gonna be willing to put themselves in harm's way. | Open Subtitles | حسنا ، انا اتفهم ذلك مارفن لكنني اريدك ان تفهم انه لا احد من الطاقم الصحفي سيرضى ان يضع نفسه في موطئ الاذى |
I don't like it either, but you don't want to understand. | Open Subtitles | أنا لا أحب ذلك ايضا، لكنك لا تريد ان تفهم |
Hastings, last thing I want is to hurt your feelings, but you have to understand that there is a considerable difference between military intelligence and normal intelligence. | Open Subtitles | هيستنجز, ان آخر شئ قد افعله هو ان اجرح مشاعرك ولكنك يجب ان تفهم ان هناك فارقا كبيرا بين الذكاء العسكرى و الذكاء العادى |
I wouldn't expect you to understand this, but she and I actually have a deep, intimate connection. | Open Subtitles | لم اتوقع منك ان تفهم ذلك هي و انا علاقتنا قوية و هناك اتصال حميم |
I'm gonna need you to understand what it is to... have your dignity, your self-respect, and make sure that other people respect you, too. | Open Subtitles | اريدك ان تفهم الامر و تحظى بـ كرامتك وان تتأكد من ان الاخرين |
But you have to understand, what you said to me... that there was a dark side of me... that I was more like Killer Frost than I knew... | Open Subtitles | لكن عليك ان تفهم ما اخبرتني به. انه يوجد جانب مظلم مني |
You have to understand, Mr. President, people have been doing things a certain way to survive. | Open Subtitles | عليك ان تفهم سيدي الرئيس الناس كانوا يفعلون اشياء بطريقّة معينة من أجل البقاء. |
You have to understand, the rest of us don't have lives, so yeah, it was a hot topic. | Open Subtitles | عليك ان تفهم بقيتنا لا يعيش حياته لهذا اجل كان عنوان مثير |
I don't expect you to understand. | Open Subtitles | انا لا انتظر منك ان تفهم او انكم قد تبادلتم الادوار بالفعل |
Look, I... really wanted to tell you guys about this yesterday, but you have to understand, if Sandy finds out that I did this... | Open Subtitles | اسمع ، انا حقا اردت اخباركم عن هذا يوم امس لكن عليك ان تفهم |
I said that I don't expect you to understand... meaning how difficult it was for me to arrest my father. | Open Subtitles | قلت لا اتوقعك ان تفهم المعني , مدي صعوبة ان اعتقل والدي |
But you have to understand that the only real future is right here. | Open Subtitles | لكن عليك ان تفهم بان المستقبل الوحيد الحقيقي هو هنا |
I need you to understand you are on the hook until you make it so that I don't have to lie for you anymore. | Open Subtitles | أريدك ان تفهم كنت على هواك الى ان علمت انا اذا لاينبغي عليا ان اكذب من أجلك |
I didn't want it to come to this, but you have to understand. | Open Subtitles | لمْ أُرد للأمر ان يكون بهذه الصورة ولكن عليكَ ان تفهم |
I need you to understand I have a family... and I've been working my ass off down here. | Open Subtitles | يجب ان تفهم أنه لدى عائلة وأبذل قصارى جهدى هنا بألاسفل |
It's important to look death in the face if you want to understand life. | Open Subtitles | من المهم ان تنظر للموت في وجهه اذا اردت ان تفهم الحياة |
But you have to understand why believing you might be difficult right now. | Open Subtitles | لكن عليك ان تفهم لماذا تَصديقك قد يكون صعب الان. |
You got to understand, this is just a minor setback, okay? | Open Subtitles | يجب ان تفهم , هذا فقط نكسة صغيرة , حسنا ؟ |
Larrieta Senor, we try to provide the most comfort , but you must understand that Señora Sofía suffered unfortunate accident. | Open Subtitles | سيد لاريتا نحن نفعل المستحيل من اجل راحتك لكن عليك ان تفهم ان الينيورا صوفيا تعرضت لحادثة خطيرة |