Does that mean that you're gonna tell him to take the case? | Open Subtitles | أيعني ذلك بأنكَ ستخبره بأن يقبلَ بالقضية؟ |
When are you gonna tell him that was my acting coach? | Open Subtitles | متى ستخبره أنّها كانت معلّمة التمثيل الخاصّة بيّ؟ |
You will tell him that I'm a businesswoman, that I've much to offer. | Open Subtitles | ستخبره أني سيدة أعمال لدي الكثير لأعرضه عليه |
Perhaps You'll tell him what I was unable to tell while I'm still alive... | Open Subtitles | ربما ستخبره بما لم أتمكن من قوله و أنا على قيد الحياة |
Are you still going to tell him about you-know-who? | Open Subtitles | -هل لازلت ستخبره عن أنت تعرف من ؟ |
And if another Mike shows up at tomorrow's practice willing to sacrifice everything in his life for this you're gonna tell him to ease off? | Open Subtitles | إن جاء ابني و رغب بتعريض كل ما في حياته للخطر من أجل هذا هل ستخبره بالإنسحاب ؟ |
His... his mom's not gonna tell him, and he's gonna wake up, and she's gonna tell him that it all went great, and he's gonna go home thinking that we did the surgery, | Open Subtitles | أمه لن تخبره وهو سيستيقظ وهي ستخبره أن كل شيئ جرى بشكل جيد |
You gonna tell him he's not Going to college or should i? | Open Subtitles | إذاً هل ستخبره انه لن يذهب للجامعة او علي انا اخباره ؟ |
You're gonna tell him everything went down just as you planned it. | Open Subtitles | ستخبره بأن كل شيء سار كما خططت له |
Well, are you gonna tell him or have I got to? | Open Subtitles | هل ستخبره أم سيكون عليّ أنا إخباره؟ |
Are you gonna tell him what's going on before he hears it from Kelly's dad? | Open Subtitles | هل ستخبره ما يجري قبل أن يسمعها من والد " كيلي " ؟ |
You will tell him that you were a stowaway on this ship and that you want to make your fortune in the fur trade. | Open Subtitles | ستخبره أنك كنت مسافر هارب بالسفينة وأنك تود جني ثروتك بتجارة الفراء |
You will tell him that he and his men will answer to me, because today I am king. | Open Subtitles | ستخبره ان يطيعني هو ورجاله لأنني اليوم انا الملك |
Promise me that you will tell him how we met and how you used to make me laugh. | Open Subtitles | عِدني بأنكَ ستخبره بكيفية لقائنا و كيف اعتدتَ إضحاكي |
So we're going to see him. And You'll tell him everything you need. | Open Subtitles | لذلك نحن ذاهبون لرؤيته وأنت ستخبره بكل شيء تريده |
And then when he shows up, You'll tell him the truth... what's on your mind? | Open Subtitles | وعندما يأتي ستخبره بالحقيقة -بماذا تفكر؟ |
And you were going to tell him this after you had a sticky bun? | Open Subtitles | وكنت ستخبره بهذا بعد أن تتناول الكعكة؟ |
You are going to tell him you have a buyer for his drugs. | Open Subtitles | ستخبره بأنه لديك مشترٍ لمخدراته |
A psychic once told my foster dad that she'd tell him his fate if he gave her his credit-card info. | Open Subtitles | طبيبة نفسية قالت مرة لزوج أمي أنها ستخبره بقدره إذا أعطاها معلومات بطاقته الائتمانية |
Listen. When Frederick grows up, will you tell him what Lilith did to you? | Open Subtitles | اسمع,عندما سيكبر فريدريك هل ستخبره بما فعلت لليلث لك؟ |