because you were right... I don't belong here. And neither do you. | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت محقّة لا أنتمي لهذا المكان ولا أنت أيضاً |
Oh, okay, then you're a contortionist, bro, because you were in there alone. | Open Subtitles | إذًا أنت مهرّج يا صاح، لأنّك كنت بالداخل بمفردك. |
I could have been killed and you would have done nothing because you were sitting next door, taking cocaine. | Open Subtitles | كدت أتعرض للقتل وأنت لم تحرك ساكنًا لأنّك كنت جالس في الغرفة المجاورة تتعاطى الكوكايين. |
because you were hateful. You denied me the freedom to love. | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت مقيتًا، وحرمتني من حرّيتي لأحبّ. |
And that's probably why we never hung out after that,'cause you were embarrassed that I saw that. | Open Subtitles | ولهذا على الأرجح لم نعد نتسكع بعد ذلك، لأنّك كنت مُحرجا لأنني رأيت ذلك. |
This isn't happening because you're not willing to be a killer; it's happening because you were one. You're right. | Open Subtitles | هذا لا يحدث بسبب كونك تأبى الغدوّ قاتلًا، بل لأنّك كنت قاتلًا. |
He said your game was weak because you were too cautious. | Open Subtitles | لقد قال بأن لعبتك كانت ضعيفة لأنّك كنت حذرًا على نحوٍ زائد |
No, it wasn't a coincidence, because you were always following me around. | Open Subtitles | كلاّ، لمْ تكن مُصادفة، لأنّك كنت تتبعني دوماً. |
I capped Libby because you were too selfish to do it yourself. | Open Subtitles | لقد أجريت عملية سدادة عنق الرحم لليبي لأنّك كنت أناني جداً ولا تريد فعل ذلك بنفسك. |
1942, you almost pushed me off the rails again because you were so damn needy. | Open Subtitles | كدت عام 1942 تفقدني السيطرة مجددًا لأنّك كنت بحاجة ماسّة للاهتمام. |
because you were looking at other people's pain for what it could do for your own career. | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت تبحث في ألم الأخرين عن شيء قد يفيد مسيرتك المهنية. |
That was the moment I realized you were the perfect girl for me because you were just as crazy as I was. | Open Subtitles | عندئذٍ أدركت أنّك الفتاة المثاليّة لي، لأنّك كنت مجنونة بقدري. |
because you were scared shitless and you're scared now. | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت مرعوباً و لا تزال كذلك الآن. |
because you were an arrogant bastard who skated through life without a care in the world, getting everything you wanted from anyone you needed! | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت وغدٌ مغرورٌ لعين يجوب العالم دون أيّ اهتمام .. ويحصل على كلّ ما يريده من أيّ شخص |
You've done things, things that you'll never forgive yourself for, because you were protecting me, but I'm the one who gets to decide whether I need anyone's protection. | Open Subtitles | إنّك فعلت أمورًا لن تسامح نفسك عليها لأنّك كنت تحميني لكنّي صاحبة القرار ما إن كنت بحاجة لحماية أم لا. |
You did it because you were a child with two parents, but you were still very lonely. | Open Subtitles | فعلت ذلك لأنّك كنت طفلا بأبوين، ومع ذلك كنت وحيداً جدّاً. |
because you were 300 pounds in high school. | Open Subtitles | لأنّك كنت تزن 300 رطل أيام المدرسة العليا |
Well, believe me or not... I did what I did because you were bleeding the company dry. | Open Subtitles | سواء صدّقتِني أم لا، فعلت ما فعلت لأنّك كنت تستنزفين موارد الشركة. |
I left my expensive flat because you were too proud to live there, remember? | Open Subtitles | لقد غادرت شقّتي لأنّك كنت فخورا بالعيش هناك، أتذكر؟ |
You think I handled this differently because you were in here? | Open Subtitles | أتظنّني تعاملت مع الموقف بشكل مختلف لأنّك كنت بالدّاخل؟ |
You'd fight me and have temper tantrums, and I'd have to stay up all night'cause you were sick. | Open Subtitles | كنت تقاتلني لمّا تأتيك نوبة غضبك و كان عليّ البقاء مستيقظة طوال الليل لأنّك كنت مريضًا |