A heroin addict glorifying his disease and recruiting other users? | Open Subtitles | مدمن هيروين يمجد مرضه و يقوم بتجنيد مستخدمين آخرين ؟ |
I already saw my father spend years of his life fighting his disease. | Open Subtitles | رأيت كيف كان والدي يقضي سنوات من حياته يكافح مرضه |
- He has a serious medical condition-- it's a good bet he's headed somewhere proximate to a doctor who specializes in his disease. | Open Subtitles | ماذا؟ حالته الصحية خطيرة احتمال كبير أنّه يتجه لمكان ما قريب من طبيب متخصّص في مرضه |
I submit his disease's remission was less miracle and more professional courtesy. | Open Subtitles | أرى مغفرة مرضه كان أقل معجزة وأكثر ملاطفة مهنية |
It was Andrew Beckett who lied about his disease to his employers. | Open Subtitles | الذي كذب هو ، أندرو باكت بالنسبة لمرضه مع أرباب عمله |
Toward the end, Arthur knew that his disease could steer him wrong sometimes. | Open Subtitles | نحو النهاية آرثر عرف بأنّ مرضه يمكن أن يقوده بشكل خاطئ احيانا |
I'd like to fudge the paperwork a little bit, keep him around longer, and teach him how to manage his disease. | Open Subtitles | أريد أن أزيد العمل الورقي قليلاً أبقه هنا فترة أطول وأعلمه كيف يتعامل مع مرضه |
My greatest concern has always been your husband's unwillingness to honestly accept his disease. | Open Subtitles | أكبر مخاوفي كان عدم رغبته بصراحة على تقبل مرضه |
But you may also tell him that his disease is a reminder of his own mortality! | Open Subtitles | ولكن قل له أيضا هذا مرضه عبارة عن تذكير بفناءه |
Probably because of the brittle bones, because of the... his disease. | Open Subtitles | من المحتمل أن السبب هو هشاشة العظم و التي سببها مرضه |
Like a patient passively letting his disease hold sway. | Open Subtitles | مثل المريض الذي يسمح بشكل سلبي مرضه أن يسيطر عليه. |
As for Mr. Nakrash's statement regarding his state of health, he has not claimed that his disease is life-threatening or that necessary medical treatment is not available in the Syrian Arab Republic. | UN | أما فيما يخص بيان السيد نقرش المتعلق بحالته الصحية، فهو لم يقل إن مرضه يهدد حياته أو أن العلاج الطبي اللازم غير متاح في سوريا. |
As for Mr. Nakrash's statement regarding his state of health, he has not claimed that his disease is life-threatening or that necessary medical treatment is not available in the Syrian Arab Republic. | UN | أما فيما يخص بيان السيد نقرش المتعلق بحالته الصحية، فهو لم يقل إن مرضه يهدد حياته أو أن العلاج الطبي اللازم غير متاح في سوريا. |
Other than the fact that his disease was sucking the life out of him, no. | Open Subtitles | عدا أنّ مرضه كان يسرق حياته منّه كلاّ |
That instantly cures him of his disease. | Open Subtitles | و ذلك شافاه على الفور من مرضه |
his disease made him aware of the frailty of life. | Open Subtitles | مرضه جعله يدرك.. وهن الحياة. |
Starts with the incredible story of his disease. | Open Subtitles | تبدأ بحكاية مذهلة عن مرضه |
He kept growing despite his disease. | Open Subtitles | إستمر بالنمو رغم مرضه |
How debilitating his disease was. | Open Subtitles | كيف المنهكة مرضه كان. |
He, uh, failed to see his disease for what is it. | Open Subtitles | فشل في رؤية مرضه على حقيقته |
And now they want to pretend that his disease does not exist. | Open Subtitles | والآن يريدون التظاهر بأنه لا وجود لمرضه |