Oh, yes, he could be charming. He had his ways. | Open Subtitles | نعم ، يمكن أن يكون مذهلاً كانت لديه طرقه |
And, gentlemen, the evidence is in front of your very eyes because it takes a very strong man to realise and admit the error of his ways. | Open Subtitles | الادله في اعينكم لانه يتطلب رجل قوي جدا لكي يدرك ويعترف بأخطاء طرقه |
You are the one who will renounce his ways, my dutiful do-gooder. | Open Subtitles | أنت الشخص الذي سيترك طرقه يا فاعل الخير المطيع |
You think Kabir will forsake his ways for his old loves story. | Open Subtitles | تظن أن كبير سيتخلى عن أساليبه لأجل حبه القديم |
A real pig-headed old bully, absolutely set in his ways. | Open Subtitles | عجوز عنيد حقاً حريص على أسلوبه |
And remember that, if you can win the national medal except his ways "weak" This | Open Subtitles | وتذّكري أنه ما أمكنك الفوز بالميدالية الوطنية إلا بأساليبه "الضعيفة" هذه |
He owed me his life, which is why I trusted him when he said he had changed his ways. | Open Subtitles | والمستحقة لي حياته، والذي هو السبب في أنني وثقت به عندما قال انه قد تغيرت طرقه. |
He puts himself on this list to show his girlfriend that he's serious about changing his ways. | Open Subtitles | إنه يضع نفسه على تلك القائمة لكي يبين لصديقته بإنه جاد حيال تغيير طرقه. |
He trained me in his ways, he even let me get married to his daughter. | Open Subtitles | دربني على طرقه ,حتى أنه سمح لي بالزواج من إبنته |
You know, if your friend doesn't correct his ways, he's going to hell. | Open Subtitles | إذا كان صديقك لا يصحح طرقه أنه سوف يذهب إلى الجحيم |
After killing the Witch of the East, they decided to have the pure in heart kill me, but now, even the Wizard knows the error of his ways. | Open Subtitles | بعد قتل ساحرة الشرق قرروا أن يجعلوا صافية القلب تقتلني ولكن الآن حتى الساحر يعرف خطأ طرقه |
The individual needs to be touched in some manner as to... convince him of the error of his ways before he can hurt other people... | Open Subtitles | الأمر يحتاج تصرفاً للمس الحاجات الفردية الضّرورية في بعض مبادئي مثل إقناعه بخطأ طرقه قبل أن يتمكن من أن يؤذي أناس آخرين |
He sees into our hearts and searches them, to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings. | Open Subtitles | فهو يرى ما في قلوبنا ويسبرها ليعطي كل امرئ بحسب طرقه وبحسب ثمار أعماله |
Will you question your father's understanding or doubt his ways? | Open Subtitles | هل ستختبر فهم أبيك أو تشك فى طرقه ؟ |
Mr. Belikov has his ways. Just go see him. | Open Subtitles | لدى السيد (بيليكوف) طرقه الخاصة اذهب لرؤيته فحسب |
[Ariq] But there are some in Karakorum who fear that our Khan is becoming too Chinese... too cultured in his ways. | Open Subtitles | [Ariq] ولكن هناك بعض في قره قوم الذين يخشون أن لدينا خان أصبح أيضا الصينية... مثقف جدا في طرقه. |
And yet our mother has made such a compelling argument that even he, the wildest of us Mikaelsons, has seen the error of his ways and accepted his new form with vigor. | Open Subtitles | ومع ذلك حققت أمنا مثل حجة مقنعة أنه حتى أنه، في أعنف منا Mikaelsons، شهد الخطأ من طرقه و تقبل له شكل جديد بقوة. |
It seems he has indeed changed his ways. | Open Subtitles | يبدو فعلاً أنّه غيّر أساليبه |
Your daddy, he has his ways. | Open Subtitles | إنّه والدُك، لديه أساليبه |
And I have honoured his ways and his people ever since. | Open Subtitles | وكرمت أسلوبه وشعبه منذ ذلك الحين |
You can win the national medal (his ways are these, my (Babita | Open Subtitles | يمكنك الفوز بالميدالية الوطنية (بأساليبه هذه يا (بابيتا |