الكلمات و العبارات الإنجليزية الأكثر شيوعا في مجامع النصوص العربية-الإنجليزية (664301-664400)
- 157101. sustained economic growth for
- 157105. annual population growth
- 157109. pro-poor growth and
- 157113. global model united nations
- 157117. new alternative approaches
- 157121. voluntary approach
- 157125. nuclear renaissance
- 157129. of programmed outputs
- 157133. kind of activity
- 157137. consider the document
- 157141. consideration of the reports of states
- 157145. consideration of the implementation of the convention
- 157149. consider the outcome
- 157153. consider this information
- 157157. constitutional and legislative systems that
- 157161. the major legal systems
- 157165. of language skills
- 157169. primary functions of
- 157173. minor engineering tasks
- 157177. principal task
- 157181. the organization in the area
- 157185. the two organizations in the
- 157189. social and cultural benefit
- 157193. methodologies used in
- 157197. of migrants by individuals
- 157102. economic growth and reducing poverty
- 157106. strong growth of
- 157110. of growth in the
- 157114. of the committee's final
- 157118. programme approach and national execution
- 157122. of the human rights-based approach
- 157126. advancement of the status
- 157130. general type
- 157134. consideration of the basic adaptation
- 157138. consider some
- 157142. consider making voluntary contributions
- 157146. consideration of all the
- 157150. consider the outcome of
- 157154. the national statistical systems
- 157158. constitutional and legislative systems that fail
- 157162. of national judicial systems
- 157166. of professional skills
- 157170. specific functions set out in
- 157174. functions and resources
- 157178. who are marginalized
- 157182. the organization in that
- 157186. social perspective
- 157190. benefits derived from the programme
- 157194. appropriate methodologies
- 157198. of migrants by individuals or
- 157103. rapid urban growth
- 157107. balanced growth
- 157111. the cooperative model
- 157115. of the strategic approach in
- 157119. evolutionary approach
- 157123. integrated approach to the
- 157127. advancement of the status of
- 157131. the kind referred to above
- 157135. consideration of the basic adaptation of
- 157139. consideration of some of the
- 157143. considering a report
- 157147. consideration of a draft resolution contained
- 157151. consideration of the scope
- 157155. ecosystems that provide essential services
- 157159. and applications of global navigation satellite systems
- 157163. global financial systems and
- 157167. administrative and support functions
- 157171. the above tasks
- 157175. was important to recognize
- 157179. outside occupation or employment is permitted by
- 157183. of the organization and with
- 157187. a gender perspective within
- 157191. benefits derived from the programme by
- 157195. of the new methodology
- 157199. of migrants by individuals or groups
- 157104. real growth in
- 157108. anticipated growth
- 157112. current model
- 157116. the alternative approach
- 157120. cautious approach
- 157124. only approach
- 157128. chamber of deputies on
- 157132. type of immunity
- 157136. consider the need for
- 157140. examining the reports of states
- 157144. consideration of those issues
- 157148. to examine the admissibility
- 157152. consideration of this issue in
- 157156. state systems
- 157160. legal orders
- 157164. of migrants in countries
- 157168. the key tasks
- 157172. the functions assigned to it
- 157176. was important to address
- 157180. professional and social
- 157184. of the two organizations to
- 157188. benefits derived
- 157192. proposed new methodologies
- 157196. methodology used for
- 157200. indonesian migrant