It was a moment, you know, one of many for him. | Open Subtitles | كانَت لحظةً، تعلمين، من بين الكثير منَ اللحظات بالنسبة لَه |
I want to take away whatever's most important to him. | Open Subtitles | أُريدُ أن أحرمَهُ من أي شيء مُهِم بالنسبةِ لَه |
Isaac made you Marshall for a reason, and if you're good enough for him, you're good enough for me. | Open Subtitles | إسحاق جَعلَك مارشال لسبب وإذا كنت جيد بما فيه الكفاية بالنسبه لَه أنت جيد بما فيه الكفاية بالنسبه لي |
Wait, do you think it's possible that Barney Stinson has a girlfriend? | Open Subtitles | لكن الآن، انا لا اعرف. انتظر هل تظن انه من الممكن ان بارني ستنسون لَه صديقة؟ |
Look at this. This spinach has hair on it. | Open Subtitles | إنظر إلى هذا هذا السبانخِ لَه شعر عليه |
It's just kind of amazing how he always just knew what he wanted and never took his eyes off the prize. | Open Subtitles | إنه لَشيءٌ رَائع كيف لَه دائمًا أن يعرف ما كان يريده . وَلَم يُشيح بِنَظره عن الهدف |
It's been kind of obvious for the past couple months now... obvious to me, not him. | Open Subtitles | بَدَا ذلك واضحًا بعض الشيء في الأشهر القليلة الماضية .الآن .. واضحٌ لي , وليس لَه |
He'd come down and sit with me and we'd talk, while he ate the breakfast that I made for him. | Open Subtitles | فيَنْزل ويَجْلس مَعي و نَتكلّم سويّاً بينما يأَكل الفطور الذي أعددتُ لَه |
Parliament has now voted to make him supreme in all matters spiritual as well as temporal. | Open Subtitles | كمَا تعلَمين، البرلمَان علَى وشك أن يجَعل السَلطه لَه في المَسائل الروحَيه، وكَذلك الدنَيويه |
I do not say that I have always borne towards him the humility which I owed him considering his kindness and the great honour he showed me and the great respect he always paid me. | Open Subtitles | لا أقول بأني كنت دائما أتحمل في سبيله التَواضِع ألذِي أدِينَه لَه بِالنَظر لرِحمَته وكَرمِه العَظِيم ألذِي أظهَرهَ لي |
We give thanks for the reign of the king's grace and we ask God's blessing on him and on his people. | Open Subtitles | نُعطي الشُكر لِسماحَة حُكم المَلك ونَطلب من الله أن يُبارك لَه وَعلى شَعبِه |
Now I fear he will take another since I must be careful for the sake of the child and not let him enjoy his conjugal rights. | Open Subtitles | أخشَى بِأنَه سيَتخِذ أُخرى إذ لابُد لي تَوخِي الحَذر لمَصلحَة الطِفل وعَدم السمَاح لَه بالَتمتُع بحِقِوقه الزَوجِيه |
It is natural for a man when his wife is big with child and not willing to lie with him to find some temporary consolation elsewhere. | Open Subtitles | هذَا طَبيعِي لِلرجل عندما تكون زوجته حاملاً، ولَيس مُستعِد لِلِكَذب معَها لِيجِد لَه مُواسَاة مُؤقتَه في مَكان آخَر |
And I said to him before that if I ever showed the least sign of ingratitude for his great generosity, he should just throw me out of the tower altogether. | Open Subtitles | قُلت لَه من قَبل لو أظهَرت أقَل عَلامة لِلجحود لِسخائه الكَبير، يجِب علَيه أن يُلقِيني مِن القَلعَه كُلياً |
And I desire Almighty God to preserve and defend the king's majesty and to send him good counsel. | Open Subtitles | وأنَا أطلُب عظَمة الله لِلحفَاظ والدِفاَع عَن فخَامة المَلِك ولإرسَال لَه مُستشَار جيِد |
I beg you earnestly to pray for the king and tell him I died his good servant but God's first. | Open Subtitles | أتَوسَل إليكم جِدياً أن تُصلِو لِلملِك وقِولو لَه |
I will ask God to put him from his eternal light. | Open Subtitles | أطلُب مِن الله أن يضَع لَه الضِوء الأبَدي |
And obviously my family is in a position to help and assist him which is what we are determined to do. | Open Subtitles | والَواضِح أن عاَئِلتي قَادِره علَى تَقدِيم المَساعَده لَه وهَذا مَانحنَ عاَزمِون علَى القِيام بِه |
This matter of the validity of his Majesty's marriage can only be decided by the curia which has not yet reached its conclusion. | Open Subtitles | هَذِه المَسألَه فَخامتُه لَه صَلاحِية الزَواَج لايمُكِن إلا أن تحُسم بِعشِيرتِه التي لم تَصِل بَعد إلى نتِيجه |
and the man dropping the deuces here has the best shot of getting it there. | Open Subtitles | والرجل الذي أسقط الشياطين هنا لَه أفضل طلقةِ لجعله صحيحاً |
The tape would have been his last memory of his mother, so he kept it for himself. | Open Subtitles | آخر ذِكرى لَه مِن والدَته، لِذَى إحتَفظَ بها لنفسه. |