he was released on 24 January and removed to Ingushetia. | UN | وأفرج عنه في ٤٢ كانون الثاني ونقل إلى إنغوشيتيا. |
he was released on 20 September 1990 upon completion of his term. | UN | وأفرج عنه في 20 أيلول/سبتمبر 1990 بعد أن أمضى مدة عقوبته. |
However, still being a minor, he was released without penalty. | UN | بيد أنه كان لا يزال قاصراً وأفرج عنه بدون عقوبة. |
According to the Prosecutor, Rajic was tried, acquitted and released. | UN | ووفقا لما ذكره المدعي العام، فإن راييتش حوكم وبرئت ساحته وأفرج عنه. |
Dr. Mubarak Ahmad was previously detained and released on several occasions. | UN | وقد سبق أن احتجز الدكتور مبارك أحمد وأفرج عنه مرات عديدة. |
He was accused of illegal border crossing and was released after paying a fine. | UN | وقد اتهم باجتياز الحدود بصورة غير شرعية وأفرج عنه بعد أن دفع غرامة. |
he was released with the help of his party and went to India for several months. | UN | وأفرج عنه بمساعدة حزبه وذهب إلى الهند لعدة شهور. |
he was released after a long discussion among the soldiers in charge of the operations. | UN | وأفرج عنه بعد محادثات مطولة بين العسكريين الذين كانوا يتولون تنفيذ العملية. |
he was released without charge and granted political asylum in Canada in 1992. | UN | وأفرج عنه دون توجيه تهم له، ومنح اللجوء السياسي في كندا في عام ١٩٩٢. |
he was released on bail pending his appeal to the High Court, which was dismissed on the basis that he had voluntarily pleaded guilty. | UN | وأفرج عنه بكفالة في انتظار البت في طلبه استئناف الحكم أمام المحكمة العالية، الذي رفض على أساس أنه أقر طوعاً بالجرم. |
he was released on 5 March 1996 following interrogation. | UN | وأفرج عنه في 5 آذار/مارس 1996 عقب استجوابه. |
he was released as no evidence was found indicating his membership in these organizations. | UN | وأفرج عنه لعدم وجود أدلة تثبت عضويته في هذه المنظمات. |
During this period, only one local staff member was detained, and he was released four days later at the Mission's request. | UN | فأثناء هذه الفترة، لم يحتجز سوى موظف واحد، وأفرج عنه بعد أربعة أيام بناء على طلب البعثة. |
he was released against bail after a hearing by a local court. | UN | وأفرج عنه بكفالة بعد أن استمعت إليه محكمة محلية. |
His sentence was reduced on appeal and he was released. | UN | وقد خفضت عقوبته عند الاستئناف وأفرج عنه. |
In November, a journalist was killed in Abidjan and another was kidnapped and released by unidentified individuals. | UN | وفي تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر، قُتل صحفي في أبيدجان وخُطف آخر وأفرج عنه من قبل أفراد مجهولين. |
According to the Prosecutor, Rajić was tried, acquitted and released. | UN | واستنادا إلى المدعي العام، فإن راييتش حوكم وبرئت ساحته وأفرج عنه. |
According to the Prosecutor, Rajić was tried, acquitted and released. | UN | واستنادا إلى المدعي العام، فإن راييتش حوكم وبرئت ساحته وأفرج عنه. |
Seyed Amin Ibrahim Ali was reportedly arrested on 10 June 1998, detained in Al-Qalá and released days after his arrest. | UN | ويزعم أن سيد أمين إبراهيم علي ألقي عليه القبض في 10 حزيران/يونيه 1998 واحتجز بالقلعة وأفرج عنه بعد توقيفه ببضعة أيام. |
47. In 2006, an individual was arrested and convicted to one year imprisonment on charges of terrorist-related activities, and was released in February 2007, upon the completion of his term. | UN | 47 - وفي عام 2006، اعتُقل شخص وحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة عام بتهم تتعلق بأنشطة ذات صلة بالإرهاب، وأفرج عنه في شباط/فبراير 2007 عند انتهاء مدة عقوبته. |
he was reportedly released on the same day after prominent residents of his village intervened. | UN | وأفرج عنه في نفس اليوم بعد تدخل شخصيات بارزة من قريته. |
I looked into the background of our drug buyer and he was convicted of drug possession but he was released from jail on a technicality. | Open Subtitles | نظرت بسجل سوابق مشتري المخدرات وكان مُدان بحيازة المخدرات وأفرج عنه من السجن بسبب ثغرة فنية |
He was charged with drug-related offences and later released on bail. | UN | واتهم بارتكاب جرائم متصلة بالمخدرات وأفرج عنه بعد ذلك بكفالة. |