
    "having died" - ترجمة من انجليزي إلى عربي

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    It added that it is estimated that about 18,600 persons were killed or disappeared, the rest having died as a result of conflict-related illness or hunger. UN وأضاف أنه يُقدر أن قرابة 600 18 شخص قُتلوا أو اختفوا، فيما لقت البقية حتفها نتيجة لمرض له صلة بالنزاع أو نتيجة للجوع.
    However, 111 of these early listings no longer appear, some having died and some having changed their behaviour. UN ومع ذلك فهناك 111 من هذه البنود المدرجة لم تعد تظهر والبعض توفّي والبعض غيَّر سلوكه.
    Half Puerto Rican, half Irish, she was raised by her father, her mother having died at childbirth. Open Subtitles نصف بورتوريكي, نصف آيرلندى هي قد أُعتنى بها من قِبل أبيها أمها ماتت بعد ولادتها
    The AIDS pandemic had introduced a new phenomenon, that of households headed by children, their parents having died of AIDS. UN وأضافت أن وباء الإيدز أحدث ظاهرة جديدة، وهي ظاهرة الأسر المعيشية التي يرأسها أطفال مات والداهم بالإيدز.
    Some prisoners who were apparently violently beaten when they were held in the cells are reported as having died shortly after arrival in prison. UN وفي بعض اﻷحيان كان السجناء يتعرضون للضرب المبرح أثناء وجودهم في الزنازين، وقد توفى بعضهم بعد وقت قليل من وصولهم إلى السجن.
    Based on the available information, the Panel considers that the number of wading birds that can reasonably be confirmed as having died is less than 1,000. UN ويرى الفريق، استناداً إلى المعلومات المتوفرة، أن عدد الطيور المخوِّضة التي يمكن أن يؤكَّد أنها نفقت يقل عن 000 1.
    In 1998, a total of 588,000 people were recorded as having died in a variety of conflict areas. UN ففي عام 1998، بلغ إجمالي عدد القتلى في مناطق الصراع المختلفة 000 588 شخص.
    I think it has to do with many of my cousins having died in the last war. Open Subtitles أعتقد أن له علاقة مع العديد من أبناء عمي بعد أن لقوا حتفهم في الحرب الأخيرة.
    In many of the cases reported, three common elements were identified: the presentation of civilian victims as having died in combat, the alteration of the scene of the crime by its perpetrators, and the investigation of the facts by the military criminal justice system. UN وفي العديد من الحالات المُبلغ عنها، حُددت ثلاثة عناصر مشتركة: تقديم الضحايا المدنيين على أنهم توفوا أثناء القتال، وتغيير الجناة لمسرح الجريمة، وتحقيق نظام العدالة الجنائية العسكرية في الوقائع.
    It was unacceptable that at least 70 women were recorded as having died of battery at the hands of their husbands or partners; it underscored the urgency for the Government to address the problem of violence against women. UN وقالت إن من غير المقبول أن تسجل وفاة 70 امرأة على الأقل من جراء ضرب أزواجهن أو رفقائهن لهن؛ وذلك يشدد على الحاجة المستعجلة لأن تعالج الحكومة مشكلة العنف ضد المرأة.
    A preliminary estimate of the value of assets destroyed is US$ 40 million, while 309 employees have lost their jobs and one of them since then having died. UN وتدل التقديرات اﻷولية على أن حجم اﻷصول المدمرة يبلغ ٤٠ مليون دولار من دولارات الولايات المتحدة، بينما فقد ٣٠٩ موظفين عملهم، وتوفي أحدهم في وقت لاحق.
    Last night, Cherevin mentioned something about his son having died. Open Subtitles الليلة الماضية، Cherevin المذكورة شيئا عن ابنه بعد أن توفي.
    He was very hostile, refused to help in any way, and then he later left the drug rehabilitation centre and was found having died from a drug overdose. Open Subtitles وعثر عليه ميتاً بجرعة زائدة من المخدرات اعتقد ان "جيسون" كان "كبش الفداء" لانه لم يكن هنا *المقصد يتحمل وزر الآخرين*
    He said no to having died recently, No to having a dead identical twin, Open Subtitles ،لقد قال : "أنه لم يمت مؤخراً "ولا يملك تؤأماً متماثلاً
    Proceedings in respect of action ultra vires against two officers have been dropped, one having died in the meantime and the other having benefited from an amnesty. UN Proceedings in respect of action ultra vires against two officers have been dropped, one having died in the meantime and the other having benefited from an amnesty.
    Two inmates were listed as having died of " natural causes " . UN وأدرجت وفاة اثنين من السجناء في قائمة الوفيات التي حدثت " لأسباب طبيعية " .
    ... before the commencement of the Constitution, was married to a person entitled to citizenship under Section 99 of the Constitution, or, a person who but having died before the commencement would have been a citizen - even if the marriage had terminated by death or dissolution before such commencement. UN كانت متزوجة، قبل إعلان الدستور، بشخص يحق له الحصول على المواطنة بموجب البند 99 من الدستور، أو بشخص كان سيصبح مواطناً إلا أنه قد توفي قبل إعلان الدستور - حتى إذا كان الزواج قد انتهى بالوفاة أو الحل أو بحل رباط الزوجية قبل هذا الإعلان.
    The complainant asserts that he witnessed torture being inflicted on other detainees, such as Zoussef Bouthelja and Moncef Zarrouk, the latter having died in his cell on 13 August 1987 as a result of the ill-treatment to which he had been subjected. UN ويؤكد صاحب الشكوى أنه كان شاهداً على عمليات تعذيب تعرض لها سجناء آخرون، مثل يوسف بوثلجة ومنصف زروق، وقد لقي هذا الأخير حتفه في زنزانته يوم 13 آب/أغسطس 1987 بسبب ما تعرض لـه من معاملة سيئة.
    It is estimated that about 18,600 persons were killed or disappeared, the rest having died as a result of conflict-related illness or hunger. UN It is estimated that about 18,600 persons were killed or disappeared, the rest having died as a result of conflict-related illness or hunger.
    He was very hostile, refused to help in any way, and then he later left the drug rehabilitation centre and was found having died from a drug overdose. Open Subtitles كان عنيداً جداً رفض المساعدة بأي طريقة "بعدها خرج من مركز "إعادة التأهيل المخدرات وعثر عليه ميتاً بجرعة زائدة من المخدرات

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