"حصل له" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • got him
    • happened to it
    • he got
    • happened to him
    • He had
    • happens to him
    • 's happening to him
    • has happened to
    • he experienced while
    • had an
    • became of him
    An elite defense attorney got him exonerated for a recent drug charge. Open Subtitles محامي دفاع مرموق حصل له على البراءة في تهمة مخدرات حديثة
    He did a stretch for grand theft auto, among other things, and get this... the high-priced lawyer who got him his plea was paid for by none other than Carmine Falcone. Open Subtitles ،قضى فترة عقوبة لسرقة سيارات من بين أمور أخرى، وأسمع هذا المحامي باهظ الأتعاب الذي حصل له على الإلتماس
    And this poison, what happened to it after the bet, it was won? Open Subtitles و ذاك السم . ماذا حصل له بعد كسب الرهان ؟
    Like, how bad he got after you went off to school. Open Subtitles مثلُ, مدى السوء الذي حصل له عندما ذهبتِ الى المدرسة
    Djamel Saadoun became the victim of enforced disappearance, since no information was subsequently given to his family on where he was detained or what had happened to him. UN وأصبح جمال سعدون ضحية اختفاء قسري نظراً إلى عدم تزويد أسرته بعدئذ بأي معلومات عن مكان احتجازه أو عما حصل له.
    That's what got him there in the first Place. Open Subtitles هذا ما حصل له هناك في المقام الأول.
    That's what got him in this mess in the first Place. Open Subtitles وهذا هو ما حصل له في هذا الفوضى في المقام الأول.
    There's still some things I'm wondering about, though, like how you got him to give up the code. Open Subtitles في العمل. ما زال هناك بعض الأشياء وأنا أتساءل عن، الرغم من ذلك، مثل كيف حصل له للتخلي عن التعليمات البرمجية.
    Side by side, until the rebs got him at kernstown. Open Subtitles جنبا إلى جنب، حتى rebs حصل له في Kernstown.
    All he wanted to know was the truth, and look where it got him. Open Subtitles كل ما أراد هو معرفة الحقيقة, وانظر ماذا حصل له.
    His lawyer got him in front of a judge on an expedited bail hearing. Open Subtitles محاميه حصل له جلسة امام القاضي وخرج بكفالة
    I know what happened to it. Open Subtitles أنا اعلم ما حصل له.
    I don't know what happened to it. Open Subtitles لا أعلم ماذا حصل له.
    he got frustrated and burned my hand with his cigarette. Open Subtitles حاول والدي تعليمي كيفية نحت الخشب حصل له أحباط و حرق يدي بسيجارته
    This is our fourth. The first one, he got rashes. Open Subtitles هذا الرابع لدينا في الطفل الأول حصل له طفح جلدي
    Djamel Saadoun became the victim of enforced disappearance, since no information was subsequently given to his family on where he was detained or what had happened to him. UN وأصبح جمال سعدون ضحية اختفاء قسري نظراً إلى عدم تزويد أسرته بعدئذ بأي معلومات عن مكان احتجازه أو عما حصل له.
    Abdicating will be the best thing that's ever happened to him. Open Subtitles التنازل عن العرش سيكون أفضل شيء . قد حصل له قط
    He had an accident walking in the woods last winter. Open Subtitles لقد حصل له حادث عندما كان يمشي في الغابة خلال الشتاء الماضي
    If something happens to him, you're gone, right? Open Subtitles إن حصل له مكروه , فستموت , أليس كذلك ؟
    What's happening to him? He suffered a concussion, and it looks like it's causing his brain to rewire sections that were previously damaged. Open Subtitles حصل له إرتجاج في المخ ممّا أدّى إلى إعادة ربط بعض القطاعات التي تلَفت من قبل
    I... I'm not the only person that this has happened to. Open Subtitles أني لست الشخص الوحيد الذي حصل له هذا الأمر ..
    9.3 With regard to the complainant's claims that he risks imprisonment in Uzbekistan and that imprisonment would inevitably be followed by ill-treatment and torture, as he experienced while in prison between 2005 and 2008, the Committee must evaluate whether there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be personally in danger of being subjected to torture upon return to his country of origin. UN 9-3 وفيما يتعلق بادعاءات صاحب الشكوى أنه سيتعرض للسجن في أوزبكستان وأن سجنه سيفضي لا محالة إلى إساءة معاملته وتعذيبه مثلما حصل له في السجن في الفترة ما بين عامي 2005 و2008، يجب على اللجنة أن تقيّم ما إذا كانت هناك أسباب حقيقية تدعو إلى الاعتقاد بأن صاحب الشكوى سيتعرض شخصياً لخطر التعذيب لدى عودته إلى بلده الأصلي.
    So this is what became of him. Open Subtitles إذن هذا ما حصل له.

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