He can't detonate a bomb with a bullet in his brain. | Open Subtitles | لا يستطيع أن يفجر القنبلة حين يصاب برصاصة في دماغه |
It's a cluster of tangled blood vessels in his brain. | Open Subtitles | عباره عن مجموعه من الاوعيه الدمويه المتشابكه في دماغه |
Every minute we wait to break up the clot in his brain increases the odds of his paralysis becoming permanent. | Open Subtitles | كل دقيقه ننتظرها لنقطع الجلطه التي في دماغه تزيد من احتمالات ان الشلل يصبح دائم. |
So now... he can't find them in his head. | Open Subtitles | لا يمكنه العثور عليهم في دماغه. |
They put a pacemaker in his brain and drilled holes into his head. | Open Subtitles | وضعوا جهاز منظّم في دماغه وحفروا حفرتين في دماغه |
He has classic symptoms of a severe epidural bleed. Every minute, the pressure is building up in his brain. | Open Subtitles | لديه أعراض إتباعية لنزيف فوق الجافية في كل دقيقة الضغط سيتراكم في دماغه |
Last notes say that the doctors had to put him in a coma until the swelling in his brain subsides. | Open Subtitles | اخر الملاحظات تقول ان الاطباء كان عليهم ان يضعوه في غيبوبة حتى يهدا التورم الذي في دماغه |
The accident caused damage to a weak spot in his brain. | Open Subtitles | سبّبَت الحادثة ضرراً في بقعة ضعيفة في دماغه |
Yes, and an MRI confirmed that fibers in his brain had been severed. | Open Subtitles | نعم,و بعد إجراء رنين مغناطيسي تأكد قطع ألياف في دماغه |
I'm treating one child with multiple tumors in his brain, and another little girl has an optic glioma which is causing her blindness. | Open Subtitles | أنا أعالج طفلًا مصابًا ،بعدة أورام في دماغه وفتاة صغيرة أخرى مصابة بورم دبقي والذي يتسبب بعماها |
A bullet in his brain | Open Subtitles | رصاصة في دماغه هل رايت هذا؟ هذا القط يدخل المرحاض |
I made him a zombie when I poured acid in his brain. | Open Subtitles | لقد جعلته زومبي عندما سكبت الأسيد في دماغه. |
If you look at Thursday's work, you'll see he had some impressive spikes in his brain activity. | Open Subtitles | إن نظرت لفحص الخميس سترى أنه كان لديه نشاط مفاجئ في دماغه |
He would've wanted you to care about him before someone put a bullet in his brain. | Open Subtitles | كان ليريدك ان تهتمي بامره قبل ان يضع احدهم رصاصة في دماغه |
I heard there was a guy here with worms in his brain. | Open Subtitles | سمعتُ أنّ لدينا رجلاً مصاباً بدودةٍ في دماغه |
Her brother was admitted last night with parasites in his brain. | Open Subtitles | لقد أدخل شقيقها البارحةَ مصاباً بطفيلياتٍ في دماغه |
I can't in good conscience Let them go poking around in his brain. | Open Subtitles | لا استطيع بضمير حي واسمحوا بدس حول لهم بالرحيل في دماغه. |
Your friend Mitch Morgan has my bio-drive in his head. | Open Subtitles | (صديقك (ميتش مورغان يحمل رقاقتي في دماغه |
The Mind Palace, it's like a whole world in his head. | Open Subtitles | (قصر الذاكرة) وكأن عالمًا بأكمله في دماغه |
And I don't have to wait for results to know that guy's coked out of his brain. | Open Subtitles | و لا يتوجب علي انتظار النتائج لأعرف أن هذا الشخص يتعاطى الكوكايين ويؤثر في دماغه |
Don't act like I'm uptight if I'm not cool with my boyfriend snorting drugs into his brain! | Open Subtitles | لا تتصرف مثل أنا عصبي إذا أنا لا تبرد مع صديقي الشخير المخدرات في دماغه! |
He went to the Front to fight, and as for his so-called cowardice... that were like a wound in battle, a wound to his brain, so he didn't know what he was doing. | Open Subtitles | وذهب للجبهة ليقاتل, وبالنسبة لجبنه المزعوم لقد كان ذلك بسبب إصابة في المعركة, إصابة في دماغه فلم يكن يعلم ما كان يفعله |
There's nothing wrong with the brain and we must do everything in our power to preserve his life. | Open Subtitles | ليس هناك شيء في دماغه ويجب علينا أن نفعل كل شيء في وسعنا للحفاظ على حياته |