"ما يعرفون" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • what they know
    • they knew
    Yeah, I'm gonna have to reach out to some people, see what they know. Open Subtitles أجل، عليّ التواصل مع بعض الناس وأري ما يعرفون
    I want to know what they know, and more importantly, what they're saying to the cops. Open Subtitles أريد أن أعرف ما يعرفون و الاهم من ذلك ما الذي يقولونه للشرطة
    Theoretically, knowing what we know and knowing what they know, we should be able to work together to shut them down again. Open Subtitles من الناحية النظرية ، مع وجود ما نعرفه و معرفة ما يعرفون هم ينبغي أن نكون قادرين على العمل معا لإغلاقها مرة أخرى
    It's about knowing what they know, controlling what they know. Open Subtitles انه متعلق بمعرفة ما يعرفون التحكم بما يعلموه
    They told me they had proof that people who had been taken were in greater danger than they knew. Open Subtitles لقد أخبروني أن لديهم اثبات أن الناس الذين أُخذو أخطر من ما يعرفون ، فعتقد أني أساعد
    I'll talk to local up there, see what they know. Open Subtitles سأتحدّث للشرطة المحليّة هناك، وأرى ما يعرفون.
    We're waiting for them to come out so we can raid the place and see what they know. Open Subtitles إنّا ننتظرهم ليخرجواْ كي نتمكّن من مداهمةِ المكان ونرى ما يعرفون.
    But you got to tell me exactly what they know and who else they have told, and nobody has to die tonight. Open Subtitles لكن يجب أن تخبرني ما يعرفون و من أخبروه به و لن يمت أحد الليلة
    Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got'em by the balls. Open Subtitles عندما تحصل على كل شخص متفقاً مع ما يعرفون في قلوبهم أنه غير صحيح ، سيصبحوا كالكرات
    I'll put a call in to Narcotics... see what they know. Open Subtitles سأتصل بقسم المخدرات... لأرى ما يعرفون بشأنه
    Sooner or later, we'll know what they know. Open Subtitles عاجلاً أم آجلاً سنعرف ما يعرفون
    what they know about suicide terrorists? Open Subtitles ما يعرفون من الإرهابيين الانتحاريين؟
    If writers write what they know. Open Subtitles إذا كان الكتاب يكتبون ما يعرفون
    See what they know. Open Subtitles انظروا ما يعرفون.
    I think it's clear what they know. Open Subtitles أعتقد أنه من الواضح ما يعرفون
    I want to find out what they know. Open Subtitles أريد أن أكتشف ما يعرفون
    If Dan were to have a message for them, I would hope that he would tell them to do what they know is right in their hearts. Open Subtitles إن كان لـ(دان) رسالة لهم، سآمل أن يخبرهم أن يفعلوا ما يعرفون أنه صواب من قلوبهم
    They just code what they know. Open Subtitles لكنهم يبرمجون ما يعرفون
    Castle and I will go to his place of work and see what they know there. Open Subtitles سأذهب أنا و(كاسل) لمكان عمله، ونرى ما يعرفون هُناك.
    We don't know what they know. Open Subtitles نحن لا نعرف ما يعرفون
    But I had no idea how many people were involved or how much they knew or what they intended to do with you. Open Subtitles لكن ليس لديّ فكرة كم عدد الناس المتورطين... أو مقدار ما يعرفون... أو ما يعتزمون القيام به معك

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