"وتخبره" - Translation from Arabic to English

    • and tell him
    • and tell them
    • You tell him
    • tell him that
    • and you tell
    --Couldn't you just fly back and tell him you couldn't find me? Open Subtitles فأنا جبان ألا يمكنك أن تعود إليه وتخبره بأنك لم تجدنى؟
    Look, I'm gonna need you to call him and tell him he has to come in to, to fill in for someone. Open Subtitles أسمع، أود منك الإتصال به وتخبره بأن عليه القدوم، لكي يحل محل أحدهم.
    Yeah, you can just come right up and tell him that personally. Open Subtitles نعم، بإمكانك أن تأتي إلى هنا وتخبره بذلك شخصياً.
    Are you gonna look that person in the eye and tell them that they were irrelevant? Open Subtitles أستنظر في عين ذلك الشّخص وتخبره أنّ رقمه كان لا صلة له؟
    You tell him to put you back on the list. He'll understand. Open Subtitles وتخبره ان يضعك مرة اخري علي القائمة وهو سيتفهم الأمر
    I think you just have to be honest with him and tell him that you would love to be his best man, but it's obviously just not worth the risk. Open Subtitles أعتقد أنت فقط يجب ان تكون صريح معه وتخبره انك تحب ان تكون اشبينه لكنه صراحة لايستحق المخاطرة
    All you have to do is look in there and tell him he's got bum sperm. Open Subtitles كل ما عليك القيام به هو أنْ تنظر هنا وتخبره أنّ حيواناته المنوية غير صالحة.
    And you can gently put your arms around that half-breed son of yours and tell him it was a good thing, what he did, killing one for the Skitter team. Open Subtitles ويمكنك وضع ذراعيك بأناقة حول النصف إبن خاصتكم وتخبره أنا ما فعله كان شيئاً جيداً
    and tell him what, that I-I'm not a dangerous sociopath, just your friendly neighborhood "Looney Tunes"? Open Subtitles وتخبره, أنني لست خطر اجتماعياً, وأنني فقط كاصدقائك حيّك الودودين?
    No, the one where you had to fire your friend, but you said the best way to do it was just look him in the eye and tell him the truth. Open Subtitles القصة عندما إضطررت لطرد صديقك قلت أن أفضل طريقة لفعلها هو أن تنظر مباشرة في عينيه وتخبره الحقيقة
    Don't you want to go home tonight and tell him that you're a good man? Open Subtitles ألا تريد أن تذهب الليلة وتخبره بأنك رجلٌ صالح؟
    You can tell Dad the truth, or you can join me and Becky and tell him it's a conference. Open Subtitles بإمكانك ان تخبر اباك الحقيقة او يمكنك ان تنضم لي وبيكي وتخبره ان هذا مؤتمر
    why don't you go upstairs and tell him about the monsters under his bed,'cause he's got to know the truth, right, comrade? Open Subtitles وتخبره عن الوحوش الموجوده اسفل سريره لانه يجب ان يعلم الحقيقه , رفيقي
    Or you can call your boss and tell him to shut down his operation. Open Subtitles أو بوسعك أن تخبر رئيسك وتخبره أن يوقف عمليته.
    Maybe you should call him and tell him. Unless there's too much bad blood between you. Open Subtitles لربما يجب أن تتصل به وتخبره ، ما لم يكن هناك الكثير من علاقة الدم الفاسد بينكما
    Why don't you call your son and tell him what's on your mind what's keeping you awake all night? Open Subtitles لماذا لا تتصل بابنك وتخبره بما يدور في عقلك والذي يجعلك مستيقظا طوال الليل ؟
    Listen, I just need you to go up there and tell him what is going on! Open Subtitles اسمع،أريد فقط ان تصعد هناك وتخبره مايحدث
    Either you go in there and tell him the truth, or I will. Open Subtitles انظر , إما ستذهب إلي هناك وتخبره بالحقيقة
    You know, if you wanted, you could go up to one... and tell them what happened to your arm. Open Subtitles أتعلم ,اذا أردت يمكنك الذهاب الى أحدهم وتخبره ما حدث لذراعك
    You're gonna go to Needlebaum You tell him there's been a big misunderstanding. Open Subtitles وتخبره انه يوجد سوء تفاهم كبير
    You go to the bank associate and you tell them you want to access security box 4587. Open Subtitles ستذهب لموظف تنسيق المصرف وتخبره أنك تريد الولوج للصندوق المؤمن 4587.

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